Godly Student

Chapter 4055: Here comes the pillow!

"Deacon Xue, is this the residence of the foreign king?" In a hidden corner, a group of people stared at a huge mansion in front of the right.

"Exactly, but the house of the foreign king is heavily guarded and there are many experts. If we rush in, we are afraid that there will be a lot of movement.

Once the other principal elders are also attracted, this becomes a chaotic battle and it is even more difficult to succeed. "Deacon Xue said.

"Then you have any better way to catch the foreign king?" Cheng Yu asked.

"This ... To be honest, I have only been to the Wangfu Mansion a few times, so I don't know the situation inside the Wangfu Mansion." Deacon Xue said a little distressed.

"Then have you noticed where there are no guards or less guards?" Cheng Yu asked.

"I really don't know this. I also said just now. I've been to the palace several times in total. Where can I find out? However, there are matrix formations all around the palace. "Deacon Xue said.

"Master, it looks like we can only break through." Chen Ruiyang said.

"This is not okay. If you make a fortune, what's the difference between it and the direct war with the entire foreign dynasty?" Feng Yi advocate said.

They worked so hard, naturally, not for hard break. What's more, what is the risk of making a fortune? Of course, he is not willing.

"Hard break is a last resort, so don't worry, think of other ways first." Cheng Yu said.

He believes that this should not be his only choice. Unless there is really no other way, then you can only break through.

"But if we don't force it, unless we wait for the foreign king to leave the mansion himself!" Chen Ruiyang said.

"That is impossible. It is almost impossible for the foreign king to leave the house, unless it is called by the dynasty or something significant happens in the dynasty.

And in recent years, even major foreign affairs have been handed over to Elder Leng to deal with, and even hardly show up.

For so many years, I have seen the foreign king leave the mansion, and even leave the foreign dynasty, because of the call of the dynasty! Deacon Xue explained.

"Leaving the foreign dynasty? Master, if this foreign king can be led out of the foreign dynasty, like the Jiaotang master, then this matter will be much simpler!" Dongfang Heyan brightened before and said to Cheng Yu.

"Deacon Xue has just said that unless it is a dynasty's call, it is impossible to let the foreign king leave the foreign dynasty. We haven't even seen a few people in the dynasty. How can we forge a calling book to call the foreign king?" Cheng Yu shook his head. Although this is a good way, it can't be done at all.

If he had ever seen the dynasty's summons, it would still be possible to imitate counterfeits, but unfortunately, they never had the opportunity.

"Don't Deacon Xue know? Let Deacon Xue forge a dynasty summons book." Dongfang Heyan pointed at Deacon Xue.

"I can't do this. I am also a little deacon in the foreign dynasty. In the foreign dynasty, there are almost tens of thousands of such young deacon. I can see the summons like the dynasty." Deacon Xue shook his head. .

Although it is not easy to be a deacon compared to millions of people facing the outside world, power is also extremely limited.

Something as advanced as the Dynasty Summon Book, let alone that he is just a deacon. Even the church owner, or even the guardian, may not be able to see it.

So let him fake the summons of the dynasty, isn't that foolish dreaming?

"Since there is no way to fake the dynasty's summons, then we can use the message directly. Anyway, no one will doubt the truth!" Feng Yiheng said.

"Although the oral message can be faked, the identity of the messenger cannot be forged. Do you know what the dynasty's summons are? What identity tags do they have?" Ji Zhengyang retorted.

"That being said, there is really no way to use the dynasty to draw a foreign king!" The crowd was disappointed.

If the foreign king could be led out of the dynasty, it would certainly be much easier to accomplish.

Now he was hiding in the palace of the foreign king. Once something happened, he would soon bring in the other elders of the principal. By then, naturally, all the masters of the foreign dynasty came over.

However, they wanted to kill or catch the foreign king in the palace silently and silently, which seemed impossible.

After all, for the entire foreign dynasty, the strength of the foreign king was the strongest.

As for how strong the foreign king is, they do n’t know, but they believe that even if the foreign king ’s strength is not as good as their Lord ’s, it ’s not too weak.

It's never easy to kill or catch someone like this, especially if you don't alarm others, it's even more difficult.

"Deacon Xue, even if the foreign king doesn't leave the foreign king's house, and all the affairs are left to the cold elder to handle on his behalf, but this cold elder should often come here to see the foreign king, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't the cold elder cover the sky with one hand, and could the foreign king be kept in the drum? Cheng Yu asked.

