Godly Student

Chapter 5052: Attacked!

Boom boom boom!

"What's going on?" Hearing such a big movement, the King of Nanping and the City Lord Hong rushed over with people in a hurry.

"Outer king, city lord, twenty or thirty people have just joined the siege team, and as a result, the power has become much greater, and such a big movement has been made!" The night watchman hurried forward to explain.

"Twenty or thirty people make such a big noise?" Nanping Wai Wang looked at the people who were attacking the city outside the city with a puzzled expression.

Before, thousands of people did not make such a big movement. Now there are two or three people who have made such a big movement. Who are these people?

"Do you know where those 20 or 30 people are?" The Wai Wang of Nanping glanced around and asked.

"This...they've been mixed together, and the subordinates can't recognize them!" The guard looked at so many siege masters, how could he tell them apart.

What's more, these people are all performing surgery, and they won't line up for them to recognize.

"Outer Kings, are those Outer Kings really joining the siege?" City Lord Hong said.

As a city lord, it is not bad to be able to see his own outer king. As for other outer kings, even if they stand in front of him, he does not know them.

So all this can only be guessed.

"There is a possibility, but I have to look again, are these guys doing it themselves!" Nanping Waiwang nodded, he also had this suspicion.

If it wasn't for the masters of the outer king level, how could there be such a big noise with only two or three more people.

So I continued to search among so many people outside the city who were attacking the city. Although they were only 20 or 30 people, it might be difficult to recognize them among thousands of people, but the power of these people's shots was far different.

Sure enough, when these people shot again, Nanping looked at one of them with a glance.

"Jiangchuan Waiwang? Sure enough, they were mixed in!" The figure of Jiangchuan Waiwang was found in the crowd, and Nanping Waiwang's face was extremely ugly.

Although only one Outer King was found, needless to say, other Outer Kings must have also been mixed in, but they haven't been found for the time being.

"Wai Wang, all of their outer kings have taken action, and I don't know if this big formation can hold up, why don't you leave first?" Hong Chengzhu saw that the outer king confirmed that the opponent's outer king had joined the siege. Zhan, suddenly became worried again in my heart.

"Let's take a look at it first. Although these guys are good in strength, haven't they also broken the big formation? Since they can't break through now, this means that the big formation is still strong. At least they want to break the formation. It's not that simple. ." Nanping Wai Wang shook his head and did not intend to withdraw now.

He even had a crazy idea in his heart, let these foreign kings consume like this first.

If he really broke the formation, he would be the first to go out, killing these few foreign kings who were almost consumed.

If this coalition army does not have the Outer King, the two million army will not only no longer be able to threaten them, but may even turn them into their own soldiers!

More importantly, if these foreign kings were killed, he could directly kill the twenty or thirty foreign emperors to the west of the Nanping Waichao, turning their territory into his own sphere of influence.

This idea is crazy, and perhaps the success rate is extremely low, but it does not mean that it is impossible.

And no matter what, he is still safe now, not to the point where he needs to escape.

Even if the city is really going to be destroyed, can't he escape?

"Hurry up and send letters to those reinforcements to get them to Xingle City as soon as possible!" At this moment, King Nanping's heart was very restless, and he couldn't wait.

However, he also knew that some things couldn't be rushed. If the city was going to be destroyed now, for the Nanping Waichao, the disadvantages outweighed the advantages.

So he hoped that those reinforcements would arrive earlier. If there were these reinforcements, then his crazy plan basically had a chance of 50,000 to succeed.

"Yes!" The guard nodded and immediately went down to communicate to various reinforcements.

"Wai Wang, is this really okay? So many of them have played in person. Once the city is broken, the consequences will be unimaginable. If there is something in the outer king, then I will really die. "City Lord Hong still felt that this was inappropriate.

After all, the safety of the outer king was related to the fate of his entire Hong family. He didn't want the future of the Hong family to be ruined in his hands.

"City Lord Hong, don't worry so much, don't say that they can't break the big formation now. Even if they do break the formation, so what? Do you think they can kill me?

You just need to organize your troops and fight them at any time! " said Nanping Wai Wang.

"Okay, obey the orders of the Outer King!" Seeing the Outer King's insistence, City Lord Hong felt powerless even though he did not agree with the Outer King's words. He could only obey the Outer King's words.

However, City Lord Hong has always been very worried in his heart, and he not only has to consider the safety of the outer king, but also his own safety.

But now the outer king is unwilling to leave like this, so he naturally has to continue to stick to Xingle City.

