Godly Student

Chapter 4065: Eat the King, be loyal to the King!

"It's impossible. How can you control strange beasts? And, how can there be strange beasts in our world?" Although Cheng Yu didn't get a positive answer, looking at Cheng Yu's confident expression, the foreigner already knew what the answer was. Already.

But he felt it was too difficult for him to accept.

This guy actually came to Baiyang with a strange animal, which was really beyond his expectations.

Of course, what makes him even more puzzled is, how can there be strange beasts around this guy? Isn't this the only thing in the dead domain?

What's more, not everyone can control this thing.

He had also traveled to the Dead Zone once, trying to catch an alien beast, but that time nearly killed him, and eventually failed.

Now when they hear the sound of Bai Yang Wai Chao, at least four strange beasts have appeared. If these strange beasts are controlled by this young man or his people, then this time Bai Yang Wai Chao is really dangerous. Extreme.

"In fact, even if I don't say it, you should already understand it. These strange beasts are what I prepared for you. Let me not say whether your strength is above me or below me. In front of these strange beasts, you Also helpless.

However, now I don't want to kill you, so I still say the same as I said before, I just want to borrow your Bai Yang Wai Chao.

As long as you cooperate with me, I guarantee that your life is worry-free. Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Although I don't know how you got these strange beasts, I don't believe they can really listen to people.

And, even if you have these beasts to help, you want me to surrender Bai Yang to the outside world, it is a daydream. If you want my life, you have to worry about your life first! As soon as the voice of the foreign king came down, he again attacked Cheng Yu.

For him now, no matter what Cheng Yu said is true or false, he must resolve Cheng Yu first.

It is an indisputable fact that strange beasts have appeared in their Baiyang dynasty. The appearance of the strange beast is definitely not a trivial matter, he knows the power of the strange beast.

The entire Bai Yang dynasty may have only one strange beast that he could barely cope with, but even that doesn't make much sense, because there are obviously more than one strange beast here.

So this matter is very important, especially because these strange beasts also blocked their exit from the Baiyang dynasty. Even if they wanted to send someone out for news.

Therefore, he must get Cheng Yu first, and then he will find a way to unblock the exit, so that the disciples from abroad can spread the message.

Cheng Yu sneered, without any cowardice, and greeted him directly.

At this time, he did not need to blindly defend again, and began to actively attack.

The two shot with the same palm, with their palms facing each other, and the two flew out simultaneously.

However, those who stood in front of the battle were shocked.

"This ... how is this possible? Is he stronger than the foreign king?" Tan Fangfeng was surprised.

It turned out that the foreign king and Cheng Yu had both palms facing each other, and the foreign king flew a few feet away, but Cheng Yu only stepped back a few steps.

Although neither of them seemed to be injured, the verdict was high enough to explain many issues.

"Perhaps this is just a coincidence!" Huang Fang Fen frowned.

Cheng Yu had been in a passive defense state before, which created an illusion that everyone thought Cheng Yu had done his best in front of the foreign king.

But who knows, this time Cheng Yu counterattacked and directly repelled the foreign king.

It can be said that this contest, the foreign king lost!

"Yes, that guy is obviously hiding his strength, so it has caused some confusion to the foreign king, and even made the foreign king take care. Now it doesn't mean that his strength will definitely be stronger than the foreign king!" Tian Congfeng said .

Having said that, none of the people present seemed to believe such an explanation.

After all, in their realm, although it is true that they are negligent, if the two sides are evenly matched, or if the foreign king is more powerful, this situation should not be possible.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone can't help feeling a little more worried.

If even the foreign king can't beat this guy, who else can fight him in this foreign dynasty?

In particular, they just heard the roar of strange beasts, which reminded them of something that caused them more headaches. There were actually four strange beasts in this outward dynasty!

"You really are not that simple!" At this time, the foreign king was also surprised by Cheng Yu's strength, knowing that he really underestimated Cheng Yu.

"Good to say, but this strength is obviously not enough for you to promise to borrow Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. But it doesn't matter, maybe you will be willing next!" Cheng Yu smiled, and the whole person suddenly became unreal. .


I saw Cheng Yu leaning down and rushing, instantly transformed into numerous "Cheng Yu".

"Huh! Is the avatar out of the body? This is not just you!" The foreign king was not shocked by Cheng Yu's methods, but just like Cheng Yu, his body became illusory, and then changed into numerous "foreign kings "come out.

"It seems that this time the foreign king has moved really!" Tian Fangfeng said.