"It is true that Elder Leng often enters and exits foreign palaces. In fact, it is not just Elder Leng that several other principal elders can also enter and leave the palaces freely.

Moreover, Elder Leng was able to handle only the things that the foreign king had confessed, and not all the affairs of the entire foreign dynasty were handled by Elder Leng.

Otherwise, wouldn't the other seven principal elders have no real power? Moreover, the seven principal elders can come and go as they please, which means that Elder Leng cannot dictate abroad.

If it arouses the dissatisfaction of other principal elders, they can sue the foreign king at any time, then the cold elder can't eat and walk away! Deacon Xue explained.

"Well, in this way, this foreign king of Baiyang is not so simple." Cheng Yu nodded.

If the foreign king only believes in Elder Leng, or even only elder Leng can see the foreign king, it will inevitably pose a great threat to foreign control.

Although this foreign king usually does not participate in the handling of various affairs, in fact, the eight elders are hindering each other, and no one should think of dictatorship.

As long as any one person causes dissatisfaction with others, they can always find his foreign king to intervene at any time, without being controlled by a single person.

As a foreign king, he basically controls nothing but the overall situation of the foreign dynasty.

Of course, it is estimated that he would go to practice to improve his strength. As long as he has sufficient strength, even if the chief elders want to rebel, he can still reverse the situation with absolute strength.

Just so, Cheng Yu was a little worried.

This foreign king is doing this, I am afraid that the strength is really very strong, and not an ordinary master.

If he wants to catch each other alive, it is difficult to succeed.

"Listening to you, it is almost impossible for anyone other than these elders to enter the foreign palace at will?" Cheng Yu asked again.

"Yes, with the exception of the eight elders and the people in the palace, it is really impossible for anyone to enter and leave the palace at will. Even elders other than the principal elder do not!" Deacon Xue nodded.

"Master, if this is the case, we want to enter the palace, either by impersonating the palace or by catching a chief elder!" Chen Ruiyang said.

"Grab a principal elder?" Cheng Yu frowned.

"Yes, it is much easier to catch a subject elder than to catch a foreign king. Not to mention the young master's strength, presumably it is not difficult to catch a subject elder!" Dongfang Heyan said.

"Then I really want to thank you for watching. We can't enter the Foreign Prince's House now. Do you think the houses of other principals and elders can easily enter?

What's more, no matter how strong I am, I still can't catch a principal elder instantly. As soon as this matter went out, it would be even more difficult for us to want to enter the foreign palace! "Cheng Yu said angrily.

"Hehe, the master is angry, it's old and confused!" Dongfang Heyan smiled awkwardly.

It has been a while since Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu's strength is unfathomable, and even gave him an illusion of omnipotence, so he came up with such an idea.

However, if you think about it, although this Baiyang foreign dynasty can't be compared with the dynasty, it can become a chief elder, and it seems that it is really difficult to capture it calmly.

"Instead of catching a principal elder alive, I think it's better to catch a man from a palace. There is definitely a lot of people in the palace.

With so many lives, there will always be people who need to go out to work? "Situ Dehai said.

"That being said, I just don't know when someone will come out of the palace. If we don't come out for a few days, then we can't always wait here, right?" Chen Ruiyang said.

"Look! Isn't anyone coming out?" But at this moment, everyone suddenly lighted up, and a subordinate came out of the house.

"It seems that it really helps me." Cheng Yu was also a little excited, it was really dozing to send a pillow, it was too timely.

"Master, I'll get him." Chen Ruiyang said.

"Are you sure there is no problem?" Cheng Yu asked ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Rest assured Master, I am definitely not sure, but for such a small role, I am not sure, then this age is not a dog What? Chen Ruiyang said confidently.

"It's no problem for you to do this, but don't let other people discover it. In addition, make quick decisions and get people here, I will take care of myself!" Cheng Yu thought for a while and brought so many people with him. It's impossible to do everything yourself, and it should be a little room for them to play.

"Rest assured, Master, come here when you're old!" Chen Ruiyang followed the man in the palace.

"Master, is he really okay?" Deacon Xue was a little worried.

Compared with Cheng Yu, he is really uneasy about others.

"Let's just wait here, I believe he shouldn't be in trouble!" Cheng Yu didn't know if the old guy could get it done.

Although this is not a big deal, the main thing is not to be discovered by others or to make any noise!

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