Godly Student

Chapter 4029: Cheng Yu's Terrorist Means!

"Do you think I have any choice?" Deacon Xue said helplessly.

What he is most worried about now is not to go to the Baiyang dynasty, but what way Cheng Yu will use to restrict him.

"Deacon, what should we do now? Then we really want to stay here? Will Cheng Yu kill us?" Some people said in fear.

"I can't see through Cheng Yu at all, and I don't know what he wants. But if he really wants me to lead the way for them, I will find a way to keep your lives!" Deacon Xue looked at these people, He said.

No matter what, these people have been with themselves for so long.

If they leave, they are really killed, it is really uncomfortable.

So if he can save these lives, he is still willing to fight for it.

And he feels that he can still do this, no matter what, Cheng Yu still needs him after all. In this case, this is his value. As long as there is value, then he is qualified to talk about conditions.

"Thank you deacon, but will Cheng Yu agree?" Everyone was happy, if Deacon Xue was willing to help them, this would be the best thing.

"I think he will agree!" Deacon Xue said confidently.

"Deacon Xue, in this case, then you simply tell Cheng Yu that if you are going to Baiyang's foreign dynasty, bring us!" Someone came out and said.

"Yeah yeah! Deacon Xue, you asked Cheng Yu to take us, and we will return to the DPRK together!" Someone suddenly became excited when he heard this proposal.

Without Deacon Xue here, they have no sense of security.

Moreover, if Deacon Xue left, even if the Cheng family had killed them, no one would know. They were certainly afraid.

In their eyes, this time Deacon Xue returned to Bai Yang, this time, maybe he would never return.

They also hope that they can return to the Baiyang dynasty, and they are definitely not staying here.

"I'm afraid that's impossible. Didn't you hear what Cheng Yu said just now?" Deacon Xue shook his head.

"What did you hear?" Everyone wondered.

"Since Cheng Yu is going to enter the Baiyang foreign dynasty, he will definitely need an identity token. However, this identity token can't be counterfeited at will, so Cheng Yu wants to bring people into the Baiyang foreign dynasty. Can take your identity token. "Deacon Xue said.

"Take our identity token? How can we go back to the future?" Everyone was surprised.

"Do you think you still have a chance to go back now? Of course, if they can all come back alive, presumably they will return the tokens to you. However, I am afraid they will not have this ability!" Deacon Xue said.

"But ... if we don't have this identity token, even if we escape here later, there is no way to go back!" Someone said worriedly.

Although they are indeed imprisoned by Cheng Yu now, they also have their own dreams.

Maybe after Cheng Yu and they left with Deacon Xue, would they have a chance?

If they don't have the token, they will be useless even if they escape. If you do not have an identity token, even if you are in the Baiyang dynasty, not only will you not be able to enter the dynasty, but others will not recognize their identity.

"So what? Cheng Yu wants to take your identity token, can you not give it?" Deacon Xue said lightly.

I now say that these are meaningless at all. They are now trapped here, so whether they are alive or dead, Cheng Yu can get their identity token.

这 "This ... is it really impossible for us to leave here again?" Everyone said unwillingly.

"To leave, maybe there are only two possibilities!"

"Deacon, what are two possibilities?" Everyone asked expectantly.

"The first possibility is that the Baiyang dynasty or the dynasty came to destroy the Cheng family. In this case, everyone is naturally saved.

As for the other possibility, then the other way round, unless Cheng Yu destroys the dynasty, but this possibility is simply impossible.

Therefore, if we want freedom, we must at least wait until the Cheng family is destroyed by the dynasty. But I was a little worried. Before the Cheng family was destroyed, Cheng Yu might not be able to wait to kill us. Deacon Xue sighed.

Although he may leave Cheng's house after a while, take Cheng Yu with them to Baiyang.

Alas, he was not happy at all, maybe it was time for him to die.

"This ... with Deacon Xue, shouldn't the Cheng family kill us?" Someone said worried.

"I? After a while, I may not even be able to save my life. Where can I keep you?" Deacon Xue shook his head, looked at the distance, and looked helpless.

"How can this happen? Deacon Xue, this time you return to the foreign dynasty, this is the best opportunity. As long as you take them to the foreign king or elder Leng, they are not dead yet?"

If they were arrested by Cheng Yu, wouldn't Deacon Xue rescue us? "Someone said with a smile.

