Godly Student

Chapter 5027: Violent?

Songling Mountains!

A group of monks flew over the mountains, but suddenly frowned.

"Everyone, do you feel a strong breath of elixir?" An old man with white hair and white beard frowned, standing up against the sky, looking around.

"Lao Di, do you feel it too? I think it's my own illusion!" The gray-haired old man was also puzzled.

"I also find it a little strange. I have never seen such a strong spirit medicine atmosphere. I am afraid that it has been at least three thousand years ago? Does this Pine Spirit Mountain range still hide such treasures?" The white-bearded old man Di Lao speculated. .

"But it's not the first time we have passed this Songling Mountain Range. We have never felt such a strong spirit medicine breath before.

If there is such a baby here, we should have discovered it a long time ago. Isn't it weird? "The gray-haired old man said.

"Why be so entangled? Since there is such a strong panacea here, let's go down and take a look and know? Maybe there really is some precious panacea here?" The other elders were also curious. One after another suggested.

After all, it was the first time for many people to feel such a strong spirit medicine breath.

If there is really any elixir in the Songling Mountains, I am afraid it is really not easy. Now even finding a thousand-year-old elixir is very difficult.

But if you can find a five-thousand-year-old elixir, the degree of preciousness is self-evident, and everyone naturally doesn't want to miss it.

"Go! Go down and see!" Everyone felt the direction of this strong breath, and quickly flew over.

This is really a treasure in all likelihood, and no one wants to let it go. If it's a step too late for other cultivators to find out, wouldn't it be a big loss.

A dozen elders were as excited as children, looking forward to this breath with great expectations.

At this time, Cheng Yu was still refining the pill without hesitation.

There are a lot of exquisites for refining high-quality top-grade pill, which not only involves the order and timing of the various medicinal materials, but also the heat of the pill.

Different medicinal herbs are put in different order. Some need to put the main medicine first, some need to put the auxiliary medicine first, and some need to put the main medicine and auxiliary medicine together.

Moreover, the time of delivery is also very particular, too early or too late may affect the quality of the pill.

As for the heat, some pill may require a stable heat throughout the process, and there can be no changes during the period.

And some medicines have different heat conditions throughout the alchemy process, and different periods of time require different heat conditions.

All of these make the alchemist's control of the heat very important.

It is precisely because of these complex and changeable factors that even if many alchemists refine the same kind of pill, the final colors are all different.

Of course, Cheng Yu has enough experience in this area.

In addition, there is a top-level pill fire like Long Yan, which is a huge aid to alchemy, and it is not a difficult task to make the best pill.

I saw Cheng Yu practising the pill in a leisurely manner. Although the road to awakening this time has cost him some effort, his mood is particularly good.

As long as the problem can be recovered, it is not a problem, if it causes permanent damage to him, then it is the most terrifying.

Now this situation is nothing more than spending more time.

When this blood king pill is finished, the wasted heart blood will be able to make up in about three days.

"Strive to have two hearts within one month, so that I can fully awaken in half a year." Cheng Yu thought for a while and thought very much.

In fact, if he really didn't awaken within half a year, he could use the jade slip to send a message to these foreign kings and postpone the plan.

But in his opinion, if possible, half a year is more appropriate.

Now that the news of the defeat of Nei Korea can be reached back to Nei Korea, it will probably take two or three months at the earliest.

Even if the Nei Dynasty did not hesitate and sent troops directly, it would not be possible to kill it within half a year. So they were fighting against the Nanping Alliance at that time, and it was impossible for the Nei Dynasty to come to support it.

This is still the fastest plan of the Nei Dynasty. If the Nei Dynasty did not send troops so quickly, their plan would be safer.

Even if Cheng Yu himself did not participate in this battle, there must be foreign king Danqing and the others, and there is no problem in taking down these foreign dynasties.

Why would Cheng Yu personally participate in this battle?

There are nothing more than two reasons, one is to reduce the losses of these foreign dynasties as much as possible.

Especially some other foreign dynasties have just joined the sacred dynasty. If they suffer a great loss, if the site is not grabbed by that time, it will make them lose even more. This is obviously not justified, and it makes them even more chilling.

And the second reason is naturally to guard against the army of North Korea.

Although he believes that the Nei Dynasty will not send troops so quickly, he does not guarantee that the Nei Dynasty will not dare to do so.

After all, Nei Dynasty still has a lot of background. He had been to Nei Dynasty before and knew that it was not easy.

Even if these two wars cost them 6 million combat power, in fact, the Inner Korea has accumulated at least tens of millions of troops over so many years.

