Godly Student

Chapter 5000: Have a rape?

Compared with the last time the army of one million, this time the appearance of the five million in the inner dynasty is really a mighty one.

The foreign king Jiangyang spread the news to the Pingyuan foreign dynasty as soon as he learned the news.

These two foreign countries were the first front lines in this direction, and naturally they began to withdraw their troops as soon as they learned the news.

After so much time buffering, they had already figured it out.

Reluctant to give up, but at this time, they can't really bring hundreds of thousands of troops to coexist and die with foreign dynasties.

The site is gone, and you can still get it back in the future.

But if people are gone, then there is really nothing left.

The army of the entire foreign dynasty has long been assembled and is on standby at any time. Now that the news is confirmed, what are you waiting for?

So the army of the city began to retreat, and once the army withdrew, without the defenders, these cities were naturally chaotic.

In their view, since these places are going to be given to Neichao, will they still give them a large and stable city?

These mess will be left to the Inner Dynasty, let them clean up by themselves!

However, during this period of time, they have also determined the central foreign dynasty, which is the Danqing foreign dynasty.

After all, Danqing's foreign dynasty is the largest in the surrounding area, the strength is also the strongest, and it has the most foreign dynasties connected to it, and it is convenient for everyone to move closer to the Danqing foreign dynasty.

Of course, the most important thing is that Foreign King Danqing did not agree to give up his own territory. Other foreign kings were afraid of the strength of Foreign King Danqing, and in the end they could only choose to compromise, and all foreign dynasties went to Danqing Foreign dynasty to join forces.

Compared with the foreign dynasties on the front line, the foreign dynasties behind the Danqing Waiwang have already started to go to the Danqing Wai dynasty.

After all, they couldn't determine when Neichao would call. If they really waited for them to receive the news, it might be too late.

However, these foreign dynasties on the front line are different. They will not be able to retreat after discovering the forces of the internal dynasties.

After all, no matter how fast the Inner Korean army is, it is impossible for them to run in front of them. They only need to evacuate as soon as possible.

Although there are a lot of five million troops in the Inner Korea, their goals are very obvious. In addition, the situation that has occurred last time has led to the failure of the dispatch of troops.

So this time, the five million army was almost without distraction, pointed at the target, and marched very fast.

In less than half a month after Jiangyang’s foreign dynasty withdrew, the internal forces had already entered the boundary of Jiangyang’s foreign dynasty and quickly occupied these cities.

Although these cities are now in a mess, and there are no resources left after the last looting, but this time they still took away all the remaining resources, even a soldier. Nothing left to them.

The monks who originally lived in the city were naturally unwilling to intervene in the civil war between the dynasties, so after all the foreign troops in the city were withdrawn, they also fled.

Therefore, the people left in the city are basically ordinary people. Therefore, even if the inner dynasty occupy these cities, it does not make much sense. On the contrary, if they want to restore peace to these cities, they have to send troops to maintain the city’s security. , And even provide resources for the people in these cities.

But when they occupied some cities, they also found that the situation seemed to be wrong.

"General Liu, there is no way for us to continue like this. There are only countless poor people left in these cities. It is too much time for us to appease these people, and we also waste our resources.

More importantly, all the people from Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty fled. Even if we occupied these cities, it didn't make any sense. Instead, they let them escape easily.

We should abandon these cities and go directly to chase the escaped foreign troops! "Vice-General Wang reminded General Liu.

"Maternal King Jiangyang should have already figured out the way of retreat. They will withdraw as soon as we arrive. We have to chase now, and it is too late!" General Liu said.

"But even so, we can't delay the marching speed for these worthless ordinary people.

And I just received the news that Pingyuan’s foreign dynasties have completely withdrawn. I now suspect that they are gathering forces to fight us. We must speed up the march and we must eliminate them before all these foreign dynasties withdraw their troops. "Vice-General Wang reminded.

"Then do you know where the forces of Jiangyang Foreign Affairs and Hepingyuan Foreign Affairs have been withdrawn?" General Liu asked.

"They withdrew their troops half a month before we arrived at Jiangyang Outer Dynasty. Judging from this time, they are now afraid that they have already left the Jiangyang realm and entered the Wuling Outer Dynasty." Vice-General Wang thought for a while. road.

"That's not enough. Do you think it is possible for us to catch up with them now? If we want to catch up with them, we must send an advance army.

But if there are too few advance soldiers, even if they catch up with them, it doesn't make any sense. Instead, they might be wiped out.

But if too many people are sent, they may not be able to catch up with them.