"You think too simple, wouldn't Cheng Yu be such a stupid person? He can unify the cultivation world and develop the secular world to where it is today. Would he not even consider this?

Moreover, he has said just now that he is not worried that I will turn against the water outside Baiyang. why? This shows that he must have some powerful means.

So even if I took them into the Baiyang dynasty, he would not worry that I would betray them! Deacon Xue saw it through.

Although he has only been in contact with Cheng Yu for such a while, he has deeply felt Cheng Yu's horror.

In addition to Cheng Yu's unpredictable strength and meticulous thoughts, this time Bai Yang's trip to the North will not be so simple.

But there is no doubt that this operation is extremely dangerous.

Cheng Yu inquired about Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. Knowing that Bai Yang's foreign dynasty was so powerful, he still insisted on sneaking into Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, which shows that Cheng Yu must have his own hole cards.

Therefore, this time he helped Cheng Yu sneak into Baiyang's foreign dynasty.

"Can't the foreign king still take Cheng Yu?" Someone wondered.

"Even if I return to the foreign dynasty, do you think I can meet the foreign king? As for the elder Leng, I don't think it will be Cheng Yu's opponent." Deacon Xue said.

"No, I heard that Elder Leng's strength is very powerful, even more powerful than several principal elders." Someone said.

"Although I haven't played against Elder Leng, when I just met with Cheng Yu, I already felt a sense of despair. But this kind of breath I never felt in Elder Leng.

Elder Leng may have a hint of breath, but I always feel that even the elders of the seven principals may not be Cheng Yu's opponent. "Deacon Xue said.

"No, this Cheng Yu is so strong? Can only the foreign king deal with him?" The crowd said incredulously.

Although Cheng Yu's shot just made them unable to resist, but the principal elders of Bai Yang's dynasty seemed to have such a powerful ability.

Therefore, they do not think that Cheng Yu has become so strong.

"This is the best result. I'm afraid that all foreign kings may not be able to deal with him. That is the worst. And have you forgotten them?" Deacon Xue pointed at the three-body giant not far away. Said the ape.

"Another beast? Deacon Xue, do you think Cheng Yu will bring the alien beast to Baiyang?" The crowd looked at the three giant apes and was shocked.

"Why not? Or why would Cheng Yu be so confident? And they obviously have such a powerful helper, why not bring them?" Deacon Xue looked at the three giant apes with envy.

If he could also get the help of such a strange beast, where would he get to where he is today?

I was defeated by the stone wolf at the beginning, so he was defeated by the Cheng family.

Without this wild ancient monster, Cheng Yu is not worldly, it would be the best time for him to destroy Cheng's family.

"But if such a big guy is brought around, wouldn't he easily reveal his identity?"

"Who knows? Maybe he didn't plan to bring the alien beast into Baiyang's outer dynasty? It's okay to stay outside the dynasty!" Deacon Xue said.

执 "Deacon Xue, it is said that this strange beast only exists in the dead domain. Why does Cheng Yu have a strange beast? Did Cheng Yu have also entered the dead domain?" Someone looked at the three giant apes and asked in wonder.

"It's not impossible, but what makes me wonder is that those beasts in the dead are all terrible and horrible, and it is impossible to obey people.

But the two strange beasts of the Cheng family are just like beast pets ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ This is so obedient, it is really confusing! "In fact, this has always been something that Deacon Xue couldn't figure out.

"Deacon Xue, isn't this a strange beast at all?" Someone wondered.

After all, many people have never heard of a strange animal before, even if some people have heard of it, they have never seen it.

"There is nothing wrong, because I have seen something like this in the Dead Zone. I'm sure this is definitely a strange beast! Even the ancient beasts cannot have such a terrifying atmosphere!" Deacon Xue said .

"This is strange, since this is really a strange beast, is there any mysterious means for Cheng Yu to conquer these strange beasts?"

"If this is the case, then I may be really dangerous!" Deacon Xue suddenly seemed to think of something, and his face became extremely difficult to look.

"Deacon Xue, what do you mean?" Everyone was puzzled.

"If you think about it, this Cheng Yu can make all the monsters so terrifying, obey him. What do you think he will do to me when we go to Baiyang? Control me.

Even these terrifying beasts have become so docile in front of him. Do you think I can still resist him or betray him?

Moreover, this must be a means to make people lose their senses, and even impossible to recover! Deacon Xue thought of this, and his whole body was shaking a little.

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