Godly Student

Chapter 4057: Damn offering?

"Su worshipped, I have already taken the medicine." "Xu Qing" saw the person and said quickly.

Cheng Yu had already asked about it, and he had given the empty enchantment to a dedication called Su Yuan.

Although Cheng Yu has not seen this offering, Cheng Yu has already understood this person's identity after hearing his words.

"Not yet fast!" Su Yuan said impatiently.

"Yes!" Xu Qing quickly took out an empty mysterious grass.

"Is it a century-old empty mysterious grass? I didn't expect you to have some patience. This is a reward for you!" Xu Qing.

Baiyang is so large that it is certainly impossible to have only one medicine garden. Naturally, a medicine garden that can be picked at will is not a particularly precious medicine garden.

It is precisely because of this that it is even more difficult to find herbs that are more than 50 years old, and even more than 100 years old.

However, although it is just an ordinary medicine garden, there are actually some precious herbs in it, but this has to test everyone's eyesight.

Finding a precious herb in a huge medicine garden is no easy task.

What's more, this medicinal garden is not the only one who picks in it. Many worshippers or big men will find their attendants to pick herbs, so it is not easy to find a precious herb.

"Thank you for your consecration." Xu Qing was very pleased and closed the medicine bottle like a treasure.

In fact, Xu Qing only had a cultivation practice in the middle of the construction period. For him, enshrining such a big man and just taking out something would be enough to greatly increase his strength.

"Come on!" Su Yuan shook his hand.

"Yes!" Xu Qing nodded and turned away.

It was only at a hidden corner that it was hidden, and when Su Yuan left, he came out again.

In fact, the empty black grass that Cheng Yu brought out was simply his own.

This herb is only useful for monks who are above the Mahayana period, so this herb is not very precious to a monk during the robbery period, but it is indeed very precious to lower monks.

Therefore, this kind of herbs, Cheng Yu is no less than a century old.

Chen Ruiyang arrested him before he got the empty black grass, Cheng Yu had no other way but to sell his good things for nothing.

However, for Cheng Yu, a hundred-year-old empty black grass is nothing.

As long as he can successfully control Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, how can he get a return comparable to a centuries-old empty black grass.

But now there was a new problem before him, not far from the backyard of the palace, but he didn't know how to get in.

There was a strict guard at Liumen Gate, but Cheng Yu glanced at it roughly. There were almost twenty or thirty people, which was basically the same as the entrance and exit of the foreign court.

Of course, more importantly, he found that the strength of the guards here was actually stronger than the guards at the entrance.

"Xu Qing, when will the backyard guards change hands?" Cheng Yu asked Xu Qing in the fairy tower.

"The guards in the backyard are not changed by everyone. It seems that there is a team of guards to change shifts every so often, and the time is probably from time to time." Xu Qing thought for a moment.

"Are you old?" Cheng Yu nodded.

Cheng Yu estimated the time, and it is almost time to apply for it. It should be time soon, so he concealed it and decided to wait until the time to check the situation first to see if they had a chance to mix in when changing shifts.

Of course, Xu Qing also said that there were attendants in the backyard. If he can wait for the attendants to come out, maybe he can do the trick again, like using Xu Qing's identity, and change into another identity and mix in.

But unfortunately, I didn't see anyone enter or leave the backyard until I waited. While in doubt, they saw a team of guards coming to Wujinyuan, preparing to go to the backyard.

"It seems that these are the shift guards in the backyard!" Cheng Yu was immediately happy, no one came, he was going to break through.

Although this was a bad idea, he really didn't find any better way to mix it into the backyard without any noise.

Now finally seeing someone appear, he felt he saw hope.

Under Cheng Yu's gaze, these people soon completed the transfer at the entrance. Seeing that the replaced guards left Wuyuan again, Cheng Yu knew that if someone would change the shift next time, he could only take over the guards in the backyard.

Sure enough, about a quarter of an hour, another team of guards appeared.

At this time, Cheng Yu stared at the last person, and then transformed into the last person with Alien.

They approached the guard quietly. When they crossed the corner, Cheng Yu suddenly caught the last person and quickly threw it into the fairy tower.

When this person appeared inside the fairy tower, the whole person was stunned.

