Godly Student

Chapter 5028: hurry up!

"Looking at him being so calm, he really doesn't look like an ordinary monk." Di Lao said.

"Of course it's not an ordinary monk. Can an ordinary monk produce ten thousand years of blood ginseng? And you see that the herbs around him are at least thousands of years old.

How many ordinary monks have this family background? Even we can't come up with a few thousand-year-old panacea.

Moreover, he actually refines alchemy in such a place in broad daylight. If he didn't rely on it, how could it be possible? "A few other elders also analyzed.

"Could it be that there are still his elders in this place? Otherwise, why is he so calm?" Hua Lao looked around, and didn't find anyone else around here.

"It may not be someone else, maybe this young man really has a lot of strength, so he dare to be so calm." He Lao said.

"What is strong, I think it is because of the existence of this formation that makes him so confident.

Without this formation, I think he could be so calm! I will break his formation right now, and let you see what this young man is. "Old Hua suffered a loss in front of this young man just now, and of course he was a little unhappy in his heart.

However, this formation did surprise him a bit, because just now because he didn't understand it, he was put in one.

But now that he knew there was a formation here, and he was already prepared, the situation would naturally be different.

So now he has enough confidence to break this formation.

As long as there is no such formation as a reliance, how could this young man be so calm? I was afraid that I would kneel down and beg for mercy on the spot.

However, other people didn't seem to intend to stop Hua Lao, they also wanted to see if Hua Lao could really break this formation.

After all, this young man still has such good things in his hands, but he doesn't want to just leave like this.

"Xuanlong Palm!" I saw Older Hua stepping forward, his feet pressed hard, and he immediately sank for a few minutes. Luck by his dantian, he slapped his palm towards the formation.


I saw a dragon head qi shadow rushed out of Hua Lao's hand, and the dragon roared to the sky, rushing to the formation in front of him.


The dragon head's air shadow exploded instantly when it hit the barrier of the formation, and the powerful air flow spread out. The first person to bear the brunt was Hua Lao, and then the old men behind him were forced to retreat.

"This... how is it possible?" Everyone was stunned again when they saw that the formation was not broken at all.

Everyone is old friends, and everyone knows the strength of Hualao's Xuanlong Palm.

But now Hualao's palm has not been able to destroy this formation at all, which is very abnormal.

"This formation is really not easy, it seems we need to make a shot together!" Old He said.

"Look at that kid's pill fire?" At this moment, Elder Hai was surprised.

"Dragon-shaped pill fire? This kid turned out to be a senior alchemist at a young age?" Everyone was shocked when they saw that the pill fire summoned by Cheng Yu turned out to be a fire dragon swimming in the lower reaches of the pill furnace.

"This kid is really hidden. He not only hides such a precious superb elixir, but also has a high-level pill fire in his hands. He is a manufacturable material!" Not only his eyes shined, but he couldn't help but have a few in his heart. The meaning of cherishing talents.

"Boy, where do you go from?" Old Crane asked loudly.

If this kid was from an ordinary sect, even if he robbed it today, he would still **** this kid back.

"Old He, are you planning to accept apprentices now?" Several elders were also surprised.

"This young man seems to have excellent potential and aptitude, and if he can earn his income, it would be good," said He Lao.

"But if you really accept him as a disciple, what do you do with the things in his hands? Is it possible that Chengdu belongs to your master?" Hua Lao has an opinion.

He had just suffered such a big loss, and now that this young man looks so indifferent, as if they do not exist, his heart is even more unhappy.

If Old He really accepted him as an apprentice, wouldn't they be embarrassed to lick his face and ask him to hand over all these elixir?

But if he doesn't pay, as the young man's master, he can take all these elixir in an upright manner, but they can't get anything, he certainly doesn't want to.

"Old Hua, don't worry, you look at that young man, you don't want to talk to us at all. Do you think Old Crane wants to accept people as disciples, do they really want to?

Looking at the net worth of this young man, it is estimated that the background is not simple, maybe the master of his family is even more remarkable. "Lao Di said.

Everyone looked at Cheng Yu, and sure enough, they saw that he was doing alchemy on his own, and he hadn't seen them directly, let alone being willing to become an apprentice of Old He.

