Godly Student

Chapter 4107: He didn't lie!

"We might be more useful to him alive!" Rocoya said.

"So what? As long as our plan is successful, then we can break openly and openly, and then he can only honor his previous promise." Gao Ruyuan said.

"What if he breaks his word!" Wei Qianrou asked.

"If he breaks his word, then we will change our pretend to become a formal war. Anyway, when we play out, will we still be afraid that they will trap us?" Gao Ruyuan said proudly.

"Perhaps your plan is not a problem, but all your plans are based on your assumptions. If we now send a war signal, the Seven Houses will only think that we have something wrong, so they will not pretend to start a war .

In addition, if we turn his attention away, but this does not allow us to break through the battlefield easily, then the loss of our seven people and horses is real.

At that time, we will not be able to go out. The strange beast outside Gaofu alone will be enough to cause great losses to the seven government armies, not to mention the damage caused by Gaofu's attacking array.

Most importantly, if what he said is true, who will save us then?

Therefore, I do not agree with this plan. The chance of success is too small, and there is too much uncertainty. "The elder directly denied this plan.

"How about you? Do you disagree?" The elder Gao Yuanyuan disagreed, and anxious!

"I also don't agree. This plan does have too much uncertainty. Although we pretend to attack Gaofu, the Qifu army will not know about this plan.

Once this signal is sent, the consequences are unimaginable! Luo Keya also said, with the same views as the elder.

"I don't agree!" Wei Qianrou followed.

"I think it's okay to give it a try, and the Qifu people are not stupid. We have told them before and we will go to war depending on the situation.

If they can't see us, even if they attack Gaofu, they may not do their best. Moreover, once the situation is out of control, they will definitely retreat. I think that even if there is a loss, it will not be too big, just like our actions that night! "Wei Chenfei said.

"I think if this plan is to be implemented, it may be a bit premature now. Let's take a look at how powerful this array is.

If it is really dangerous, should we make another decision to implement this plan, do you think? "Zhuang Min said.

"Yes, I agree with this proposal. We can keep the plan first. If this formation is not so terrible, we will break it directly, why do we do it!

If this formation is really dangerous, and we have no other way, then we will implement this plan at that time, even if this will cause losses to the people of the Seven Provinces. Wu Li also said.

"I can accept this!" Gao Ruyuan heard that not everyone was directly opposed, but he felt better.

Moreover, what they said makes sense, and maybe it is not the right time to implement this plan.


But at this moment, a sudden bang, and then Wei Chenfei screamed!

"Lao Wei, what's wrong with you?" Everyone was startled.

"I have someone here attacking me!" Wei Chenfei furiously said.

"Someone attacked? Was that guy? Who!" Gao Ruyuan was guessing whether this person was Cheng Yu, and suddenly he felt an attack coming to him.

I saw Gao Ruyuan flashing, and rushed out the first time.

"Who are you?" At this time, Gao Ruyuan saw a figure appear a few meters away.

It's just that the dimness of this formation can't see the person's face at all. However, judging by the figure's figure, it doesn't look like Cheng Yu.

Moreover, at this time, the sound of fighting appeared in several consecutive positions, and it was clear that everyone else was facing the same problem.

And the person in front is still there, which shows that there is not only one person attacking everyone in this formation, so it is also possible to rule out that this person is Cheng Yu.

Of course, it is not excluded that Cheng Yu may be one of them.

The silhouette did not speak, and when he saw his right hand stroked in front of him, a strange pattern appeared. Immediately afterwards, the pattern flew towards him.

Seeing this, Gao Ruyuan stepped back. But the pattern flew fast, and he was already retreat.

So quickly cut the pattern from the middle with a sword from top to bottom.


With a bang, the moment the pattern was cut open and exploded, there were countless sword shadows flying out.

At such a short moment, Gao Ruyuan was bounced off by the force of the explosion when the pattern exploded. Faced with so many sword shadows in an instant, obviously there was not enough reaction and defense time.

But even so, Gao Ruyuan did his best to protect himself. The sword crossed his chest, and a flash of light flashed out of his chest.

Boom boom!

Unfortunately, the distance is too short, and the number of sword shadows is high, the speed is fast, and the power is high, the barrier as high as a mile is instantly broken.


Gao Ruyuan was blown out with a spit of blood!

"What means is this?" After Gao Yuanyuan fell to the ground ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ There were still a few mouthfuls of blood pouring out of his chest, his face full of horror.

This method is too strange. He has lived for so many years and has not seen such an attack method.

However, this was just the beginning. I saw that figure suddenly flew over him, and then stroked again.

Another pattern, but not the same as before!

At this time, Gao Ruyuan had a bad hunch.

The pattern flew down from the top, and it became bigger and bigger, as if it had become a giant peak.

Gao Yuanyuan's cold sweat sweated and hurried out!


With a loud noise, the powerful air flow rushed forward from behind him.


Gao Ruyuan only felt a heavy blow on his back, and once again spit out old blood.


It's as high as falling on the ground, like a fierce dog, but it doesn't hurt him that much!

"What the **** is this special thing? It is so horrible?" Gao Ruyuan suddenly felt that Cheng Yu's words might not be completely unreliable.

At least he now believes that the formation that Cheng Yu said is very powerful and true.

"It seems that the situation of other people is not optimistic!" If this is the case, the other people may not be better than him.

Moreover, he has heard different loud noises from different directions, and it can be seen that the battle is fierce no matter which elder there is!

"I don't know what the guy said is worth. If we were to be killed, would he really come to save me?" Gao Ruyuan originally hated Cheng Yu, but now, he has never been so eager for Cheng. Yu appeared.

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