Godly Student

Chapter 4083: Loyalty 2 is difficult!

"What?" The foreigner was thinking while listening to Cheng Yu's previous words, but when he heard Cheng Yu's last sentence, the whole man shook and looked at Cheng Yu in shock.

Obviously, he couldn't believe that Cheng Yu had such a bold idea.

Lord, even for foreign kings like them, there is a very mysterious existence.

So no one knows what level the Lord ’s strength has reached.

However, it is clear that even when the robbery period is reached, the gap between strengths is huge.

Therefore, the strength of the Lord must have reached an unimaginable level.

Want to kill the Lord?

This idea is really too bold.

Inner and outer dynasties are two completely different concepts. They can attack the outer dynasty, but they do not mean that they can invade the inner dynasty.

After all, the inward facing masters are definitely not comparable to the outward facing, plus a large number of master bases, which forces have so many masters to attack the inward facing?

Therefore, if you want to kill the foreign king, that is definitely not to say that the power is stronger than the foreign king, at least you must have a powerful force that does not lose to the inward dynasty.

Although Cheng Yu's strength is very strong, he doesn't think that Cheng Yu's strength exceeds the master, let alone that Cheng Yu's power exceeds that of the inward.

Because he knows that Cheng Yu's power is worldly, even if he underestimates worldly power no matter how hard it is, he cannot be better than the inward.

He really didn't know why Cheng Yu was so arrogant!

Is it self-confidence? Or your ignorance?

To the foreign king, Cheng Yu may be the latter!

"Don't be surprised, if I don't kill your Lord, how can you make a frank future?" Cheng Yu naturally saw the disdain in the eyes of the foreign king.

But he didn't need to explain so much to him, he just needed to know his goal, and as for how to achieve it, that was his own business.

"That's what it says, but the Lord is not as simple as you think, nor can a foreigner like me be compared.

Among all the foreign dynasties, my Baiyang dynasty is not so outstanding.

You can break my Baiyang outer dynasty, but it doesn't mean you can break the inner dynasty.

If you do this, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble. If I were to follow you, wouldn't that be my own way to death? "Said the foreigner.

"Wrong! If you don't follow me, it must be a dead end, and you have to add millions of your entire Baiyang dynasty. But if you really help me, you have a chance to have a wider world." Cheng Yu shook his head.

The foreigner's face was cloudy and cloudy. Although Cheng Yu was a little bit dead, what made him more helpless was that he is now a prisoner of Cheng Yu.

Moreover, now that the entire foreign dynasty's life is pinched in his hands, if he promises to follow Cheng Yu, everyone can live.

If he is unwilling to follow Cheng Yu, all the foreigners must be buried with him.

This situation made it difficult for him to make up his mind to refuse Cheng Yu, but he did not want to follow Cheng Yu. This was a dilemma.

"I can give you time to consider, but I don't want to take too long. After all, the world also needs me, you understand!" Cheng Yu saw that the foreign king had never given a positive answer. He knew the other party was hesitating, and he did not ask He made a decision immediately.

Following Cheng Yu is sorry for the Lord, it is for infidelity; not following Cheng Yu is sorry for the entire Baiyang dynasty.

"This is a dilemma of loyalty and truth!" The foreigner sighed bitterly as he saw Cheng Yu disappear from his eyes.

At this time, the seven principal elders of Bai Yang's dynasty also gathered to discuss countermeasures.

Although Cheng Wang was arrested by Cheng Yu, they couldn't really do nothing. It was too passive.

"You guys talk about what should we do now?" Gao Ruyuan looked at the six other elders and asked.

Of the seven people, he should be the most anxious, after all, the enemy now occupied his mansion.

The foreign king was arrested, but he made him homeless, which really hurts.

"What can I do? That guy even caught the foreign king, how powerful he is! Needless to say. Not to mention he also has protection from strange animals. What do you think we can do?" Said the six elder Wei Chenfei.

"Even so, we can't just sit here waiting for him, right? He's staying in my mansion now, what if he plans to live longer?" Gao Ruyuan said dissatisfied.

These guys are not in a hurry, even if this guy really stays out, they will not lose much.

"Elder Gao, is there really any secret in your mansion that makes you so anxious?" Seven elder Wei Qianrou laughed.

"Am I so ignorant of the big picture? I am worried about the foreign king. Now the foreign king is in the hands of the enemy. As the chief elder of the foreign dynasty, it is incumbent on us to rescue the foreign king. Said.