But speaking of them, the old guys are really sad, so many people try to impress a young man.

More importantly, it seems that it hasn't succeeded yet. Especially since people haven't even looked at them straight, it's really annoying and embarrassing.

"Don't worry about these and some are gone, he seems to be about to put all the elixir in it, we quickly broke the formation and can't let him practice anymore." Elder Hai couldn't help but reminded.

"Quick! This formation is very strong, let's go out together and break this formation!" Hua couldn't wait long ago.

"Okay!" The elders have already seen that this formation is not simple. If they don't join hands, they will not be able to break the formation alone.

More importantly, they wanted the elixir in the hands of this young man, so there was not enough time for them to slowly break through.

Boom boom boom!

Each of these elders is a strong man who has passed through the catastrophe period, with superior strength. Even so, this formation still hasn't been broken.

However, under the attack of so many powerful people, this formation has indeed undergone some changes, and the barrier of the formation has also become unstable.

But it's just that, they want to break this formation, but they are still a little bit worse.

"Who arranged this formation? It is so powerful. I really can't imagine the strength of this person!" Everyone has attacked this formation for several waves, and Di Lao said in shock.

Obviously, in their opinion, it is absolutely impossible for the young man in the formation to arrange this formation.

After all, how could such a strong formation come from a young man?

Especially the stronger the formation, the more they would think that it was from the elders of this young man.

However, the strength of a person who can arrange such a powerful formation is very shocking, definitely stronger than any of them, and more than a little bit.

"Stop it first, he has already put those elixir in it, even if we break this formation, it doesn't make any sense!" Old He saw that the young man used the 10,000-year blood in his hand to participate in several thousand-year adjuvants. They were all put in, and I was immediately disappointed.

Sure enough, they still couldn't stop him from refining such a precious elixir!

"Huh! In any case, we must break this formation. Even if these elixir has been wasted by him, there must be other elixir in his body." Hua Bai said unwillingly.

"This is not unreasonable. It is not at all distressing to see this kid throwing such a precious elixir into the refining medicine, I am afraid that he still has some inventory." Di Lao said.

"If this is the case, let's just wait until he has refined this pill. How can I say that he is also a high-level alchemist with a visible pill fire, and the medicinal materials are all spirit medicines. Let's see what he will make in the end. The medicine.” Old He said.

"But I'm afraid that this kid's elders are staying nearby. If we delay it for too long, I'm afraid it will be bad!" Di Lao said with some worry.

"Yeah, if you really want to wait until the pill is finished before you do it, then at least we have to break this formation first.

Otherwise, if he really waits until he finishes training the formation and eats the pill again, then what is the point of what we are waiting here? "Eilao reminded.

"Elder Hai is right, although he can't hide in the formation all the time. But at least we don't break the formation, he is safe to stay in the formation.

Even if he really made some incredible pill, or he really had more elixir in his hand, we still couldn't help him.

And, think about it, would someone who can deploy such a powerful formation be weak?

If he waits for his elders to come, won't we have to run away if we can't get anything?

But if we break this formation first, and surround him. At that time, even if his elders come, we can at least use him as a hostage to threaten each other. "Hua Lao also agreed.

They have been here for so long, knowing that the kid inside has a baby on him, but they can only watch, how can they be reconciled?

If these treasures are in the hands of an elder of this young man, and they can't beat others, then there is no way.

But the problem is that these babies are in the hands of such a young man, of course they have to find a way to get them.

"If this is the case, UU read www.uukanshu.com, then we have to find a way to quickly break through, and we don't know how long his elders will come back.

But if he refines the pill, I don't think it will be long. If he eats the pill as soon as he refines it, then we will fall short. "Listening to everyone, Di Lao can't stand the temptation.

The panacea can not be encountered everywhere.

They didn't know it before, thinking that this young man might waste an elixir. But now that he is a senior alchemist with tangible pill fire, he even has some expectations.

Maybe this young man can really make some extremely precious pills, so they must first make all the preparations.

As long as he refines the pill, they will immediately grab it.

"Don't say it, break the formation!" The old men once again made a joint effort to break the formation.

This formation is so strong, they really have to spend some time, so it must be as early as possible.

Otherwise, when the elders of this young man arrive, it will be even more impossible to break the formation.

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