They can only do their best to provide safer protection. Once Xingle City shows signs of breaking the formation, they must know it as soon as possible and leave Xingle City quickly.

In this way, City Lord Hong spent a few days in such worry.

However, the ancestors of the Hong family really bless him. Even if all these foreign kings have already entered the battle, the movement of this siege is indeed quite scary, but three days have passed, and there is still no sign of this great formation being broken. Now he was finally relieved.

"It is really blessed by the ancestors, this great formation is really too strong, they have been attacking for so many days, even their outer king has been attacking for three days, this great formation is still so strong, it seems that this Xingle City is not It may have been breached!" Seeing all this, the guards around City Lord Hong said with joy.

This defensive formation can really guarantee the safety of Xingle City, so why do they need to escape!

If the foreign kings didn't take action before, they still have a lot of worries.

But now, they really don't have to be afraid anymore. Even their outer king has taken action, but they haven't been able to break through Xingle City. What other means do they have?

"Retreat, retreat! They all retreated! They gave up!" Sure enough, after so many days of siege, they themselves realized that there was no way to break the city. All retreated, which made all the soldiers in the city rejoiced and ecstatic.

"Wai Wang, they have been attacking for so many days in a row, and the consumption should be a lot. Shall we kill them at this time?" A guard beside the Wai Wang reminded.

"When will those reinforcements arrive?" Although Nanping Wai Wang was very happy to see such a situation, their reinforcements had not yet arrived, and they were anxious.

After all, this opportunity is rare, and the city they have been attacking for so long has indeed consumed a lot.

But the timing was not right, and after so long, no support army arrived, which made him not dare to take risks easily.

In any case, the other party also has an army of two million. Judging from the situation at this time, it is very different from the complete exhaustion of these foreign kings he imagined. Under such circumstances, he wants to kill the twenty or thirty foreigners. Wang is obviously not that easy.

"Our messenger hasn't come back yet, and we don't know their situation yet!" The guard said helplessly.

At this time, the masters of the enemy army, including the outer king, are in a weak period. If they have enough troops, they can take this opportunity to kill them and catch them by surprise.

But their reinforcements have not arrived, which makes them dare not act rashly.

"Why has there been no news for so long?" Nanping Wai Wang was a little angry.

Judging from the information I have received before, at least one group of reinforcements should have arrived here at this time. But so far, not a single foreign reinforcement has appeared, which is really annoying.

You know, opportunities like this don't come around all the time.

Once today is over and they are all recovered, even if they have enough troops to go out of the city, it will be meaningless.

"Outer King calm down, from the time point of view, maybe our messenger will have news coming back soon!"

The guard said.

"Outer King! It's not good! It's not good!" As a result, they were discussing the issue of reinforcements, and it happened that the soldiers rushed over in a panic.

"What's wrong?" Nanping Waiwang frowned.

"Outer King, I just received a message from our people. Aurora Outer Dynasty and other reinforcements have been attacked, and they may not be able to arrive at Xingle City on time for the time being!" The soldier said panting.

"Assaulted? How could it be attacked? And all the reinforcements were attacked? Why would you dare to attack the reinforcements?" Nanping Waiwang was shocked and angry.

"According to the news, the people who attacked the various reinforcements were all wearing black robes, and all of them were wearing masks, so they couldn't see their faces clearly."

"A masked man in a black robe? Could it be another ghost from the Holy Dynasty?" Nanping Waiwang's face was extremely ugly.

If it was before, they might still be curious about who the man in black robe was.

But now, as soon as he hears the black-robed man, he can basically conclude that these people are from the Holy Dynasty.

Because of the frequent appearance of people in black robes in recent years, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Especially in their battle with the independent faction, there are often people in black robes.

And those who continued to annex the dynasty city in the name of the Holy Dynasty were also dressed in black robes and masks.

So these people must be the people of the pilgrimage.

And apart from the Holy Dynasty, no one dared to be so daring to attack the reinforcements of the major foreign dynasties everywhere.

Judging from the situation in recent years, the independent faction and the Holy Dynasty have already colluded with each other. Otherwise, how could this independent faction dare to be so arrogant?

Now the independent faction is attacking the city here, but their reinforcements are attacked, maybe this is what they have already discussed.

This side is only concerned with attacking the city, while the other side blocks the arrival of reinforcements, leaving them alone in Xingle City.

If they really succeed, then they really only have a dead end in Xingle City.

It's a pity that they did all the calculations, and they didn't seem to think that Xingle City's defense formation was so strong, otherwise Xingle City would be in danger!

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