Godly Student

Chapter 4075: kill him!

When all the offerings saw the rushing beast, the whole person was frightened with cold sweat.

"What are you doing!" Tian Fangren saw the elder leading the strange beast toward them, and yelled at him.

Does this guy want to kill everyone?

Everyone is injured now, even against these intruders has already done their best.

Now this guy has also brought in the strange beast. Isn't this trying to let everyone die together?

"Save me!" But the elder knew that it was unkind to do so, but there was nothing he could do.

If he didn't get help from these offerings, he would surely die.

Now that he had brought the strange beast, they would never be able to see him die, or they would not be able to live on their own.

But the reality is that even if he brought in a strange beast, everyone didn't dare to fight this strange beast, everyone rushed and rushed out in all directions.

No one wants to fight the strange beasts, everyone just wants to delay time.

As a result, he rushed to the place where everyone was originally, and was caught by the golden tiger behind him.

Seeing this scene, other people were even more frightened, even those who were members of the Nine Great Family were taken aback by the power of this strange beast.

Fortunately, this golden tiger clearly has a distinction between the enemy and me. His target is only people from the Baiyang dynasty, not people from the Nine Great Family.

However, this does not mean that the people of the Ninth Family can rest easy.

Golden Tiger's destructive power is extremely strong. When it attacks foreigners, it will be hurt innocently if they approach them.

Therefore, in this case, they also have to protect themselves and escape from the scope of the Golden Tiger attacking people facing outward.

"Fortunately, the master brought the strange beast. Otherwise, it is not enough for us to have teeth." Dongfang Heyan sighed at seeing the strange beast trying to kill foreigners in the palace.

Although they only broke into the palace, the offerings and guards here, and the reinforcements brought by Lengzhi later, were enough for them.

With Cheng Yu's strength, he can naturally move in and out of the army. But how many people like Cheng Yu can there be in this world?

At least these people can't do it. If it wasn't for Cheng Yu's release of strange beasts, and so many high-powered offerings in the palace, wouldn't it have been so easy to kill them all?

Now I see this strange beast playing wildly in the palace, and my mood is much better.

Because of its existence, everyone can fight so easily.

Just like now, seeing those who fled into the desert, a group of them rushed up to be a sword, how can these people be a terrible character?

"That said, if the young master didn't have these strange beasts on his hands, how dare he kill Baiyang outside? But I was more curious where did the young master get so many strange beasts?" Situ Dehai said.

In this world, I have never heard of the presence or absence of strange beasts, let alone the Lord carrying so many strange beasts.

Furthermore, an alien beast cannot be controlled by ordinary people, but the Lord can control so many alien beasts at the same time, which makes him very puzzled.

How did the Lord do it?

If he can be like the Lord himself, even if he only gets an alien beast, it will be very scary.

Think about it, just like the foreign king of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, in the presence of this strange beast, did he only have to escape?

If he got a strange beast, he wouldn't be afraid even if he was alone and one beast.

"I do know that there are strange beasts in one place, and the holy city in this place is likely to go in, so the master should find these strange beasts from there!" Chen Ruiyang said.

"Brother Ruiyang wants to talk about dead domain, right?" Dongfang Heyan asked.

"It seems that He Yan brother knows this too!" Chen Ruiyang nodded.

"I have never seen a strange beast when I was in the dead zone, but I did hear such a rumor, but I do n’t know if it is true or false." Dongfang Heyan said.

Not only does the Dead Zone have a time limit and a number of people, but also a limitation of cultivation, not everyone can enter.

This is why there are so many precious resources in it, but these people obviously have the strength to get these resources but they don't.

What's more, when they were young, they also went in with the nine families, so each family's understanding of the dead domain was actually very limited.

The practice of the Mahayana period enters the dead domain, which is no different from sending death.

It is difficult to come back alive even if you do not encounter a strange beast. If you do encounter a strange beast, the chance of returning alive can be said to be zero.

Therefore, their families can know that the possibility of a strange beast in the dead domain is not very high.

But the dynasty is different. Each of them has an entrance into the dead domain. What's more, hundreds of people can enter through their entrance.

The dynasty has so many foreign dynasties. If they all add up, how many people must go in?

More importantly, although these foreign dynasties are different forces, they all belong to the dynasty after all. After entering the dead domain, under normal circumstances, no one will fight each other, or even unite together.

