Godly Student

Chapter 4066: Don't be a dead man!

"Tian Shifang, don't make yourself so high-clean, you are not allowed to make our shots, and it is you who wants us to make shots now. Why are you saying everything right, are we wrong?"

Besides, you only know what you think. "Tan Fong worship did not feel guilty because of Tian Fang worship, and even politely refuted Tian Fong worship.

"Tan Chongfeng is right. You can't let Tian Chongfeng tell you everything. It's not just you who are loyal to foreign kings, but we don't agree with you.

Besides, now that we do n’t make a shot, we just want to see the development of the situation again. The foreign king's strength is strong. Even without our help, he can kill that person.

What's more, that person's strength is so strong. If even the foreign king can't fight him, do you think we can beat him again? "There are also some offerings from the five-entry hospital.

After all, everyone's status is the same, and the difference in strength will not be too big, so everyone usually does not accept anyone, even some people have already forged a beam.

Not to mention that Tian Fen's proposal not only made him stand at the highest point of morality, treated others as unfaithful people, but even took everyone's lives to take risks. Of course, everyone had to oppose it.

"So, are you unwilling to help the foreign king?" Tian Fangfeng said.

"How can this be said to be unwilling to help the foreign king? As you said before, what if that guy wants to escape? We are here to prevent him from escaping?

We do this as a help to foreign kings, right? "Tan Chong Feng laughed.

"Really? It's time to let the foreign king look at your faces!" Tian Shifang sneered looking at the other person.

"Well, Tian Fang, you really take yourself seriously. If you have the ability, you can break this formation to help the foreign king kill the kid!" Tan Fang Feng said politely.

However, as soon as Tan worshipped the words, they saw the blue light suddenly flashing in front of them.

"This ... this is ..." Tan Fangbun was suddenly surprised.

"Tan worships, but the foreigner has cancelled the formation now, which shows that he wants us to participate in this matter. Do you still want to stay here now?" After any reaction, I reached out my hand and never felt the presence of the array.

"Huh! I already said that it's not just you who are loyal to the foreign kings and foreign dynasties. I don't think anyone here is like this.

Now the foreign king needs our help, we should not have any flinching, everyone said yes! Tan Tan worshipped flashes of tan, but stood up and patted his chest.

However, it is embarrassing that there are not many people who really support him. Only a few people who are sparsely cheering in support of him.

It can be seen that although Tian offering is not so popular, in fact, Tan offering is also unpopular.

Because most people actually only consider their own interests. But what Tan Fengbong said just now represents most of their interests, and they naturally support it.

But now Tan's words of worship do not represent their interests, even let them risk their lives. How can everyone support him again?

"You ..." Tan worshiped was ashamed and angry, thinking that these people were all in support of him, and he could respond with all his might.

But he was wrong. He really underestimated humanity. These people really put selfishness to the limit!

"Tan worship, do you understand now? Maybe I did wrong you and very few people. But with so many people present, you just vowed to do it for the foreign king. Now the foreign king really needs us, you still Not willing, do you dare to say that you are loyal to your foreign kings and foreign dynasties? "Tian Fangfang said watching other people.

"Tian oblation, we are all just obituaries. Now they have made it clear that they are coming towards Baiyang, and we are not foreigners. Why should we consider ourselves as saints?" A devotion stood up and laughed.

"Pan worship, don't you feel shameless when you say this? And don't forget, the foreign king asked us to make a worship in the foreign dynasty, and we already have a close relationship with the foreign dynasty.

Even if we can't say that they are all foreigners, at least half of them are foreigners. Not to mention that the foreign dynasty is good to us all, and these years the foreign king has given us precious resources.

Nowadays, it is difficult for foreigners and foreign kings, but we stand idly by. As a monk, do you think your conscience has gone up? "Tian Chongfeng said unceremoniously to Elder Pan.

"Huh! There's nothing wrong with this. Everyone just wants what they want. The reason why the foreign king is so good to us is that he just wants us to protect the foreign dynasty.

We have protected the foreign dynasty for so many years, and the resources he provided to us are not wasteful, right? "Pan worshipped and smiled indifferently.

"Protection? Pan worship is really talking. There has never been any crisis in Baiyang's foreign dynasty these years. Although we have spent so many years in Baiyang's foreign dynasty, we don't know how much Pan's worship has worked for the foreign dynasty? Don't you tell everyone to listen? "Tian Fangfeng sneered.

