Godly Student

Chapter 4074: Everyone, run!

Several elders saw that these women were also so strong. If they did not want to solve the current crisis, they would die here sooner or later.

Coupled with the orders of the foreign kings, they did not dare not listen.

"Hold on, three of us go to support the foreign king!" Three of the elders stared at each other, leaving a sentence and then withdrew from the battle circle with several women and rushed towards the strange beast.

"You must hold it anyway, otherwise you don't need to say it, you know what the consequences are!" The foreigner said to the three elders.

"We must try our best to hold it!" The three elders were sweating coldly, and they really did not dare to work hard.

Looking at the violent beast in front of them, they know better than anyone else. If they don't want to hold on to it, the only thing waiting for them is death.

"Not doing your best, but holding on to your life even if you lose it, you know?" The anger angered.

At this time, if you are still greedy for life and afraid of death, and you ca n’t see through life and death, the final result is definitely only a dead end.

If they don't even care about life and death now, then they might try their best to make a living for themselves!

"This ..." But the three elders apparently couldn't see all of it.

In their cognition, if they die, even if they are saved in the dynasty, what else does it have to do with them? It's just the others who survive, but they are gone.

"Wang Wang, we have limited strength. Even if we really abandon our lives, we may not be able to help you hold this strange beast. Maybe you can let those offerings help, if they are willing to do it, I guess it is still possible Hold it up! "An elder suggested.

Xiang Tian worshipped them. Although Cheng Yu had injured many people before, even a few were directly killed by Cheng Yu. But as the saying goes, thin camels are bigger than horses, and they are stronger than ordinary ordinary elders.

What's more, the strength of the offerings like Tian Fen worship is not even weaker than the cold elders. Although injured, they are stronger than them.

The most important thing is that Wang Fu originally had so many offerings, but now only Tian worships dozens of them. At least half of the offerings have not yet appeared.

I don't know if they escaped before the palace was blocked, or if they are still in the palace, they just hid.

If they can come out to help, how can they be so embarrassed? At least they feel that there is no problem in dragging the elders of the seven principals to bring people to support them.

"Don't I ask them for help? But Tian worshipped them now, but the remaining ones have already escaped. How much do you think the remaining offerings can help us?" Wang looked at the offerings that were still confronting those of Cheng Yu. Originally, their strength was very strong, at least much better than those of Cheng Yu.

But now, they were killed a few times by Cheng Yu, dead, wounded, and those who can still resist Cheng Yu are already very good.

Of course, the most exasperating is the other part of the offering to escape, he has provided them with so many resources these years.

But these guys fled first when they were in trouble. It was really annoying and angry, but he is now trapped in the palace and dragged by these people.

Otherwise, he not only wants these guys to spit out the resources spent in these years ten times, but also let them understand the end of ingratitude.

Why is all his anger now in vain, otherwise how could he call these elders to come and delay time?

"Foreign king, I noticed that some offerings were still hidden in this palace, and did not escape. The foreign king could let them come out to help!" An elder suggested.

"Do you really mean it?" The majesty's face was hilarious, and he looked around for a week, but the palace was completely black, and they could indeed achieve night vision, but this is not to say that they can see the night as clearly and carefully as the day .

Therefore, at this time, the palace did not see too far, especially those hiding in the dark.

As for the perception of breath, now it is so chaotic here, and the strength of those offerings is also very strong. If they intentionally hide their breath, they will not be able to perceive it.

More importantly, when the palace was closed, he happened to be chased by a strange beast, so it was too late to see if others had escaped.

"I'm sure those people never escaped before the guy sealed the palace!" The elder reaffirmed.

"Okay! Then the three of you drag this strange beast first, I'll find them out!" Said the foreign king.

"Ah?" The three elders thought that they had found the best excuse, but the words of the foreign king were out of the way, and the three of them suddenly stopped.

Haven't you all found the most suitable way? Why would they have to hold this strange beast?

"If you don't hold it, how can I find out those people?" The foreigner suddenly became angry when he saw these guys complaining, and he was very unhappy.

