Godly Student

Chapter 4058: That's it!

Cheng Yu hid in a hidden corner with a shame on his face, and almost came to an oolong.

When the woman closed the window, Cheng Yu quietly left the courtyard.

The backyard is so large that it is not easy to find the room where the foreign king lives.

"It seems I have to find a subordinate to ask." Cheng Yu then found several places, but none of them found the foreign king.

This backyard is not only one, it is one after another, and the layout is very complicated.

Even though he had entered the courtyard, Cheng Yu was a guard carefully avoiding patrols everywhere.

However, Cheng Yu wouldn't go to the security guard to inquire about the situation, otherwise he would be stunned.

Cheng Yu was cautious in the backyard, hiding, and finally saw a maid walking in the yard carrying fruit.

Seeing this opportunity, Cheng Yu looked around and found that there was no one else. He immediately caught the maid into the fairy tower, but was not on the same floor as the others.

"Say, in which yard does the foreign king live?" A false image of Cheng Yu appeared in front of the woman.

"You ... you ... who are you?" The woman looked at the man in front of her, suddenly shocked and scared, and couldn't even care about the strange surroundings.

"Now I'm asking you, not you asking me." Cheng Yu said coldly.

"I ... I ... I don't know." The woman was clearly frightened by Cheng Yu.

Coupled with seeing the dim surroundings at this time, she was terrified.

People are always afraid of the unknown, not to mention that she is just an ordinary woman, and her fear of such things is more than a monk.

"Do you know where this is?" Cheng Yu looked at each other.

"No ... I don't know." The woman covered her face and wept, her body shaking.

"Then I tell you, if you don't answer my question honestly, this will be your burial place." Cheng Yu will not let the other side because this is a weak woman.

"Please, don't kill me, I'm just a maid and don't know anything," said the maid.

"Although you are a maid, it is impossible not to know where the foreign king lives. As long as you answer my question, I guarantee that you can live a hundred years." Cheng Yu said.

"Don't you really kill me?" The maid said in fear.

"You should know that I'm only looking for your foreign king, not for you. As long as you tell me where the foreign king is, I naturally don't need to take your life." Cheng Yu said.

"That ... then I tell you, don't kill me." The maid said with a quiver.

"Say it!"

"The foreign king is in the middle courtyard," said the maid.

"Are you sure you did not lie to me?" Cheng Yu stared at the other person's eyes.

"No, I dare not deceive my lord!" Said the maid in fear.

Although it is difficult to tell from the maid's expression whether her words are true or false, but her eyes are the window of the soul. Looking at her eyes, despite some dodging, it is definitely not the kind of guilty that she is worried about being exposed because she is lying. It's pure fear.

Not to mention that Cheng Yu has questioned so many people, and is in this fairy tower, even those who are many times stronger than her during the robbery period cannot hide, let alone this kind of nothing. Ordinary maid.

So Cheng Yu believes she is telling the truth.

"You stay here first, and when I'm done with it, let you go out and return you free!" After Cheng Yu said, the whole person disappeared instantly.

The maid looked at the dim space where she was alone, and was also flashing runes of different colors. She was terrified. The whole person shrank, buried her head between her knees, and trembled.

Outside the fairy tower!

Cheng Yu looked around and determined the center position of the backyard, so he was careful again and passed secretly.

"Now you can see the situation outside, you tell me, is that the residence of the foreign king?" Cheng Yu's voice suddenly sounded in the dim space.

The maid was taken aback. When she looked up, she really saw the situation outside.

"Yes! The foreigner lives in that courtyard." The maid nodded.

"You are indeed here?" This small courtyard does not seem to be as beautiful as those of the ladies, which makes Cheng Yu a little bit puzzled.


Seeing that the maid was so sure, Cheng Yu had some admiration for the foreign king's scheming.

In his eyes, this small courtyard is very ordinary and even a bit shabby.

Had it not been for this maid to say that this was the residence of the foreign king, he would never have thought that the foreign king who controlled such a huge foreign dynasty would live in such a small courtyard.

However, it is precisely because this small courtyard looks so ordinary, and it is not the deepest part of the backyard. Instead, it is in such a central location that looks very conspicuous, which will create an illusion to the intruder.

