Godly Student

Chapter 4090: That's it!

"Will it be too risky to drive away the four strange beasts at the same time?" Everyone wondered.

"Even if we take half of the people, there are still 360,000 people. So many people can't all go away to dispel two strange beasts. So many people can't retreat quickly, that will only cause greater losses." Said the elder.

"But we don't have to let all the 360,000 people go to ward off the strange beasts. Maybe we can let some of them pretend to besiege the strange beasts.

In this case, they just dispelled their doubts that we were about to escape from the DPRK. "Rocoya said.

"Yes, this idea is okay. Let everyone think that we just want to besiege these two strange beasts, then they will not be confused!" Wu Li said.

"Can't we bring more people?" Wei Qianrou asked.

She thought that it would be better for so many people to take them out instead of staying abroad.

"We can't have too few people left. Otherwise, it's easy to cause these people's doubts. Once people's heart is disturbed, they will try their best to lead us to alien animals." The second elder Zhuang Min explained.

"In this case, it is not too late, and we don't have to discuss it anymore, we will act on another date, now!" Wei Chenfei said.

"What do you think?" The elder looked at the others.

"I think this is indeed the best time, especially those in Gaofu. If we change the time to gather everyone, they will definitely stare at us.

But at this time, they will never think that we have to escape from the DPRK! Gao Ruyuan said.

"Okay, then it's better to choose another day, and let's go now!" Several elders apparently had no opinion on this proposal.

The most important thing is that everyone wants to leave the DPRK as soon as possible, and now it is definitely a right and wrong place.

If you don't leave today, maybe there will be no chance in the future.

So, the elders hurriedly regrouped everyone.

After everyone saw that the beasts did not attack them, their emotions gradually stabilized, and it was no longer a problem to assemble again.

Soon, the people and horses of the Seven Houses were assembled, and they were divided into three groups and quickly moved in different directions. One group was rushing toward the East Gate, and the other two groups were moving in different directions.

"Master, those people are gone!" Everyone in the Ninth Family feels a little weird.

The other side gathered the entire forces of the outward dynasty to attack them, but now they did not even move their hands and forced them away.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Cheng Yu was admiration and admiration.

They think that the Lord is really more and more wise. Only their Lord in this world can be so calmly defeated to reach a million monks. In this spirit, who can rival?

"Retreat is retreat, but these people seem to have other goals!" Cheng Yu Lin Li Gaofu over the sky, watching the people in Qifu slowly retreat, wondering in his heart.

"Why did the young master say this?" Chen Ruiyang looked at the army far away and didn't seem to think there was anything wrong.

"The seven principal elders are separated into seven provinces, and the directions of these seven provinces are all different. It stands to reason that if the seven provinces' armies fail, they should return to their respective jurisdictions.

But you see, these people are divided into three groups. And it ’s not strange that there are seven army in each group. "Cheng Yu said.

Although separated by a certain distance, the whole process of the regrouping of the people of the Seven Houses saw clearly.

"Still this? But the least crowd seems to be heading for the East Gate! As for the other two, I don't see where they are going!" Dongfang Heyan also looked at those people, He said.

"It seems these guys haven't given up on doing anything!" Feng Yizhan said.

"Master, do you want us to stare at those guys, these guys are obviously bad intentions!" Situ Dehai said.

"No, as long as we keep the two exits, they can't make any waves!" Cheng Yu said, shaking his head.

After these days, he has believed that there are really only these two exits in the Baiyang dynasty. If there are other exits, the seven principal elders are afraid that they have already left the country with people, rather than attacking Gaofu with a large army.

So, seeing so many people here, he was more relaxed.

"Master, is there really nothing wrong with this?" Chen Ruiyang looked at the direction in which these three men and women were going away, and said with some worry.

These people now obviously have other purposes. If they are not fortified at all, they will be afraid of defense.

"Don't worry, let's wait here first to see what kind of fame they are going to do!" Cheng Yu said.

He doesn't know what these people are going to do now, and can only watch it change.

"I hope these guys can't do anything serious, otherwise it would be difficult for us, if we want to stop millions of people!" Nangong Bohao said.

Cheng Yu didn't speak, he just waited quietly, and he also wanted to see what these guys were going to do.


After a while, the members of the Ninth Family suddenly heard some roar.

"This is ... the voice of a strange beast?" Ji Zhengyang was startled.

"Master, do these guys really want to break through the exit?" Chen Ruiyang said to Cheng Yu.

"It seems they can't hold it!" Cheng Yu nodded.

He is obviously better informed than the people of the Nine Great Family. The beast is under his control, and he naturally senses that the emotions of the two beasts in Dongmen are changing.

"Master, these guys are really weird. Their seven provinces are divided into three groups. If they want to storm the East Gate, why are the fewest people going to the East Gate? Do they think those people are enough to open the East Gate Yet?

Where are the other two people going? "Situ Dehai asked in doubt.

"Willn't they want to attack Simon at the same time?" Feng Yi advocate said ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ No, the other two people are not in the direction of Simon, they should have another purpose. And if they attack East Gate and West Gate at the same time, it must be a heavy loss and unnecessary. "Situ Dehai shook his head.


At this time, Golden Tiger seemed to feel that his companion was being attacked by the enemy, and he shook his body and shouted loudly!

"It seems that these people want to repeat the tricks, those people want to draw away the two strange animals at the east gate, and the other two people may want to take the opportunity to escape from the DPRK!" Cheng Yukan When I reached this golden tiger, I suddenly thought of something, and said aloud.

"Yeah, these guys are really cunning. They didn't plan to fight with the two strange animals at Dongmen. So the number of people is the least. In this case, the advance and retreat will be easier, and it will be easier to attract strange animals!" I think this possibility is very large.

"Master, if this is the case, we must go to the East Gate, and we must not let them escape from the DPRK!" Chen Ruiyang said!

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