Although he did care about his mansion, it was not that he did not care about the foreign king at all.

Even if it was for his own worth, he had to care about the foreign king.

Because the foreign king is gone, it is difficult for them to be alone.

"Who knows! Perhaps Elder Qianrou was right, what secrets do you really have in your mansion?" Wei Chenfei said with a smile.

"Huh! What you think is yours, but I want to remind you. If you don't want to rescue the foreign king, we will all have to die sooner or later! Don't say that my house is owned by someone else, and your house and resources are also It's someone else. "Gao Ruyuan said loudly.

"What's the opinion of Elder Gao?" Wei Chenfei asked.

He also understands the reason. The problem is that Cheng Yu is so strong that even if they understand more reason, it is useless.

In the face of absolute strength, everything is a cloud.

"Did I come to discuss with you?" Gao Ruyuan said angrily.

These guys are waiting for the pie to fall from the sky!

"Elder, what do you think we should do about this?" Second Elder Zhuang Min looked at Elder Luo Yi and asked.

"The situation is really bad now. We never thought that the foreign king would fall. Now that the foreign king is in their hands, how can we save it? If we do n’t save it, what are the consequences? We dare not imagine. "Said the elder.

"What's the difference between saying this and not saying?" Wei Chenfei said.

"I really don't have a good way. If anyone has any good method, you can tell everyone to discuss it." The elder said not to be angry.

"I want to say that our seven elders each commanded the army and killed them directly from seven directions. They are so pointy, and I don't believe they can stop so many of us?" Wei Chenfei said.

"Don't you see the strange beast beside him? If we dare to approach your high house, then we won't even have the chance to escape," said Wu Li, the five elders.

"Isn't it just a strange beast? If we confront it, we are indeed not its opponent.

But with so many of us, not everyone has to fight against it. As long as we lead it away, who else can stop us from attacking those enemies? "Wei Chenfei said.

"Put it away? Ease of speaking, who can take it away? Who wants to take it away?" Gao Ruyuan looked at Wei Chenfei and said.

The alien beast is so powerful, whoever leads away is equivalent to whoever dies.

He was so caught up by the strange beast that he couldn't even run. He was definitely not willing to do such a thing anyway.

"Don't look at me, I won't go." Wei Chenfei saw everyone's gaze on his body, his face suddenly changed, and he felt like he had the momentum to hit a stone on his own feet.

However, he would not do such a dangerous thing.

"I don't think anyone here is willing to lead away the strange beast, so this plan is a dead end?" Rokeya said.

"Since you don't want to go, then whoever proposes a solution will go for it!" Wei Qianrou said.

"This is too much. You can't think of a way. I thought of a way for you, but I still want to take a risk. If this is the case, then you should treat what I just said as fart. Alright.

Besides, I came up with an idea, and whoever performs it should choose from six of you, and that's the past! "Wei Chenfei said rather dissatisfied.

To him, he doesn't think how bad things are. If there is really no way to go, then it is good to vote for the other party, anyway, he will not waste his life as a child show.

"For now, Elder Wei's method may be tried. Since Elder Wei has an idea, we will decide by drawing lots of six." The elder said.

"I don't think this is appropriate. The seven of us, as the principal elders, cannot be involved in this issue. Otherwise, the foreign dynasty will be even more chaotic. Therefore, it is not necessary for some of us to go out on our own.

I think it is most appropriate for us to have someone under our hands to take some people away from the alien beast! "Rocoya said.

"I agree with Elder Luo's proposal that it is most appropriate for people to lead away strange animals." Gao Ruyuan took the lead in expressing his attitude.

No one wants to die ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ to lead away the strange beast?

Joke, if not dead, you have to lose half your life.

"This proposal is good, and I agree with it!" Wei Chenfei said.

Others followed suit and all agreed with Elder Luo's proposal.

There is no reason to disagree without having to kill yourself.

"That being the case, the problem of alienating the beasts is solved. Next, how do we attack those people by stealing the work and rescue the foreign king? We must discuss it well." The elder said.

"For us, the biggest problem now is that strange animal. As long as the problem of the strange animal is solved, will the remaining problems be simple?" Wei Chenfei laughed.

"You can't say that. You know, that guy trapped the prince in a magic weapon, not a house. If he wanted to rescue the prince, at least he had to find a way to capture that magic weapon!" Said the elder.

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