"I have spent so many years in the Baiyang foreign dynasty. Can you blame me if nothing happened? No matter what happened, I at least stayed in the Baiyang foreign dynasty for so many years. This is my contribution to the Baiyang foreign dynasty. Is it necessary to kill people Contribute? "Pan Fangfang said in disdain.

"Really? So Pan means that, now that something really happened in Baiyang's foreign dynasty, we can just sit back and watch?"

"I didn't say anything, at least the foreign king didn't speak, so why bother with me!" Pan Fangfeng said rightly.

"Forget it, I don't bother to associate with people like you. It doesn't matter to me whether you want to help or not. It doesn't matter to me. At least I understand that I should be rewarded by others.

Huang worship, Ye worship, would you like to go with me to help the foreign king? Tian Tianbong didn't want to talk to each other anymore.

You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and it is impossible to turn a ungrateful person into a gracious person.

The most important thing is that this is really not his business, at least he has done it with conscience. As for treating such a person in this way, it is also the foreigner's own business.

"The foreign king treats us not thinly. When the crisis in the foreign dynasty is in danger, if we just stand by, are we still humans? Let's do our best to kill or drive out the enemy for the foreign king or drive out of the foreign dynasty!" Said.

"What Ye Fengbong said is what I want to say. If we are not complete foreigners, but we have been favored by the foreign kings all these years. If there are people with conscience, I hope to help foreigners with us The king killed the enemy! "Huang Fangfang also said.

"I agree!" Someone came forward and said.

"I agree!" More and more people came forward, which made Pan oblation less and less shameless.

However, even so, there are still many people who have not expressed their opinions, especially Pan worship.

Even if they talked horribly, treating him as an ungrateful man, he did not intend to go with them to rescue the foreign king.

Because he knew that this breakout was too powerful. Now it's not just the foreign king who can fight him, you know, there are still four strange beasts in his hands.

Think about it, would it be simple for a person who can bring four strange beasts closer?

Although the dynasty is strong, the Lord is strong, and the foreign kings are strong. But this does not mean that there are no strong men except the dynasty.

Isn't this person right now?

Therefore, he would rather be scolded by others as an ungrateful man, and he would definitely not be hot-headed and use his kindness to bet on his life.

Although the foreign king has indeed provided him with many resources these years, how can he compare with his own life!

At least in the face of life and death, he still feels that life is more important.

After all, it's really not easy to cultivate to this day. He believes that it won't take long for him to complete the road and rise to the immortal world.

The merit is right in front of him, how can he be willing to give up?

So he and some of them watched Tian Tian worship them and rushed into the original formation.

However, it was surprising that the Tan worshipped looked at Tian worshipped them, then looked back at Pan worshipped them, and finally chased Tian worshipped them.

Obviously, he was also reluctant to be an ingratitude who was scolded.

"Huh! Stupid!" Pan Fang teased softly.

"Pan worship, is it really good for us to do this?" A worshiper is also very contradictory, hovering in front of moral humanity and safety of life, I do not know such a choice!

"What's wrong? If you want to go, you can go now!" Sneered Pan offering.

"I just think that if we do this now, until the foreign king resolves these enemies, we are afraid that there will be no shelter in the Baiyang dynasty!" Said the worshiper worried.

Indeed ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ staying outside this Baiyang, without worrying about someone coming to their trouble. And you do n’t even need to find your own training resources. Every month, someone will send them over.

Even if you usually need some resources, you can let the people go to the medicine garden.

If they left Baiyang, where could there be such a good thing?

"Wait until the foreign king resolves the enemy? Do you think the enemy that appears this time is an ordinary enemy? Let's not talk about how he broke into the foreign king's array without knowing it, even if he brought the four. Only a strange beast can do it.

Do you think the foreign king is really capable of solving such enemies? "Said Pan Fengfang coldly.

"Pan's oblation means that this time the foreign king might die in that person's hands? Isn't this possible?" Those dedications were surprised.

"I don't know if the foreign king will die in the hands of this person, but I know that this Baiyang foreign dynasty, after today, may not be the foreign king, so I don't want to be a dead man!" More thorough, this makes him not bound by the so-called kindness and feelings!

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