You know, the current situation of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is no longer just a matter for him, but for everyone, not to mention, it is also a matter of their own life and death.

If they do n’t come to hold the beast, how will he go to those offerings?

Before they could talk back, the foreign king rushed in the direction of Wujinyuan.


However, in the eyes of that strange beast, there were only the foreign kings, not to mention that the three elders would be seen in the eyes because the foreign king brought in a few deaths.

So the foreign king ran in the direction of Wujinyuan, and the beast chased there, apparently he did not take the three elders seriously.

It stands to reason that the three elders should be very happy to see such a situation, after all, the strange beasts don't care about them and they will not hurt them.

But they couldn't be happier. Even if the alien beast had no interest in them, they had to stop the alien beast.

At this time, the three had to quickly change direction and rush to the front of the strange beast.

"Stop, now your goal is us!" An elder shouted at the strange beast.


Golden Tiger apparently saw the three obstructing guys. His front legs were raised, and he flew towards the three with the trend.


Where did the three really dare to fight such a terrible big guy, the three fled away in a different direction.

Even if it was just that, seeing the beast so slamming and destroying the building where the three of them just stood, the three of them suddenly took a breath of air.

This guy is really terrifying. At this moment, they suddenly felt how pediatric they seemed to have fought against Cheng Yu and his several women.

However, they knew how difficult the battle could be and they could not escape. They must get time for the foreign king, and if they can find other offerings, all of them may be saved.

And the most important thing for them now is not only to help the foreign king to delay time. At the same time, you have to keep your own life, or else if you die, the whole foreign dynasty is saved, what is the relationship with them?

Is it necessary to erect a hero monument in front of their graves?

"Hey! Big guy, here!" An elder yelled at Jin Hu, and then a sword chopped towards Jin Hu's ass.


Although the momentum of this sword does not seem to be small, but it was cut on the golden tiger, but it was like hitting a piece of metal, and it couldn't hurt the golden tiger at all.

However, although this blow did not hurt the Golden Tiger, the elder undoubtedly succeeded in attracting the attention and anger of the Golden Tiger.


I saw this golden tiger turned back and roared at him, and the wind suddenly struck, and everything around him was almost torn apart. The mighty, frightened elder almost started to weaken his legs.

Of course, this is not the most frightening place for the elders. When he saw that the golden tiger had given up chasing the foreign king for his sake, and put the forces on him, he knew he was miserable.

"It's over, it's angry, you guys should lead it away!" The elder shouted in a hurry towards the elders in two different directions.


Although the other two elders were also a little scared in their hearts, when they saw this, they chose to shoot at this golden tiger.


The golden tiger roared again at the two men, but then it turned its head back again and set its sight on the elder before.

"No, I only attacked you once, and they attacked you so many times, you still have to stare at me because of it?" The elder cried.

He really couldn't understand, he just struck a sword at it, why did it keep staring at himself. But others attacked it so many times, it just roared.

"Is it because I attacked the wrong place just now?" He saw that the tail of the golden tiger was flickering all the time. He wondered if he had hit the key of this guy just now, or the **** was the reverse scale of this guy?

"You attack his hips!" The elder shouted at the two again.

The two elders looked at each other from a distance ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but dare not do so.

They don't know why this guy wants them to do this, but they are afraid that this is a trap. In case they really attack the buttocks of the other beast, this guy will stare at them?

"These guys! Sure enough, they are afraid of death and have no righteousness!" The elder saw that they had not attacked Jin Hu's buttocks, and was angry and angry.

Since they refused to help, watching Jin Hu's angry eyes, they rushed towards themselves in the blink of an eye.

He knew that if he didn't run again, he would have no chance to run again.

No matter how much, he turned around and ran towards Tian Tian to worship them.

When his life was extremely threatened, where could he take care of others, even Tian worshiped them were injured, but at least they were stronger than himself.

"Another beast is coming! Run away!" Tan worshiped and saw the elder lead the strange beast over, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted at everyone.

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