Godly Student

Chapter 5001: Active to passive?

"General, isn't it possible? All of us have never left the army, nor have we noticed that there are soldiers in contact with outsiders. How could there be a rape?" After hearing General Liu's words, all the lieutenants around us changed accordingly. Turned his face.

Whether they themselves are rapes or not is naturally clear. Since they are not rapes, the rapes are other people in the army.

But if there is a **** in their army, isn't it very dangerous for them to send troops this time?

"Perhaps the **** is not in our army!" General Liu said.

"Isn't it in our army? Does the general mean that a traitor is in the country?"

"It's not impossible. Think about it. These foreigners go so cleanly. Obviously, this can't be done in a short time.

When Jiangyang Waichao and Hepingyuan Waichao did not leave a single soldier, I was a little surprised.

I just think it was because they had spies inquired about us very early, so it was possible to evacuate so quickly and completely.

But now even the Wuling Outer Dynasty has withdrawn so cleanly, which is obviously a bit abnormal.

It was as if they had already known that we would come, and even prepared for evacuation a long time ago.

If only their spies found us, I think this time is very limited. In such a limited time, it is absolutely impossible for them to evacuate the entire foreign affairs. "General Liu said.

"This kind of speculation may have a certain truth, but if it is said that the traitor is from the inner dynasty, is it a bit reluctant?

And even if it is true, we have no way to extract this traitor, right? "Vice General Wang said.

"If the inner dynasty really has a traitor, at least we can now send people back to remind the chief elders, otherwise every time we send troops, the enemy has already grasped our movements in advance. This is the most important thing." General Liu said. .

"That's true, but what do we do now? If they really know the news of our dispatch in advance, I am afraid that these rebels have already figured out countermeasures to deal with us." Deputy General Yu said with some worry.

"Even if they know the news of our dispatch, we have five million elite troops. Apart from looking for other foreign forces, what ability do they have to compete with us?" General Liu said.

"But what if they really find five million or more troops to fight us? Come to think about it, they all retreat without a fight, obviously in order to retain their strength.

Now that they have reached the Wulin Outer Dynasty, they are equivalent to the forces gathered in the three Outer Dynasty.

If they keep retreating like this, it will not be difficult for them to gather up to thirty foreign dynasties, right? "Vice-General Wang reminded.

"What do you mean is, let's not chase? Then how do you want me to confess to the chief elders of the Inner Dynasty?" General Liu asked rhetorically.

Perhaps these people's concerns are justified, but he has to chase them down, otherwise he will not be able to confess inwardly.

"General, we are going out this time to suppress these rebellious dynasties. If we go back in this way, there will naturally be no way to deal with each other.

But the chief elders did not require us to resolve these rebellions first. So we must not be fooled by them. Let's change the offensive direction, maybe it will be safer. "Vice-General Xu suggested.

"General, I think Vice-General Xu's proposal is good. We are now under the control of the Independence faction. Why do we have to chase after them?

We can completely change the direction. Even if they can gather tens of millions of troops, what can they do to us? "Vice-General Wang also very much supports this proposal.

"But how do you know if we change direction, it won't be the same result?"

"It shouldn't be possible? Even if we have a gangster in our inner dynasty, it won't be the whole rebellion that spread the news, right?

Moreover, even if it is to spread across such a wide area, time is too late, right? "Vice-General Xu said.

"General, anyway, looking at the current situation, we can't catch up with those guys here. Instead of that, we might as well try in a different direction.

If they did not withdraw their troops, isn't our speculation correct? "Vice-General Wang thought for a while and said.

"General, and judging from our current direction, if we continue to catch up like this, we will arrive at Danqing Outer.

You know, the strength of the King Danqing is one of the best among all the Kings. In addition, the foreign dynasties around her are also very powerful, and they are in alliance with Danqing Foreign dynasties.

As far as I know, during these years, the Danqing Foreign Kings and these foreign kings took advantage of the chaos of the world and continuously annexed all the foreign dynasties. Today, the Danqing foreign dynasties are much stronger than before.

So no matter whether they have really set up the game and waiting for us, we must also change our direction to avoid a hard fight with the other kings of Danqing.

Otherwise, even if we really beat them, our losses will definitely be great. "Vice-General Xu reminded.

