Godly Student

Chapter 4108: Fall?

At this point, Rocoya's mouth had shed blood, dripping on the robe on her chest, gasping at the hazy figure in front of her, looking dignified.

I saw this figure hanging in the air, sitting on one leg and sitting on the other leg. The other leg rested on the leg of the sitting, and there was a guqin on both legs, and the hands gently pressed the strings.

Seeing the man's hands suddenly started to move again, Rokeya was even more tense and instantly alert.

"I don't know what this guy will do this time?" Rocoya has already tried the power of the opponent, knowing that the next battle will definitely be difficult again.


I saw the man stroking the harp, the harp sounded sick, and it gave a heavy and dangerous feeling, making Rocoya's face even more solemn.

Rokeya didn't want to sit still, she didn't know what dangerous trick this guy was going to do. But she knew that once the other party was ready, she would be very dangerous.

Therefore, Luo Keya chose to take the initiative to attack, only to interrupt the opponent's rhythm, perhaps he can still reverse the situation.

Otherwise, she will always be passive and slaughtered.


I saw two hands pinching the tactics, and a few red cormorants flew out of the body and attacked the man who touched the piano.

But the man didn't seem to be in a hurry and was still sitting there to play the piano.

It was only when the red cricket was about to be three feet away from the Fuqin man, but when he saw the person plucking the strings, he saw a golden light shoot out, and a golden barrier just appeared in the three-foot place. All blocked.

Seeing this, Rocoya was not discouraged, but shot again.

And this time the red badger was more fierce than before, and it was no longer just a frontal attack.

I saw that these red magpies flew out and they completely dispersed, attacking the Fuqin people in all directions. Even the dead corner below was not overlooked, and several red cormorants rushed towards the ground.


Faced with such a scattered and comprehensive attack, the violinist's piano sound became even more galloping.

Different from the above, this time the Fuqin man not only appeared a barrier directly in front of three feet away, but also appeared behind, up, down, left, and right, so that he was completely protected by his own barrier inside.

Boom boom!

Rocoya's red thump hit the six barriers and made a loud noise.

It is a pity that although there are a lot of red cockles and great power, they have not broken these six barriers after all.

"Who the **** is this guy? There is no way to control the war!" Rokeya was shocked to see such a situation.

Although she does not say that her strength is extremely high, but at the level of crossing the robbery period, she is definitely a real master.

However, she found that since Cheng Yu's appearance in the Baiyang dynasty, she has been hit harder than ever.

She used to think that she was just not as good as Cheng Yu and those strange beasts, but now, how can she feel that she can't beat the people around Cheng Yu?

Of course, in her cognition, she didn't know that the figure in front of her was actually an ancient soul of Zhenfa, and even thought that these were the people around Cheng Yu, but Cheng Yu sent them into the formation.

Therefore, even the people around Cheng Yu are so strong, when did they become so weak?

The more she thought about it, the more she faced her instability, but the other side was very calm and calm.

And the sound of the opposite piano reappeared, which immediately made her anxious.


Suddenly, the violinist's hand fluttered on the strings, and the piano sound instantly turned into a large golden knife, and quickly slashed at her.


Rocoya hid and struck again at the Fuqin.

But her attacks were completely blocked by the six golden barriers, and she could not attack at all.

This is definitely not a good thing for Rocoya. Her attacks are not effective for the other party, but the other party ’s attacks are extremely threatening and harmful to her, which makes her uncomfortable.

What's even more annoying is that she is now trapped in this formation, and even if she knows that she is not the opponent of the piano player, she has nowhere to run.

However, even if there was nowhere to run, she didn't plan to sit and wait for the other to die.

So she chose to escape.

Even if she can't escape in this formation, she also hopes to escape the sight of the violinist.

There was fog everywhere, and she didn't know where she could escape, but at this moment, she could only escape continuously.

As long as there is no one!

However, obviously it was just her own wishful thinking.


Finally she found that no matter where she went, the sound of the piano lingered in her ears, and she couldn't stop lingering.


Moreover, as she ran away, there were constant attacks on her.

Boom boom!

Rocoya flees while dodging the other's attack, which makes her originally elegant and noble at this time look particularly embarrassed.

At this moment, she clearly understood that Cheng Yu's kind reminder was not deceiving her.

Perhaps their choice was wrong from the start.

Judging from the current situation, if no one comes to rescue them ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Maybe they will really die there.

She didn't know whether Cheng Yu's words were true or false. If they were going to die here, would he really come out to save them?

She is confused!

"Where are you?" Rocoya evaded an attack and shouted at the others.

"Sister Keya, my enemy is so strong, can you come and help me!" At this moment, Wei Qianrou's anxious voice came over.

Listening to the sound, Wei Qianrou's breath was a little unstable, even a little weak, and she was obviously injured.

"I can't find you, and I have met a strong enemy here, I'm not his opponent!" Rokeya anxiously.

Although she could always hear the fighting from other people, she couldn't find anyone, which made her enjoyment worse.

Especially when she knows that the situation of other people is also very bad now, she really wants to find everyone, and fight with everyone, maybe there is a chance to leave here, otherwise each of them will be very dangerous, or even die here.


Just then, Wei Qianrou screamed.

"Qianrou! Qianrou! What's wrong with you!" Rocoya shouted in shock.

However, no matter how she shouted, Wei Qianrou never heard any more.

"Qianrou!" Tears were already visible in Luo Keya's eyes. At this moment, the picture of her meeting with Wei Qianrou for so many years appeared in her mind.

Although the two have always been noisy, but for so many years, they have also been noisy. But the two have long been loved ones.

Especially when facing foreign enemies in the foreign dynasty, the relationship between the two was even more obvious.

But at this moment, she felt like she was losing a loved one!

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