Therefore, when the Dead Zone was opened, the dynasty's influence was relatively large.

Therefore, people from all dynasties knew that the possession of strange beasts in the dead domain was not a major secret.

What's more, even if they were told that there are strange beasts inside, they would not be able to bring these strange beasts back to their own world like Cheng Yu.

Of course, when the dynasty knew that there were strange beasts in the dead domain, it actually thought about bringing them back.

So during that period, the dynasty even sent the most talented Mahayana disciples.

According to those who later came back alive, they did find alien beasts. It is a pity that the horror of strange beasts is definitely not imaginable by ordinary people.

Just like now, even a strong man during the robbery period like a foreign king, when he encounters a strange beast alone, dare not fight hard.

Of course, if there were no interference from Cheng Yu and these people, the foreign king would not be so embarrassed even if he encountered a strange beast, even daring to fight the strange beast.

But now the situation is special, and Cheng Yu's strength is so strong, of course, the foreign king dares not mess up easily.

Therefore, at that time, the dynasty had the worst casualties in the dead zone. Everyone who was able to return alive in the foreign dynasty was very few, and even many foreign dynasties were completely wiped out.

Even if they did, they tried it several times when the dead zone was opened, and they finally couldn't afford such a big loss, and finally gave up doing so.

From then on, the dynasty never thought about bringing these strange beasts back, and even ordered everyone to enter the dead domain just to look for precious resources, instead of staring at the strange beasts.

However, what the dynasty couldn't do was let Cheng Yu do it.

Even more tragic is that Cheng Yu not only did it, but also brought these strange beasts to the Baiyang dynasty, which also made the palace now look like this.

Fortunately, the other four alien beasts brought by Cheng Yu are just guarding the exit of the outer dynasty. Otherwise, the five alien beasts will kill the ring together in the Baiyang dynasty. How long can the Baiyang dynasty last?

"It's true or false. Even if we discover the existence of strange beasts, who can bring them back, or even control them, except our young master?"

The most important thing at the moment is to dispel all these people while the alien beasts. Although we kill these people, if we wait for their reinforcements from abroad, we will not be able to fight even if we are assisted by aliens. A million people? "Ji Zhengyang said.

"But the young master is now trapped in that big net. Should we rescue the young master first?" Chen Ruiyang looked at Cheng Yu who was still trapped in the big net on the other side and said.

"Yes, as long as you rescue the young master, these people are not as good as chopping melon and vegetables!" Feng Yi advocate said.

"Master, let's save you out!" So everyone rushed towards Cheng Yu.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, first control the situation while chaos!" Cheng Yu said to these people.

"But Master, we can save you first. With you, can't we control the situation faster?"

"This big net is a bit weird and can't be forcibly broken, so I need some time. You kill everything you can kill first." Cheng Yu explained.

"Will we bring the foreign king first?" Feng Yiheng said.

"No, the foreign king's strength is very strong, even if all of you are not opponents together, I will let Jinhu deal with him when you control the situation!" Cheng Yu countered.

He played against the foreign king several times and knew how strong the foreign king was.

Except for him, no one else could hold him. And now he is trapped here again, if they are going to deal with the foreign king, it is very dangerous.

"We understand, we must control the situation as soon as possible!" Everyone saw the Lord say this, where can you dare to delay, and rushed towards the strange beast.

There are strange beasts that create chaos for them, and they chase and kill all the elders' protections and offerings ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The whole palace is screaming everywhere, let alone how terrible the scene is.

On Cheng Yu's side, he has understood the principle of this big net. If it is attacked, the attack will pass directly through the large net and have no effect.

But if he releases his power to the big net, the power of the big net will be offset.

So now the power of this big net has been offset by 30%, and as the power of the big net keeps getting weaker, he can offset this power faster and faster.

Just give him a little more time, this big net will disappear completely.

However, half of the talents of the Nine Great Family members have experienced new changes. I saw the foreign king suddenly brought a group of people towards Cheng Yu's side.

"Lingwang can pass through the attack, everyone attacks together and kill him directly!" The foreign king saw Cheng Yu still trapped in Lingwang, and was very pleased in his heart. He felt that all the crises of Baiyang's foreign dynasty at this moment would Got reversed!

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