Godly Student

Chapter 4056: Mix into the palace!

Compared to other forces, although Baiyang's foreign dynasty is only an external dynasty of the dynasty, its strength is definitely far beyond other forces.

However, no matter how powerful Bai Yang's dynasty is, it is impossible for everyone to be so powerful.

The entire foreign dynasty has almost 800,000 troops, which does not mean that these 800,000 people have reached the post-Mahayana period, it just means that these people have certain combat capabilities.

Moreover, in fact, the total number of foreign dynasties is not limited to these 800,000 people, plus many low-level disciples and subordinates, the number of foreign dynasties has already exceeded one million.

What's more, Chen Ruiyang is the ancestor of the Chen family. People of this level of strength, even though there are many more of these dynasties, are also limited, and it is impossible to be full.

The man who came out of the foreign palace was obviously just a man dressed up. With Chen Ruiyang's strength, he wanted to catch him.

Of course, the results did not disappoint Cheng Yu. It didn't take long for Chen Ruiyang to return with that person.

It's just that this person has passed out. Otherwise, if you see so many people, you probably don't need to hit the head and start to faint yourself.

"Master, people brought it!" Chen Ruiyang laughed, as if there was a suspicion of inviting merit, which made some other families somewhat dissatisfied.

"Very good, leave it to me!" Cheng Yu grabbed the man and was taken directly into the fairy tower.

It wasn't the first time that everyone saw Cheng Yu using the fairy magic tower to collect money, but every time he saw such a magic weapon, he was still very envious.

Nowadays in the human world, it is difficult to see the magic weapon of space. Even if some people have it, the space is very small and pitiful. It can only be used as a storage space.

However, the biggest difference between a space magic weapon and a storage magic weapon is that it can store living things, while the storage space can only store dead things.

And like Cheng Yu's fairy demon tower, there is a space magic weapon with huge space inside, which is definitely the dream of many monks.

However, it didn't take long for Cheng Yu to suddenly change his appearance, which was the appearance of the arrested subordinate.

"Now I'm going to mix in the palace. For the sake of safety, you all enter our magic weapon." Cheng Yu said to everyone.

"Everything is subject to the master's arrangement!" Chen Ruiyang and others believed that Cheng Yu could not harm them, so there was no objection to this.

As for Deacon Xue, Cheng Yu had taken him in once before he set off, but only this time impressed him precisely because this time, his life was completely mastered by Cheng Yu.

So now I heard that he is going to enter his magic weapon again, and he is involuntarily afraid.

Fortunately, there were so many people going in together, which weakened his resistance.

Cheng Yu didn't let them know about Shanhetu, because there are too many secrets there, so he just took these people into the fairy tower.

There are all kinds of mysterious runes everywhere on the tower wall of the Immortal Tower, and you can see that it is quite simple.

It is the first time that the nine great family members have entered the fairy magic tower. Although they are curious about what these various runes are, no one dares to ask or dare to touch them.

Right here, they also saw the man who was arrested by Chen Ruiyang. But at this moment the man looked demented, with a little panic on his face.

Obviously, maybe it was not scared by Cheng Yu just now.

Deacon Xue seemed to sympathize with this a little bit, and felt a little more sympathetic to this person. However, it also made him understand that it would be uncomfortable to end up with Cheng Yu.

Therefore, he has to work harder to help Cheng Yu, hoping that Cheng Yu will one day let him be free and free from any control.

"These runes represent the different powers of the Seal Primordial. During this time, don't touch anything that shouldn't be touched. If the Seal **** away the Primal God, don't blame me!" When they were curiously looking at the space inside the fairy demon tower, Cheng Yu's voice came out suddenly, making everyone startled.

Of course, what is more frightening is what Cheng Yu said.

As soon as I heard that these various mysterious runes were able to seal the Primordial God, everyone was afraid to approach the tower wall.

They know that Cheng Yu's magic weapon can suppress many horrible masters. Now they seem to understand this magic weapon. Perhaps these runes are the secret to suppress those masters, because they can seal the Yuanshen.

Although these people are all his own, he still does not want these people to know the secret of the fairy tower, so he can only scare them by this method.

Just now he brought the man from the palace into the fairy demon tower, and Cheng Yu has already grasped the basic situation of this man.

His name was Xu Qing, and he was indeed a subordinate, but he was dedicated to the worship of Wangfu.

And he left the palace before to give a dedication to the palace to get a blind medicinal herb.

Now, he is going to pretend to be Xu Qing and enter the palace.