As the saying goes, the more dangerous a place is, the more secure it is.

"You can't pass anymore, otherwise you will die!" As Cheng Yu was preparing to approach the courtyard, the maid suddenly reminded.

Although it was just an ordinary person, the maid seemed to understand that she was trapped by Cheng Yu. If Cheng Yu dies, maybe she won't survive.

So she struggled repeatedly and decided to stop Cheng Yu from approaching.

"Why?" Cheng Yu stopped.

"Every time the foreign king closed this place, everyone would be in danger when he approached this place. There were a few servants and maids who accidentally approached this place when the foreign king was closed. Already.

Two months ago, the lady had told us that no one was allowed to come here without their orders. Therefore, the foreign king at this time should be in retreat. If you approach here at this time, you will definitely be thundered. The maid explained.

"Is this still happening?" Cheng Yu suddenly became curious.

This maid is just an ordinary woman. If it wasn't true, she would never say so.

However, according to the maid, when the foreign king retreats, there should be matrix formations in this place, so it will appear that someone is chopped by thunder.

But what surprised him was that he didn't find any man-made arrangement here.

Now he can be regarded as an array master, although he is not everyone. However, as the saying goes, three hundred poems of Tang dynasty can be read without composing and chanting.

Cheng Yu has studied so many terrible formations in the fairy tower, and the formation of the old formations is the essence of formations. Today, Cheng Yu is no longer a layman.

In addition, after Cheng Yu cracked those formations, he re-arranged and reformed the formations outside the fairy and magic towers. Now Cheng Yu's formations are even more successful.

Just like the Cheng family's big array, although it took Cheng Yu nearly a year to arrange it, the power of that array was absolutely shocking.

This formation method, in this world, I am afraid that few people can arrange it!

This is exactly the same. Generally speaking, if the matrix method is arranged here, Cheng Yu can basically see it.

But now he doesn't find any traces of man-made arrangement here, it means that the formation is either too superb or there is no formation at all.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there is a natural array method, so Cheng Yu can not see any trace.

Bu Chengyu still believes what the maid said is true.

Therefore, Cheng Yu had to be careful, even if he didn't see the existence of matrix formations in this place, but he would never dare to act lightly until he knew the situation in this place.

If there is really any hidden formation here, his move will lead to Sky Thunder.

Even if Lei hadn't hurt him that day, it would certainly have shocked the entire foreign palace and even the people of Bai Yang.

So, this is a big deal!

No problems were found, and Cheng Yu had to look elsewhere along this range.

However, this circle is not small, including several side courtyards, and many guards patrolling back and forth.

Cheng Yu carefully looked around this area. When he returned to the beginning, it was already dark.

"It's really weird. He took so much effort to make such a big turn, but he didn't even notice a problem." Cheng Yu muttered in his heart.

"You didn't lie to me, did Tianlei appear here?" Cheng Yu asked the maid in the fairy tower.

"Master, how dare I lie to you. When the foreign king retreats, there will really be a thunderstorm as soon as it approaches!" The maid said affirmatively.

"You see it with your own eyes?" Cheng Yu asked back.

"This ... I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I heard everyone say that!" Said the maid, after a meal.

Cheng Yu didn't ask any more.

Although sometimes, even if you see it with your own eyes, it may not be true. But without seeing it with your own eyes, it is not necessarily false.

Again, www.ltnovel.com ~ Cheng Yu doesn't want to make too much noise here to attract others' attention.

If you can enter this quietly, it is definitely the best.

"Eh?" Just as Cheng Yu once again turned himself around this range and came to his mind, Cheng Yu suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Does this mean that the formation of matrix formations in this area is not directly arranged with spirit stones, but has used these buildings?" Cheng Yu recalled the buildings in the surrounding small courtyards and side courtyards in his mind once again, Suddenly thought.

This is like in the natural world, several natural mountains can also form a huge natural formation, such as the natural spiritual gathering.

In such a place, the general reiki will be particularly strong.

By the same token, although these buildings are not natural, they are artificially constructed in accordance with the corresponding array method. Just like the 36 peaks of Cheng Yu, he used the formation method of 30 peaks and buried a spirit vein under each peak to ensure the endless endlessness of the Cheng family!

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