So although the two losses were not small, they were not something that the Inner Dynasty could not afford.

Therefore, he is uncertain whether the Inner Korea will send troops again immediately.

Because of this, he needs to go out in person, in case the inner dynasty really sends out troops again. If they unite with the Nanping Alliance, the loss of Danqing's coalition forces on their side will definitely be even more immeasurable, and it may even be swallowed by them, which would be really shameful.

They follow such a sacred dynasty, who can rest assured?

Who will send troops with him in the future?

So this time the plan is very important for him and the holy dynasty, and it is best to try to catch up.

After all, if he is there, it can be regarded as a boost to the morale of these foreign kings.

Otherwise, they thought they had fooled them and deliberately lured them into war with Nei Dynasty.

"Be careful, someone is approaching you!" Just when Cheng Yu was doing alchemy at leisure, Zhen Soul suddenly reminded.

"There are people looking for death everywhere, probably because they were attracted by my spirit medicine!" Cheng Yu said faintly.

With his cultivation as the realm now, the person who is least afraid of is human.

Of course, if there are thousands of immortals, it's a different matter.

But this situation obviously won't happen here, so Cheng Yu is naturally fearless.

It's just that Cheng Yu didn't expect that he had deliberately found such a remote place, but he didn't expect that someone who was not afraid of death would find it so soon.

Whoosh whoosh!

Soon, more than a dozen old men appeared in front of Cheng Yu at a distance of several tens of feet.

"It's the breath of the elixir in his hand?" The gray-haired old man saw the elixir in Cheng Yu's hand, suddenly surprised.

"That should be blood ginseng, it's just blood ginseng with such a strong breath, I'm afraid it's more than five thousand years!" Di Lao said in shock.

Before, because it was still far away from here, although I had already sensed the strong aura of elixir, but now at such a close distance, the aura I felt was even more astonishing.

Despite the distance of several tens of feet, I can see the difficulty of this blood ginseng at a glance.

"I have seen a blood ginseng plant of five thousand years old, but its breath is far not as strong as the blood ginseng in his hand. I estimate that this plant has been tens of thousands of years old." Another old man with a childish face and a hefty hair speculated.

"At least tens of thousands of years? Old Crane? You can't read it wrong, right?" The others were shocked.

Thousands of years of blood ginseng, if this can be obtained, it will have a great effect on their current cultivation base, and everyone's eyes can't help but shine.

At this moment, Cheng Yu seemed to have been filtered out by them, and this person no longer even existed in their eyes, and the Wannian Blood Ginseng in Cheng Yu's hand was theirs.

"This guy seems to be trying to refine these ten thousand years of blood, such a precious elixir, for this kid, isn't it a violent thing? Get him over quickly!" The gray-haired old man can't wait.

Especially seeing that the person holding such a precious elixir turned out to be a young man who used it to refine the alchemy. It would be wasted in nine out of ten, so I could not resist it. I immediately stretched out my right hand, trying to remove the blood from Cheng Yu's hand. Participate in sucking over.

But what surprised all the old men was that the blood ginseng was still in the hands of the young man, and the gray-haired old man could not **** the blood ginseng.

"Old Hua, what's the matter?" Di Lao asked.

"Strange, there is no response from my expert?" Hua Lao asked in confusion.


So his right hand stretched out again.

However, it was still unsuccessful, and the blood ginseng was still in Cheng Yu's hands.

"Huh! I really don't believe it!" Hua Lao flashed away immediately and flashed towards Cheng Yu. Since Qian's master is useless, just take it!


But what surprised everyone once again was that the master of Hua Lao Tangtang through the tribulation period suddenly bounced back as if hit a wall.

"Formation? This kid actually laid a formation here!" Old Hua said with surprise and anger.

"Ben Tian Palm!" But this old man is obviously also a violent temper. If something is blocking him, then destroy it and slap it violently at the formation in front of him.


The power of the palm of the sky is very strong, a palm slaps on the formation, and the power is pouring out like a rushing sea.

But the next scene shocked everyone's jaw even more.

Under the bombardment of the palm of the sky, not only did this formation not be destroyed, but Hua Lao was bombed on the spot.

"Old Hua, are you okay!" Di Lao hurried forward to support him.

"How can this formation be so powerful?" Hualao looked at her palm, already shaking like it didn't look like it.

Obviously the rebound of this formation caused him to be backlashed by the powerful force of his own palm, which caused his palm to lose its strength.

"It seems that this young man is not easy!" Old He stared at the calm young man. He knew that they were hitting his idea, but he didn't seem to care at all. He could still be so indifferent. Is a simple character!

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