As a subordinate who often leaves the Wangfu office, entering and exiting the Wangfu palace has rarely been interrogated.

Xu Qing is just such a person. Like this kind of errand, he goes out to the palace almost every few days.

Therefore, when people at the gate of Wangfu Palace saw Xu Qing, they did not react at all.

Cheng Yu smoothly entered the palace, and his mind was relieved. This plan was indeed feasible. However, this palace is really big. If you do n’t understand the situation and want to find a foreign king, it is basically impossible.

Of course, Cheng Yu is not so stupid, really try it one place at a time.

Inside the fairy tower!

"Xu Qing! You can now see what's going on outside, tell me where the foreign king's residence is?" Cheng Yu's voice suddenly appeared in the fairy demon tower again, and everyone was startled again.

Especially when everyone was able to see what was going on outside, they suddenly felt that this was really amazing.

What made them even more surprised was that when they saw the outside scene, the current Lord is obviously in the palace.

However, Xu Qing, who had some dementias, suddenly froze and said, "This ... this ..."

"If you still want to live, let me find the foreign king quickly, otherwise, you don't even want to keep the bones!" Cheng Yu's voice came out again.

"I see. The residence of the foreign king is in the backyard of the palace. This is the first entrance. The backyard of the palace is after the sixth entrance. But the three, four, and five entrances are all enshrined in the palace. Entered the fifth entrance, but could not enter the sixth entrance! "Xu Qing said.

"Who can enter the Six Doors? Worship?" Cheng Yu asked.

"No, the enshrinement cannot enter the outer backyard without the permission of the foreign king. In the backyard, there are ladies living besides the foreign king, and the servants who are dedicated to the foreign king and husbands." Xu Qing said.

"Yes!" Cheng Yu probably understood that this palace is really quite strict, and each entering the courtyard has a strict identity level.

If you do not have the right identity, it is estimated that you cannot even enter the second door.

Fortunately, Xu Qing is an attendant dedicated to the royal palace, or an attendant dedicated to the Wujinyuan. He can directly enter the Wujinyuan, otherwise he can only hit the backyard.

If that's the case, what sense does it take them to enter the palace with so much effort!

Although he felt that the palace was very big when he entered the palace, but after Cheng Yu passed through the main entrance one after another, he really felt the hugeness of the palace.

For the people in the palace, even if they can only freely enter and leave the courtyard, they are much larger than ordinary palaces.

What's more, one side of the palace is a guest house courtyard and the other side is a garden. These are not restricted by status. The actual living space in the palace is huge.

Of course, for those who can enter other courtyards, the space of the palace is even greater.

Not only is the space huge, the scenery is extremely beautiful, more importantly, the guards inside are still very strict.

No matter where you go, you can see the guards visiting the palace.

When those subordinates saw these guards, I believe no one would dare to cross the border easily and go to some places they should not go.

Along the way, Cheng Yu encountered many patrolling escorts, but although Xu Qing was only a subordinate, maybe because of the frequent access to the palace, everyone seemed to know him, and none of them came forward to check his identity. It also made Cheng Yu a lot easier.

It is not only the priestly palace that has enshrines, but the residences of the other seven principal elders also have enshrinements, and even some of them have their own residences directly.

Of course, such offerings are generally quite extraordinary in strength, even stronger than the elders of the seven principal deputies.

However, such offerings are only a few, after all, and basically only obey the orders of the foreign kings, even the elders of the seven major deputies can ignore them.

Although such an enshrined status is honorable, they do not have the same power as the principal elder, and he will not intervene in matters outside and inside, and has no power to intervene.

According to this Xu Qing's words, although the three, four and five entered the hospital, all of them lived in the offerings, but the strength and status of the offerings naturally increased.

In particular, the enlightenment of Wujinyuan ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I heard that the enshrine strength here is comparable to that of the seven principal elders.

More importantly, there are more than a hundred such offerings here.

Bu Chengyu's goal is the foreign king, and he has no interest in these offerings. If the foreign kings were arrested, these offerings would be useless.

What's more, these offerings are all powerful masters they found from under the sky, that is to say, they are not actually foreigners or dynasties.

If they really find that Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is irrevocable, it may be possible to lose his life, even if they directly turn against the water, it is very likely.

Therefore, Cheng Yu's most important thing now is to find a way to enter the backyard.

However, to enter the backyard, you have to find another qualified person.

"Xu Qing, what are you shaking there? Did you get the herb I wanted?" Just as Cheng Yu stood in Wujin Courtyard and stared at Liujin Gate, a voice suddenly entered Cheng. In Yu's ear!

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