Godly Student

Chapter 4081: Save people!

"Master, what are you going to do next?" A few people asked when the elders of the seven principals left.

"The foreign king is already in our hands. As long as the exit of the foreign dynasty is also under our control, the situation in the Baiyang foreign dynasty is naturally under our control.

Although we have captured the foreign king now, it is obviously impossible for the seven principal elders to obey us.

So if you want to control the entire Baiyang dynasty, you have to start from this foreign king! Cheng Yu said and turned into Gaofu.

Gao Ruyuan has taken all the monks in the house, even if there is only a little monk, the rest are ordinary people.

However, these subordinates were clearly intimidated in front of Cheng Yu.

Although they were only subordinates, they didn't even know that their prince had been arrested by the people in front of them, but they probably knew what happened to Baiyang's foreign dynasty.

What's more, when Elder Gao just took the others away, he also told them. From now on, they must listen to the person in front of them.

"You rearrange all the rooms, each room is prepared with hot water, and we are going to bathe. In addition, prepare some good food and send it to each room!

Remember, if you ca n’t meet any requirements I ask, go to a few principal elders outside of you. As long as you tell them what I said, they will naturally help you meet my requirements! No matter how scared they are, Cheng Yu still has a harmless smile on his face.

"Yes!" The crowd nodded tremblingly, Cheng Yu said anything, and they dared not have any rebuttal.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu didn't make any excessive demands. As he said, these things are exactly what they usually do, and they don't find it difficult.

In addition, Cheng Yu said that those who can't be satisfied can go to the elders of the seven principals, and they will think of a way. In this case, they don't have to worry that they can't be blamed by Cheng Yu.

"Everyone is tired, let's take a break first!" Cheng Yu really took this place as his own home, and he didn't mean anything at all.

"Master, are you really prepared to rest here? What if they counterattack us while we are resting, what can we do?" Chen Ruiyang really admired the calmness of this saint.

Although they seem to have won the first step, here is the enemy camp after all.

Want him to rest in such a place, to be honest, with his heart, there is really something that can't be done.

I always feel that as soon as I relax my guard, someone will attack them.

"Yes, Master, this is indeed a bit too dangerous. Let's get things settled earlier!" Others said.

Whether a person feels secure depends entirely on his own strength.

People like Cheng Yu have confidence in his strength. Even if someone attacked them, he didn't worry about his accident, so naturally everything looked very pale.

But others were not as confident as him, and it was so embarrassing to let them rest in the enemy camp so generously.

"This matter can't be rushed. If I can get them to submit to us now, why should I waste this time? Once it comes, then let it be, this thing can't be done in a day or two.

Until then, we always need a place to stay. As for security, you can rest assured that their foreign king is in our hands and we have the initiative. How dare they mess up?

In addition, there are strange beasts outside. Compared to us, the perception of the alien beast is much stronger than we do not know. As long as someone dares to break into the restricted area I have specified, the alien beast will have torn it into pieces without us, so what else do you worry about? "Cheng Yu laughed.

This is indeed the case. Although there are many people in Bai Yang's foreign dynasty and many masters, these masters cannot compare with foreign kings at all.

If they really dared to rush up together, Jin Hu would have to kill a bunch of people if they rushed out. Do they dare to die like this?

Obviously impossible.

Since they dare not go to war, they can only attack a few.

If there were a few sneak attacks and there were golden tigers standing outside, they would not even have to worry about it.

In this case, the entire Gaofu is now absolutely safe.

"But ..." Although Cheng Yu's words were reasonable, everyone was still a little worried.

"Everyone go back to rest first, if you are really worried, it is better to live in a room with several people, or everyone lives in an adjacent room. Once there is a sneak attack, everyone can support at any time." Cheng Yu said. .

"I see!" The crowd nodded, only temporarily.

It ’s absolutely impossible for Cheng Yu to take them away from Baiyang anyway. Compared to other places, staying in Gaofu is probably the safest.

Like the foreign palace, Gaofu also has a backyard, and it is not small. Cheng Yu put everyone in the backyard so that everyone would not be so worried.

Although I told them so much, Cheng Yu didn't really come here to enjoy it.

You know, in his mountain and river map, several women were still injured. What's more, even if this Gaofu layout is even better, is it better than in the mountains and rivers map?

So these are just for him to show to the seven main affairs.

