Godly Student

Chapter 4082: After killing the Lord!

After handling the cold and perseverance situation, Cheng Yu left Shanhetu, but came to the fairy magic tower.

Although Leng Yi was treated by Cheng Yu, in fact, the situation of the foreign king was not as bad as his.

After all, the strength of the foreign king was there. Although he was seriously injured, part of the reason was due to excessive consumption. The two combined together caused the foreign king to temporarily lose his combat power, which was captured by Cheng Yuhuo.

Not to mention that Cheng Yu could not really kill the foreign king, after all, he has to do with how he controls the entire Baiyang dynasty.

Even if Cheng Yu took out the fairy demon tower to show everyone the tragic situation of the foreign king, Cheng Yu was actually frightening everyone, because they could not see the real situation inside, they could only see the thunderous thunder and foreign king Screaming.

In short, Cheng Yu is now standing in front of the foreign king, and his status is not too bad.

"Huh! Even if you catch me, you will have a rest to get Bai Yang's dynasty!" Seeing Cheng Yu appear, the foreign king hummed.

"Why so stubborn? As the leader of one faction, you should be very clear that your stubbornness will only bring disaster to the entire foreign dynasty.

Not to mention how many of your followers there are in the entire dynasty. Now because you are in my hands, they dare not do anything, and can only obey me.

But you also need to be aware that this is only temporary. If you keep refusing to cooperate, then I can only fight against Bai Yang. "Cheng Yu said.

"Hum! Just because you want to excite me? If you want to use me to get the foreign dynasty, how can you be willing to destroy the foreign dynasty?" The foreign king said disdainfully.

Although he was seriously injured now, and Cheng Yu was trapped in the magic weapon. But this does not mean that he will yield to Cheng Yu.

This guy was so excited that he came to Baiyang's foreign dynasty. From the beginning, he secretly controlled the two exits.

Now he broke into the palace and caught him alive.

If such a big game is set up, if it is only for killing people, then they can directly open the killing ring at the beginning. Why is it so troublesome?

What's more, Cheng Yu himself showed his intentions, just for the sake of Bai Yang.

If they really washed the entire outward blood, it was definitely not what they wanted.

Therefore, Cheng Yu will not give up Bai Yang's foreign dynasty so easily, but will try his best to control the foreign dynasty.

"You're right, I really don't want to discard Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, because we are here for it. However, I'm sure I can't get Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. What reason do you think I have to keep it again? Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

He did not quibble or anger because the other party saw his intention. His remarks were reasonable and he could not help the foreign king frown slightly.

Perhaps his analysis of Cheng Yu is not wrong, but this seems to be only part of it.

Although he suspected that Cheng Yu was the lord of the sacred dynasty, he was not sure about this.

Because he didn't know anything about Cheng Yu, he didn't even know where Cheng Yu's bottom line was.

If he changed someone he knew, maybe he would not believe it.

But in this case, at least half of Cheng Yu's words are true.

After all, if anyone changed it, they would feel that what they couldn't get would only be destroyed. In particular, Cheng Yu blocked the exit from the beginning. It can be seen that he did not want anyone to escape from Baiyang.

If it is not possible to get Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, it seems very likely that he will destroy everyone in the foreign dynasty.

Looking at Cheng Yu, the inner king was very helpless.

He has become a prisoner, what else can he do for the foreign dynasty?

"And, you should understand. I don't want the news of my attack on Bai Yang to spread, which is why I controlled the two exits from the beginning.

If I ca n’t get Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, then naturally it is impossible to allow your people to spread the news, let alone the news to the ears of other foreign dynasties or dynasties. I do n’t need to say such consequences in your heart. It is also very clear.

Since you are not willing to cooperate with me now, in addition to killing the entire foreign dynasty, do you think I will have a better choice? When Cheng Yu saw the foreign king silent, he continued.

"Why is it good for me to cooperate with you?" Cheng Yu's words were even more pertinent, even the foreign king himself did not refute.

Although he did not decide to compromise with Cheng Yu in this regard, the rejection in his heart was indeed a little less.

"Of course, there are many benefits. First of all, you have saved your life. In addition, I can let you continue to be the foreign king of Baiyang Dynasty!" Cheng Yu laughed.

The foreign king is a wise man, and he survived not only for himself but also for Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

If he doesn't cooperate, everyone will be buried with him. It can be seen that this foreign king is not so ruthless and unreasonable. Obviously, he does not want the entire Baiyang dynasty to die.

"Then you are not afraid that I betray you?" The foreigner wondered.

Cheng Yu doesn't kill him, he can understand. If he is allowed to continue to be the foreign king of Bai Yang, then this guy is really not afraid of death?

"Of course it's not that simple. If you really want to cooperate with me, you must follow me and make a **** oath of heaven. Otherwise, I really don't believe you!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"If you really want me to follow you, then you must at least tell me your identity and how you know where I am Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. Otherwise, how can I believe your sincerity, or Say you just want to use me to get Bai Yang's foreign dynasty? "The foreigner said looking at the other side.