Besides, before we set off, several chief elders reminded us again and again that we must not dispatch our troops separately.

The last time our army of the Great Ten Thousand Army of Inner Korea was divided into three groups, we were finally attacked by them, and the whole army was wiped out.

So we can't repeat their mistakes anyway. "General Liu said.

"But if they really planned it long ago and are gathering a lot of troops to stop us, what should we do?" Vice-General Wang worried.

"What is there to worry about? Since we have dispatched troops, we will inevitably fight the independence faction after all. And we have an army of five million. How many troops do they have when they are full of foreign dynasties?

Even if they make up enough five million troops, can they fight our inner elite? "General Liu said dismissively.

"But nowadays there are not many independent foreign dynasties. It is naturally impossible for a few foreign dynasties to make up five million troops. But if they all put together so many foreign dynasties, let alone five million. , Even if it is ten million.

General, we must not underestimate the enemy! "Vice-General Wang reminded again.

Of course he knows how the millions of troops in their dynasty disappeared last time because they underestimated these independent factions.

If you take out a foreign dynasty or even several foreign dynasties alone, there is naturally no way to compare with them.

But from now on, they have completely entered the territory of the independent faction.

If these independence factions are all united, their five million army may not necessarily have any advantage at all.

Besides, they are so far away from the Inner Kingdom, but their independence faction is right in front of them. Once they are lost, other foreign dynasties will definitely provide support at the first time.

Even if these independent factions are not their opponents for a while, if they are caught in a protracted battle, then they are obviously at a disadvantage.

"Ten million troops? Do you really think that their troops are all coming from the sky? Even if they really want to get together, it will take time.

In any case, it is not a matter of a while for them to withdraw the troops of the entire foreign dynasty. Even if the Jiangyang foreign dynasty Hepingyuan foreign dynasty or even the Wuling foreign dynasty's soldiers and horses cannot catch up.

However, these foreign dynasties must withdraw their troops completely, and we may not be able to catch up with those foreign dynasties in the future.

Want to make up an army of ten million? Don't even think about it! "General Liu said coldly.

Their five million army only needs to march forward, but these foreign dynasties ahead must summon the entire foreign dynasty to retreat, which takes a lot of time.

The withdrawal time of each foreign dynasty will be slower than their marching speed, so as long as they chase all the way, the first few foreign dynasties may be too late, but if they catch up to the back, they will always catch up.

"So General, we can no longer take care of these cities. We must hurry up. Whether or not they are really capable of making up 5 million or more troops before we catch up, we must catch up as soon as possible. .

More importantly, the chief elder is not reminding us that there may be sacred dynasties secretly helping them.

This holy pilgrimage **** is mysterious, and has always been an enemy of our inner dynasty, we have to be careful. "Vice General Wang said.

"Order to continue, abandon all the cities, and pursue the independent army with all its strength." General Liu also agreed with Vice General Wang's idea.

Especially when he mentioned the mysterious sacred dynasty, it awakened him all at once.

Although he did not believe that these foreign dynasties could really gather so many troops, but this holy dynasty had to deal with it carefully.

I heard that the millions of troops were attacked by the holy dynasty last time.

This sacred dynasty is simply a nightmare of the inner dynasty. For so many years, they have never really seen the people of the sacred dynasty, but the people of the sacred dynasty are like ghosts, and they have never let their inner dynasty peaceful.

Before the expedition, the chief elders also reminded him time and again to be careful of the sacred dynasty making ghosts in secret.

But after such a long time, the five million army is mighty, everything is so smooth, he almost forgot, there is another sacred dynasty that may have been secretly eyeing, and may appear to give them a sap at any time.

So from this time on, no matter how many cities they passed through, they all gave up, just marching quickly and chasing the army that fled.

However, they did not know that these foreign dynasties had known the news of the five million troops of the inner dynasty a long time ago, so these foreign dynasties had already made preparations to withdraw their troops a long time ago.

Once the news arrived, they didn't need to spend so much time to summon the troops of the entire foreign dynasty.

When they rushed to Wulin Waichao, there was only an empty shell left there, as well as a chaotic city.

"These guys are acting so fast? Did they already know that we are coming?" General Liu was very puzzled.

"It shouldn't be possible, right? Even if Jiangyang Waichao and Hepingyuan Waichao spread the news to Wulin Waichao in the first place, they shouldn't have gone so thoroughly.

The entire Wuling Outer Chao was empty. Obviously, they had already hollowed out the entire Outer Chao a long time ago, and they seemed to be ready to run away at any time! "Vice General Wang said.

"Are there any insiders among us?" General Liu asked suspiciously.

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