Godly Student

Chapter 4089: Repeated tricks?

"They are naturally afraid of retaliation. Even if they have any grudges against the dynasty, they will never be able to fight the dynasty directly.

If they let the news of the capture of Bai Yang's outer dynasty reach the ears of other outer and inner dynasties, then the dynasty must have waged war on them, so they could only block the news and secretly retaliate. "Wei Chenfei said.

"Yes, it makes sense for you to say that. However, I still think that the possibility that they are just mad at us is too low." Rocoya said.

"What do you mean, even if these people are not from other dynasties, they still want to annex our Baiyang dynasty?" Wu Li said.

"I do think so. Only in this way will they not kill us as much as possible, and they will not actively allow strange beasts to attack us.

Otherwise, we really want to get this strange animal out of the restricted area, and we can't escape from Bai Yang's dynasty. How much can the eight forces outside our country have left? I believe none of us can afford such a loss! "Rocoya always insists on his point.

"Even if you are right, what should we do now? Now we have proved that our actions have failed, and the foreign king cannot be saved. Do we have to wait for them to annex us?" Gao Ruyuan said.

"Or else, let's kill them directly from one of the exits?" Wei Chenfei said.

"Killing from the exit? Isn't this possible? There is only one strange animal here that we can't deal with. There are two strange beasts at any exit, and we are even more unlikely to deal with it!" Gao Ruyuan said.

"Again, we have to fight against them for sure, but we can't be opponents, but we can use the same method, how to use old techniques to lead them away?" Wei Chenfei said excitedly.

As long as they can escape from the Baiyang dynasty, nothing will be a problem.

Once this incident is introduced into the inward, these guys will have no choice but to die!

"It's not easy for us to be able to seduce an alien beast. If you want to dispel two beasts at the same time, it will be more difficult, and the sacrifice will be great!" Zhuang Min said.

"The sacrifice is always better than all of us sitting here waiting to die. For Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, even making some sacrifice is worth it!" Wei Chenfei said for granted.

After all, this is a special situation. How can they achieve their goals without sacrifice!

"Do you think this plan is feasible?" The elder asked as he looked at the others.

"I think we can give it a try. We are no longer able to rescue the foreign king. As long as we can escape from the foreign dynasty and send this news to the internal and other foreign dynasties, everything may be reversed!" Second Elder Zhuang Min Said.

"But we did not succeed this time. Can we still succeed if we repeat the tricks?" Wei Qianrou said.

"Elder Danger, you are wrong. Our rescue of the foreign king did fail this time, but our plan to ward off the strange beast did not fail.

Besides, did Elder Gao successfully implement a plan to ward off strange animals? "Wei Chenfei said.

"Yes, it shouldn't be a big problem as long as we distract the strange beasts. But how many people would be suitable to try to dispel two strange beasts at the same time?" Gao Ruyuan asked.

"I don't think there are a lot of people leaving Baiyang. The most important thing is to spread the news. If there are too many people, the goals are also big, and those strange beasts may not be fooled." Zhuang Min said.

"If that's the case, then naturally more people are better, as long as we rush out!" Gao Ruyuan said.

"What about the remaining people? You can't let these hundreds of thousands die in this foreign dynasty?" Wei Qianrou said.

"Isn't Elder Luo just saying that those people will not kill everyone? In that case, it doesn't matter if they stay abroad!" Wei Chenfei said.

"I just said it was possible. I didn't say they really wouldn't kill everyone. And once we escaped from the North, the situation would be different and their plans would be disrupted. The news leaked out, they may not kill people! "Rokeya said.

"But with so many people, we can never bring them all out." Wei Chenfei said.

"Then take some of them out. In case they really kill everyone, then even if the foreign king is rescued, Bai Yang's foreign dynasty will still exist in name!" Said the elder, thinking for a while.

There are nearly a million monks in the entire Baiyang dynasty. Although not every monk is as powerful as them, they have also trained many masters over the years.

If killed by those people, then the entire Baiyang dynasty would be like no more.

After all, I have accumulated so many talents in so many years. Where can I find so many monks in the future?

And, even if barely enough monks are recruited from the world, how many loyal monks can be like these people now?

Therefore, they must take some people out of the country.

Otherwise, what's the point of running out of money when they return?

"But if we bring too many people, it will cause riots and unstable hearts!" Zhuang Min said worriedly.

No one wants to die. Now they let these people die, but they left with them. It was a complete despair for those who were left behind.

They also knew that they had been abandoned. At this time, they were afraid that they might not execute their orders again and help them to drive away the strange beasts.

"This ..." Obviously, this is indeed a problem. In the face of this problem, several principal elders were silent.

"Furthermore, those dedications will definitely not help us to drive away two strange beasts, so they must leave, otherwise they will only lead to greater disaster!" Rocoya reminded.

"So the plan this time must not be leaked out." Said the elder.

"But how many people should we take away from the DPRK? Is it appropriate?" Wu Li asked ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ We now have about 120,000 people each, and we want Bai Yang to go abroad later And the ability to recover, at least half of the people! Said the elder.

"But can we really take so many people out of the country?" Wu Li doubted.

Take 60,000 people alone, and even if they don't care about the people of the foreign king's line, they also have 360,000 people.

So many people are a big goal, and it is definitely not easy to bring so many people out.

"As long as the strange beasts have left the exit, it will not take long for the 360,000 people to leave the DPRK! And the remaining 360,000 people may be able to lead away four strange beasts at the same time!" The elder carefully considered After a moment, said.

"You mean we are going out from the two exits?" Everyone was startled!

PS: Today's update is over!

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