"It can be seen that the strength of that guy is really not vain. Otherwise, the foreign king who would not force him would use the external avatars. But there seems to be more external avatars of that guy. I wonder if the foreign king can block this time? "Tan Chongfang said worriedly.

To be honest, he said this not because he was worried about the safety of the foreign king, but because he was worried about his own safety.

After all, he was just an enshrinement, and the good words were outsiders invited by the foreign king. At that time, the status of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty was also taken into consideration, and what was more, it was a dynasty's power.

He thought that becoming such an offering was simply white resources for cultivation, and it had been like this for so many years.

So how could he think that Bai Yang would be attacked someday? And the attackers are so strong!

Especially the appearance of the strange beast disturbed him. Even the man who fought with the foreign king is so powerful now, which makes him feel that this Baiyang foreign dynasty is not safe.

As an outsider, he had no reason to coexist and die with Bai Yang.

But the problem is that now the two exits of Baiyang's foreign dynasty have been blocked by these four strange beasts. Even if he wants to secretly leave Baiyang's foreign dynasty at this time, it is impossible.

Therefore, he hopes that the foreign king must stand up. If the foreign king is defeated, he may not even have the chance to escape. And even if he really escaped, where would he go to find such a good place to practice in the future?

"How could the foreign king lose, he must be able to defeat this person." Ye Chongfeng said.


However, just after he finished speaking, the foreign king was knocked down by Cheng Yu and fell to the ground during the formation. All the external avatars disappeared, leaving only the external king's body.

"This ... the foreign king lost?" Everyone was shocked, and even started to panic.

They did not expect that this man was so powerful that even the foreign king was not his opponent.

"This person is really horrible. It seems that this time Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is trying to escape!" Said Huang Fengfeng.

"Then what should we do now?" Some devotion asked anxiously.

"Now the entrances to the foreign courts have been blocked. If you want to escape, you can't escape. Perhaps we can join forces with the foreign king to defeat or even kill this person.

If those strange beasts really listen to his orders, maybe after killing him, those strange beasts will leave on their own! Tian Tianfang thought for a while and said.

"Join him to kill him? Tian Fangfeng, aren't you kidding me? You have seen the strength of this person, do you think we can kill him?" Obviously Tan Fangfeng was unwilling.

Although it was only Tan Tan who refuted, but there were so many deities living in this palace, obviously it wasn't just Tan Tan who had this idea.

The strength that Cheng Yu just showed is very strong. Of course, now the foreign king is just shot down by Cheng Yu, it does not mean that the foreign king can no longer fight, let alone that the foreign king has really lost.

But even so, the foreign king was shot down by Cheng Yu so quickly, which proves that Cheng Yu's strength is not easy.

There are quite a lot of them here, but no one wants to die. Maybe no one intends to put themselves in danger for the sake of Bai Yang or the foreign king, and may even lose their lives.

Looking at Cheng Yu's strength, at least they believed that Cheng Yu was absolutely capable of killing some of them.

Even if it was the enshrinement of the five-entry courtyard, Cheng Yu could not kill it, but the enlightenment of the three-entry courtyard and the four-entry courtyard was difficult to say.

Therefore, the three-entry courtyard and the four-entry courtyard most disagree with everyone's shots to Cheng Yu.

"Tan Fengfang, you didn't say that just now!" Tian Fengfang said while watching Tan Fengfeng.

"That's ... now and then, let's say, now the foreign king has not lost, it's just a move.

At least I think it's not the time for all of us to make a shot together. We should wait and see. UU reading www.uukanshu.com What do you say? "Tan worshipped and said, watching other worships.

"I think Tan Chongbong is right. Although the foreign king has lost in this round, it does not mean that the foreign king is inferior to the other party.

Now if we forcibly shot, wouldn't the foreign king be very shameless, thinking that we had underestimated him. "

"That's right, not to mention Tian Tian's enshrinement? Didn't the foreign king arrange this formation, it's not easy. Now we break the formation together, not only wasting the efforts of the foreign king and the formation of the formation. Resources, but also make the foreign kings lose face, then this is our failure to serve as a royal palace, "several offerings also came forward to explain.

Although they stood up and said a lot, they all had their own reasons, and they all made sense.

However, Tian Fang had seen through the true thoughts of these people at a glance, but these offerings were not his final decision, and he really had no way to force them to obey his words.

"The prince of the prince, loyal to the prince, the foreign king treats us well. Is it too chilling for you to do this?" Tian Fangxuan glanced at those who had just stood out and said.

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