"Cheng Yu, what's going on outside?" Seeing Cheng Yu's appearance, the slightly injured women quickly greeted them.

"The foreign king has been arrested by me. Now the entire Baiyang foreign dynasty is relatively stable for the time being, but if I want to control the Baiyang foreign dynasty, I guess that the foreign king must be out of the horse.

So now we occupy an elder's house, let us ease the situation first.

What happened to Sister Injury? Cheng Yu simply introduced, and what he was most worried about was Xinyao's injury.

"We have treated the sister for injuries. After taking Shenshui, her sister's internal concubine is rapidly recovering. There should be no major problems, it just takes some time." Yang Ruoxue said.

"That's good, what about your injuries? Don't just take care of your sister and miss your injuries." Cheng Yu looked at a few people, and his looks were pretty good, which also made Cheng Yu relieved a lot.

"A few of us are okay, that is, Xiaoxue and Yan are injured a little bit, but they are healing themselves now, and there should be no problem!" Yang Ruoxue continued.

"Well, then I won't bother them!" Cheng Yu nodded, as long as everyone was fine.

Without worries, things will become more free and easy.

I haven't been here before and I don't know enough about everyone's injuries, so I have always been particularly worried.

Now I know that everyone's situation is fairly stable, and if Han Xue and Lin Yuxi can also heal themselves, it means that the situation is not bad.

Only when you can't heal yourself can you explain the seriousness of the problem.

And since the two were healing, he naturally didn't dare to bother them. In case they were bothered to treat them, it would only backfire and aggravate their injuries.

Although Han Xue and Lin Yuzheng are not bothering to bother him, Xinyao can go and see here.

After all, she can't heal herself now, and several women have already treated her for her injuries, and she is just resting. It will not affect her condition to see her now.

Moreover, knowing Xinyao's injury, he was more at ease.

Looking at Xin Yao's pale complexion, Cheng Yu was distressed.

Although he was seriously injured, fortunately his life was worry-free. Otherwise, he would really regret it.

Even then, he still regretted it. If he had freed himself from the spirit net a little faster, a few women would not have to resist those enemies for him.

Hand gently stroked her face, Cheng Yu's eyes were full of love.

Take a look at Xinyao and check the injuries. The injuries are really serious. Although Shenshui has good repairing ability, it will take some time to fully recover.

Even if you want to wake up, it will take some time.

"Although your injuries are not serious, you also need to take care of yourself. I will come to see you every day and you should not go out during this time.

It will take some time to control Baiyang's foreign dynasty, and even if we control Baiyang's foreign dynasty, we cannot leave immediately, so we will stay here for a while. "Cheng Yu got up and went outside of Dongfu, and said to several women.

"Well, you don't have to worry about us. We will always take care of you here. Just be careful yourself. It is not easy to control Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

And they still have so many people, even if they are defeated by you, or even surrender to you, they may not be sincere, and these cannot be prevented.

If they run out of the Baiyang dynasty and spread the news to other dynasties or dynasties, then we are even more dangerous! "Yao Na reminded.

"Rest assured, I will deal with all of this. Now that you have chosen this operation, there must be no risk left!" Cheng Yu nodded.

Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is so big that it is really difficult to keep the news out.

But no matter what, he has to deal with it all.

After leaving a few women, Cheng Yu went to another place in the mountains and rivers map.

Here the forest is lush and the environment is remote. When the process arrives, two acquaintances walk out of Dongfu quickly.

"Master! You are here!" The black and white demon approached respectfully and salutingly.

"How is his injury?" Cheng Yu asked.

"His injuries are very serious ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ If it was not for the kindness of the young master, he would not have survived! But we have tried our best to save his life, it should be dead." Said Bai Mo.

"Let me see!" Cheng Yu nodded.

Into the cave, there was a man lying on a stone bed, which was the coldness that was defeated by Cheng Yu before.

Although this man is his enemy, this man has great potential. If you can turn the enemy into a friend, it would be a good helper.

So Cheng Yu doesn't want to let him die now, at least to save his life first.

"You have these resources. In any case, you must find a way to cure him." Cheng Yu took out a storage bag and gave it to the White Devil.

Even if he is saved, he will still be an enemy, but he is not worried if he does not process.

Here is a map of mountains and rivers, his magic weapon. If he can let Leng Yi live, he can let Leng Yi die.

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