Godly Student

Chapter 4080: I want to thank you!

Ah ~!

Cheng Yu didn't speak, just looked at the fairy demon tower with a smile on his face. In the tower, the scream of the foreign king stimulated everyone's heart.

Even if everyone just listened to it, they felt that the prince must be in pain.

"Stop, my house can let you rest, you don't want to hurt the foreign king any more!" Rocoya stood out and said.

After all, it is a woman, and she is her own foreign king, and she still feels a little soft-hearted when seeing this scene.

Besides, compared with Gao Ruyuan, other people have a much stronger affection for her.

At least the seven principal elders were the only ones willing to give up their mansion to rest for these people.

"The elders of the seven principals did not expect that one of your female elders was the most responsible. But unfortunately, I happen to be only interested in his mansion. If he refuses to give up the mansion, your foreign king may still Have to suffer a bit! "Cheng Yu pointed at Gao Ruyuan with a smile.

"Don't go too far, whose house is not the same, and you haven't been to my house. How do you know that you like my house?" Gao Ruyuan angered.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't been there before, mainly because I admire you very much, so I'm interested in your house. Of course, I have always been democratic and never force others to do anything.

However, I am a little worried for your foreign king. I don't know how long he can last like this? By the way, do your foreign kings have any interest in your mansion? Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Anyway, he was anxious at all, and the moment the foreign king was caught by him, everything was already under his control.

It doesn't matter if these people are not obedient now.

Although the situation inside the fairy tower seemed terrifying, he knew in himself that it was impossible to kill the foreign king.

If the foreign king dies, what will he use to control Bai Yang's foreign dynasty?

However, other people in Bai Yang's dynasty, including the seven principal elders, did not think so.

Therefore, the foreign king is at hand, and these people will gradually become obedient.

"Elder Gao, now that the foreign king is in his hands, you don't have to do much if you give up your house? Is it true that you really want to watch the foreign king die in his hands?" Luo Keya said dissatisfied .

"That is, Elder Gao, do you think your mansion is more important than the life of a foreign king? Or, what secrets do you have in that mansion?" Sixth elder Wei Chenfei laughed.

"Nonsense, what secrets can I have in my mansion? I'm just dissatisfied with his approach!" Gao Ruyuan heard that everyone was so suspicious that he was immediately angry.

At such a crucial time, he did not want to be suspected of any wrongdoing.

"Since you have no secrets, even if you give up the mansion, you have nothing to worry about!" Qi Elder Wei Qianrou also said.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to speak while standing, but it's not your house!" Gao Ruyuan said dissatisfied.

"We thought, but who made people look down on us?" Wei Chenfei said with a smile.

"That is, did Sister Luo also take out her mansion? Unfortunately, they wanted your mansion when they were named. What can we do?" Wei Qianrou said with a smile.

"Elder Gao, this is a trivial matter. The foreigner is still in his hands, and we must meet his conditions. Not to mention, he is just borrowing your house to rest and it will not give you anything. loss.

And, so many people are watching now, if you disagree. In case something happens to the foreign king, you are afraid that it is not easy to explain to the whole foreign dynasty, I advise you to agree first! Said the elder Luo Yi.

Gao Ruyuan's face was hard to look at, and the eyes of hundreds of thousands of troops behind him were staring at him.

The elder's words are indeed very reasonable. If he disagrees, as long as something happens to the foreign king, it is estimated that this pot will be carried on his own body, who will not let him answer the party's conditions?

"Okay! I promise you, but you must also promise me not to destroy my mansion, nor to move anything on my house, let alone take anything!" Gao Ruyuan gritted his teeth, even if there were more in his heart Dissatisfaction can only choose to compromise in the end!

"You are not qualified to ask me for conditions. I have already said that if you really don't want me to go to your house, I will not force it.

Although this palace is broken, there are always a few complete rooms. The only thing I'm worried about is your foreign king, and seeing this fragment of the wall remains inevitably sad.

In case of extreme anxiety, if there is any mistake, I don't know how to explain to you at that time! Cheng Yu said indifferently.

Hearing Cheng Yu's remarks, Gao Yuanyuan was about to vomit blood.

But he did not dare to attack, and he was not stupid, would he be a simple person who could catch the lord alive?

Moreover, if this is the case with Cheng Yu, I am afraid that the other six elders may not help him, and he may even become an infidel in the eyes of everyone.

"Okay! I promise you, my house will be lent to you temporarily! Please!" Gao Ruyuan forcibly suppressed all the anger in his heart and said with gritted teeth.