In fact, Cheng Yu's identity is his most curious.

There is such a character in this world, but he doesn't know it at all, which is really strange.

"Cheng Yu!" Cheng Yu didn't conceal it this time, and uttered his name directly.

Anyway, the foreign king is already inside the fairy demon tower. As long as he doesn't take the blood of heaven, he can never leave here.

Therefore, even if the foreign king knew his identity, it didn't matter.

"Cheng Yu?" The foreigner said something lightly, and thought the name seemed a little familiar, but he didn't seem to know the person.

"Cheng Yu ... Is it the mundane one, the one Cheng Cheng wants to catch?" Although Cheng Yu didn't remind him again, but the foreign king thought of his name several times, and suddenly thought, Asked staring at Cheng Yu.

"Yes! Now you understand why I am attacking Bai Yang, right?" Cheng Yu nodded.

"So, the people I sent to the world have already fallen into your hands?" The foreigner asked.

As soon as Cheng Yu waved his hand, Xue Yun appeared in front of the foreign king.

"Wai ... Wai Wang? Xue Yun has seen the King!" The moment he saw the King, Xue Yun was terrified, and he knelt before him.

Although he had decided to follow Cheng Yu, in the presence of the foreign king, he still did not dare to be rude to the foreign king.

"That's the case, so he brought you into the foreign dynasty!" Said the foreign king.

Seeing this moment of Xue Yun, he finally figured out everything.

Only in this way was it possible for Cheng Yu to find the Baiyang foreign dynasty and enter the Baiyang foreign dynasty.

If it was someone else, even if they knew where Bai Yang's foreign dynasty was, they would not be able to enter it without the leadership of their foreign dynasty.

"Foreign King, I ..." Xue Yun was terrified. He didn't understand why Cheng Yu asked him to come out to see the Foreign King. Is there any agreement between them? Now Cheng Yu is going to abandon him?

"Needless to say, I already understand!" The foreigner shook his head and said.

Does he hate Xue Yun for taking the road for Cheng Yu?

Until now, it seems that he can't hate it anymore. Cheng Yu's strength is so powerful, let alone such a deacon. Even if he is himself, isn't he caught by Cheng Yu now?

If it wasn't for him to agree to send Xue Yun coldly to arrest Cheng Yu, perhaps Bai Yang's foreign dynasty would not be like this.

At least there is no way for foreigners to lead the way. How could Cheng Yu come to the foreigner?

"Isn't it because you can't live by yourself?" The foreigner taunted himself.

But asking him to send someone to arrest Cheng Yu was an order from the lord of the dynasty. Even if he knew that Cheng Yu was strong, he had to send someone there.

Therefore, with Cheng Yu's strength, no matter who he originally decided to send, the result is the same.

Xue Yun just became the unlucky one who was selected.

"Let's talk about both of them!" Said the foreigner looking at Cheng Yu.

Obviously, he did not want Xue Yun to know too much about Bai Yang's foreign affairs.

Xue Yun was relieved, at least the foreign king did not kill him.

Cheng Yu nodded and took Xue Yun away.

Seeing Cheng Yu's means of income, I also have some envy in my heart, after all, the magic weapon that can collect living things so randomly is rare in the world.

"How are you thinking now?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Since you are Cheng Yu, then you should know that the Lord is about to deal with you now. If I take refuge in you, it is tantamount to betraying the dynasty and being the enemy of the Lord. I am also a dead end." Said.

Knowing Cheng Yu's identity, the foreigner also felt that the current conversation should be much clearer, otherwise it would always feel bottomless to talk to a completely stranger.

"How much did your Lord tell you about me?" Cheng Yu especially wanted to know how much information the Lord of the Dynasty controlled him.

"Actually, my Baiyang foreign dynasty will become what it is now, and you should be able to understand that even if the foreign king really knows you, it wo n’t be much, otherwise it would not be for me to send someone to deal with you ~ www .ltnovel.com ~ At least it should have sent me directly to deal with you! "said the foreign king.

"You're right!" Cheng Yu nodded, the other party's words were true.

If the Lord really knew his strength, how could the foreign king send Xue Yun to deal with him?

"Since everyone has said this, I will speak straight. I know that you must have spent a lot of effort on this Baiyang foreign dynasty, and you don't want Baiyang foreign dynasty to end here.

But you are now in my hands. As long as you don't cooperate with me, there will be no one in Bai Yang's dynasty who can survive.

Moreover, the death of Bai Yang's outer dynasty, when such a large area of ​​Bai Yang's outer dynasty, would become a land without a master, it is naturally impossible for your master to let it go. He will definitely re-send a new foreign king to rebuild the foreign dynasty. Even if this new foreign dynasty is also called Baiyang foreign dynasty, what will it do with you?

For you now, if you don't cooperate, you will die. If you cooperate, you are my hero. You may get more than one Baiyang dynasty, especially after I kill your Lord! "Cheng Yu laughed.

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