"Yeah, I also heard about this, and the last time our inner dynasty millions of troops were destroyed by these rebellious dynasties, Dan Qing seems to have participated.

So we should really avoid these powerful foreign dynasties as Lieutenant General Xu said, and start with those weak ones.

Now we can't avoid changing our directions, and we can just take the opportunity to verify whether all the rebellious dynasties have already known the news of our arrival. "

"Well, it seems that this can only be done!" General Liu thought for a while, this proposal is not bad.

The Nei Dynasty has already handed over the task to them, so no matter what the situation is encountered here, they will not be able to shrink back.

Since there is no way to retreat, you can only move forward.

But if they knew there was a trap ahead, and they kept rushing forward, it would be a bit stupid.

What's more, there is a Danqing Wai Dynasty ahead. As a member of the inner dynasty, how can they not know the reputation of Danqing Waiwang?

At the beginning of the foreign dynasty competition, Danqing was ranked very high.

What's more, the foreign dynasties surrounding King Danqing are all her allies. If they really start a war with her, he estimates that even if they have an army of five million, they won't be able to ask for a big deal.

After all, their five million army has no reinforcements. If they lose, they will end up just like the one million army last time. There is only one dead end.

So now change the direction and see if all the rebels have received the news and are ready to withdraw their troops.

If this is the case, then they really have to find another way.

But if not, not only did they avoid a hard battle with the powerful Danqing foreign dynasty, but at the same time these weak foreign rebels could not escape, and they would all become a monument to their five million army.

According to the original plan, after passing the Wulin Outer Dynasty, they could enter the Qinghuo Outer Dynasty or the Changping Outer Dynasty.

But if they continue to go in this direction, they will be approaching towards Danqing Outer Chao, so they first entered the Qinghuo Outer Chao, first to see if they are also empty cities.

Unsurprisingly, all the troops of Qinghuo Foreign dynasty were also withdrawn.

If this is the case, they can only change directions, instead of going east, they turned to the north and entered Changping Outer Dynasty.

They had already guessed that, judging from the environment in which Changping Foreign Court was in, they should have all withdrawn.

The fact is also true, Changping Foreign Affairs has only left them with a lot of mess.

"These foreign courts have all withdrawn so thoroughly, it seems that they do have a big conspiracy waiting for us. Judging from the situation of the foreign courts in this direction, I guess these guys are afraid that they have all fled to the Danqing foreign court." Liu The general estimated.

"It is indeed very possible that the Danqing Foreign Dynasty is the most powerful existence in this area. These guys have escaped so thoroughly, there is indeed a high possibility that they have taken refuge in the Danqing Foreign King." Deputy General Wang said.

"However, I am still worried about whether there has been a gangster in the Nei Dynasty, and where they have spread our news.

If all the rebellious dynasties had already known about this, they might all have escaped to the most powerful foreign dynasty in the region to take refuge.

In this way, no matter where we change our direction to advance, the final result must be a battle with such a powerful foreign dynasty as Danqing Waichao.

Take Danqing Foreign dynasty as an example. With so many foreign dynasties gathered, this strength really makes us a little jealous.

And if other rebels also find such a backing in their own area, then our situation will be very embarrassing next.

No matter where you go, it will be an unavoidable fierce battle. "General Liu passed through so many foreign dynasties, and this terrible premonition became stronger and stronger, which made him very worried.

If his predictions come true, it would really be a huge trouble.

According to their initial vision, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and their five million army, no matter which foreign dynasty they encounter, they can directly crush them.

But if they have known the news a long time ago, and they are all allied with each other, and their military strength is not even less than five million, what should they do?

Will this battle be fought or not?

As the coach, he is really in a dilemma.

"General, we must speed up the march. If they really have received the news, then we can only arrive before all these foreign dynasties withdraw, otherwise we will really have to fight them." Listen. When General Liu was worried about this, they couldn't help feeling a sense of crisis in their hearts.

They themselves have a huge advantage in military strength, but now that the rebellion has happened, they not only have no advantage at all, but they have also brought great danger to themselves, which of course they don't want to do so.

Therefore, I only hope that their actions will be faster in the future, and they must be destroyed before these rebellious dynasties merge with other foreign dynasties.

Otherwise, so many foreign dynasties will gather more and more, and their five million will not be enough for others to fight.

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