"It seems that you are still very concerned about your foreign kings. You almost made me think that you just took this opportunity to want to get on the throne of foreign kings!" Cheng Yu looked at Gao Ruyuan and smiled, said a word, then gone.

"You ..." When Gao Ruyuan's face changed, this guy was so abominable. He even said such things at this time. Didn't he deliberately pull him hate in front of the entire foreign court?

Even if he didn't think so, he would inevitably take it for granted when he heard someone else's ear.

At this moment, he felt that everyone's eyes became worse when he looked at him.

The more this time, the less angry he can be. Of course, the premise is that he can be angry.

Did he try it just now? He was angry in front of Cheng Yu. He didn't have any initiative and advantage. Instead, he was beaten by anti-generals.

The elders of the seven principals led the way, and Cheng Yu led his men behind. As for the army of the seven principal elders, they could only follow far behind.

In spite of this, Cheng Yu and them are surrounded in the middle, but naturally the elders of the seven principals dare not do such a thing.

Everything is because of the foreign king in Cheng Yu's hands.

"Master, these guys won't suddenly surround us, right?" Dongfang Heyan looked at the hundreds of thousands of foreign troops behind him and said with some worry.

"Relax, as long as their foreign king is in our hands, they dare to take any action! Unless they don't want to save their foreign king, if something happens to the foreign king, none of them can bear this responsibility!" Cheng Yu But not worried at all.

I have to say that this Baiyang dynasty was really big. Even so, it took them nearly half an hour to reach Gao Ruyuan's mansion.

This place has a special location, and like the foreign king's house, it is difficult to be blocked by people under normal circumstances. Even if someone attacked Gaofu, they could not block the retreat of Gaofu people.

I believe that the residences of several other principals and elders were also built in accordance with this model, and this is all for safety.

Of course, it can also be proved on the side. In fact, everyone has no sense of security and everyone is guarding against each other.

Although the model of the mansion is similar, the scale is still far behind that of the foreign palace.

"Is there no ambush in your mansion?" Cheng Yu asked, looking at the mansion.

Gao Ruyuan thought to himself: If you are afraid of an ambush, don't come.

But he wouldn't say that, he just said angrily: "I didn't know you were coming to my house, how could I have an ambush?"

"What about your offerings?" Cheng Yu naturally thought about Gao Ruyuan's small temper.

"In the back, when I went out, I had already called out all the offerings in it." Gao Ruyuan said.

When he heard that something had happened to the palace, even the foreign king was trapped in the palace, he knew that this time the event was big.

So I brought all the offerings with me, leaving only a little guard to watch the mansion. There are so many masters around to protect themselves, and I will naturally feel more at ease.

But who would have thought that he took all the troops to the palace, but it did not come in handy at all.

"From now on, everyone except the ordinary servants will let you leave the mansion. Without my order, no one, including you, is allowed to approach the mansion!

In addition, all your armies must be two miles away from this mansion. If I find someone entering two miles away, let alone kill.

Of course, it will help me patrol, if you are not afraid of death, you can treat me as saying nothing! "After the previous war, Cheng Yu was putting Jinhu away.

Now in Gaofu, he released the golden tiger again.


When they were in the palace before, they saw that the distance between the Golden Tigers was a little far away, and they were put away by Cheng Yu without taking a closer look.

But now, seeing this behemoth at such a close distance, especially the roar, the momentum is not at all comparable to that of a human monk.

This is also the first time they have approached a strange beast so close, feeling the dangerous breath of this strange beast, all of them backed away.

Bu Chengyu did not let Golden Tiger attack these people, but merely served as a deterrent.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Cheng Yu felt very satisfied.

If there is no **** tree, even he is not the opponent of this golden tiger, let alone these people ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ And if he wants to take over Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, it is naturally impossible to kill everything. These masters have all been killed, so what sense does he have to get this Baiyang dynasty?

"Got it!" The crowd sweated coldly, and quickly remembered Cheng Yu's words in his heart.

With this strange beast, who really doesn't have the courage to dare to cross the border.

"Now that you understand, then quickly take your people away, I want to thank you!" Cheng Yu said.

Thank you?

Everyone had a cold sweat, this guy really didn't treat himself as an outsider, he was clearly a "guest", and now it seems like this is really his mansion.

Especially Gao Ruyuan, now his house is occupied by Cheng Yu, he can only take his people to rest elsewhere.

Fortunately, the jurisdiction of each of their chief elders is not small, in addition to a high house, there is a place to go!

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