Of course, in fact, there are more than just one person in the circle. Those in the Ninth Family and Xu Qing are also in circle.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the palace!" Although the guard did not know what was going on in the strange place, he didn't feel that he was no longer in the palace and shouted at them.

Although these people wore clothes in the Baiyang dynasty, there were many clothes in the palace, and different clothes belonged to them.

Moreover, the clothes worn by these people are never allowed to appear in the palace.

Coupled with the sudden arrival in this strange place, the first reaction was that these people were definitely trespassers.

"Breaking into the palace? Hehe, do you know where this is?" Feng Yi advocate sneered at the person watching.

"What place?" The man looked at the surrounding environment again and found that this place was indeed strange. The whole palace had never seen such a strange place.

Of course, more importantly, he was obviously going to change shifts, how could he come to this place all at once?

"Where is your life!" As soon as Feng Yi advocated his shot, he immediately pinched the guard in his hand, making it difficult for him to escape.

"This ... the predecessor's life!" This man was obviously taken aback. This man's strength was so horrible that he had no chance to escape.

As the guard of the Wangfu backyard, his strength is only just the Yuan infant period.

Such strength is not high in the entire palace, or even in the entire foreign dynasty. But compared to many lower-power disciples, they are already very good.

"Huh! I don't have time to talk to you right now, and I will let the young master deal with you as soon as possible!"

Since meeting with Su Yuan, Cheng Yu has never let them see what's going on outside.

Because Xu Qing had no value at this time, after all, he had never entered the palace, so he knew nothing about the situation inside the palace.

But letting them see the outside situation like this, it is easy to expose too much of themselves.

So if he can't let them see it, he won't show them, at least not now.

At this time, outside of the fairy demon tower, Cheng Yu quickly replaced the person and walked to the end while Cheng Yu threw the guard into the fairy demon tower.

Maybe something was heard. The guards in front of me suddenly looked back, but found nothing unusual, and didn't care, turned around and went on to the backyard.

Sure enough, it was convenient to use these escorts to enter the backyard.

However, Cheng Yu did not follow them all the time, otherwise he would have to go to another shift.

Picking a suitable place, Cheng Yu suddenly left the team instantly, even the people in front didn't notice that there was one person behind him.

At this time, Cheng Yu couldn't care whether those people would find themselves. If he kept following the team just to be undiscovered, it would not make any sense even though he entered the backyard.

It is most important that he find the residence of the foreign king as soon as possible.

Cheng Yu carefully searched the houses before and after them, but when he carefully walked through a small courtyard, he saw that the inside of the house almost made him nosebleed.

It turned out that there was a woman sitting in a bath tub, and a maid was pouring her hot water with a spoon. Although only the back and shoulders can be seen, Cheng Yu's gorgeous picture also makes Cheng Yu a little excited.

He was fortunate not to let the people inside the fairy tower no longer look at the situation outside. Otherwise, he thought that the Lord had done everything possible to slip into the backyard to watch the woman take a bath. Majestic.

Although he didn't know this woman and didn't see her front, but he believed that this should be one of the wives of the foreign king as Xu Qing said!

However, Cheng Yu has no interest in other women. Of course, he didn't come here to watch women bathing ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but to find a foreign king.

"Who!" But just as Cheng Yu was about to leave, the woman in the room seemed to find someone peeping at herself, and screamed, the water splash in the bath bucket, and then the right arm of the incense fluttered, and the water sprayed like a sword Shadows usually flew out of the room.

The window was instantly broken by water spray, and even an osmanthus tree in the courtyard was directly knocked down.

But when the woman came to the window in a bathrobe, where was the peeping figure?

"It's really eating leopard gall, and there are still people who dare to do such indecent things in the backyard of the palace?" The woman stood in front of the window and looked around. She did not find the figure of other people, and was shocked and angry.

"Ma'am, will it be those offerings to the Five Entering the Hospital? I see some offerings. I do n’t see the rules in your eyes. These guys are relying on their own strength, and they are getting more and more presumptuous. Bathing, it's a goddamn! "Said the maid who was waiting to bathe.

"Those guys are really getting more and more unruly. When the foreign king goes out, Mrs. Ben must talk to the foreign king well!" The woman nodded and said.

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