Godly Student

Chapter 5053: regret!

"Outer King, I heard that the army of the Inner Dynasty came to pacify the chaos before, and it was attacked many times by the experts of the Holy Dynasty in black robes, which led to the defeat of the Inner Dynasty's pacification operation.

Now, the experts of the Holy Dynasty have come to sneak attack on our reinforcements again. If the Holy Dynasty is not eliminated, it is really a thorn in the heart of my dynasty! " City Lord Hong said very angrily after hearing the news.

They have waited here for so many days, hoping that these reinforcements will arrive early so that the situation in Xingle City can be stabilized.

But I didn't expect that another holy pilgrimage would come to hinder them now. It's really hateful.

Without these reinforcements, his situation in Xingle City would never be able to turn a corner!

"It hasn't been a day or two for the Inner Dynasty to attack the Holy Dynasty. If it was so easy to get rid of it, it would have been removed long ago." The King of Nanping said angrily.

He also really wants to get rid of this Holy Dynasty, otherwise they will not be put together by the Holy Dynasty now.

But the sanctuary has been a mystery for so many years, and finding them is harder than reaching the sky.

Every time I heard news about the Holy Dynasty, it was either that they had annexed someone else's territory, or that they were blocking their reinforcements as they are now.

So if they didn't appear on their own, it would be impossible to find them at all.

More importantly, the strength of these black-robed people is very strong, and there are reports that these black-robed people are all experts in the tribulation period. If ordinary monks in the tribulation period encounter them, they are not theirs at all. opponent.

And they often appear in batches, even if some experts in the tribulation period encounter them, they can't stand the crowd.

So after every appearance of the Holy Dynasty, he easily escaped.

Because of this, it seems that there is no need for the inner court to take this holy dynasty at present, otherwise the two pacifications would not have been so disastrously defeated.

"Wang Wang, didn't they say that they couldn't arrive on time for the time being? This means that they will still come. Presumably, although they have encountered some troubles now, the situation should not be too bad. Maybe they will arrive in a few days. ' said a guard.

"The Holy Dynasty is not so easy to deal with. At the beginning, millions of troops from the Inner Dynasty were destroyed by them. This time, the Holy Dynasty attacked these reinforcements, obviously it was well prepared.

I'm afraid that they underestimate the strength of the Holy Dynasty, and it may not be possible for the entire army to be wiped out by then! "The outer king didn't say anything from his personal guard, so he was relieved.

After all, once the Holy Dynasty appears, there will never be anything good. He just hopes that the situation is not so bad. It is really as they said, and it is the best to be able to rush to Xingle City later.

"It shouldn't be possible for the entire army to be wiped out, right? The number of reinforcements from these foreign dynasties are as few as tens of thousands, and as many as ten or two hundred thousand.

Moreover, they divided their troops and blocked various reinforcements. Do they have so many masters? "The guard questioned.

"Don't underestimate this Holy Dynasty. Until now, let's not say that it is their old nest. We have never even seen the true faces of these masked people. This is enough to prove how powerful the Holy Dynasty is.

What's more, their appearance this time is obviously conspiring with the independent coalition forces outside the city. Their goal is to delay or prevent our reinforcements from coming to Xingle City, and the coalition forces outside the city can safely attack the city. . " said Nanping Wai Wang.

"But now the enemy forces outside the city have not succeeded in breaking our Xingle City. Even if the Holy Dynasty successfully blocked our reinforcements, their plan would not be successful!" said the guard.

"Having said that, but we have no reinforcements, the situation will only be more unfavorable for us. Have you ever thought that the coalition forces outside the city did not succeed in breaking through.

But once the Holy Dynasty blocks all our reinforcements, especially after killing them all, what kind of situation will we face? "Nanping Wai Wang said with a sullen face.

"What the Outer King means is that the Holy Dynasty may surround them from the east, trap us in Xingle City, and turn this place into an isolated city?" City Lord Hong seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

"Yes, this is the worst result I can think of." Nanping Waiwang nodded and said.

"Since that's the case, Outer King, let's evacuate Xingle City now, shall we? Otherwise, we really won't be able to get out!" The guards became anxious when they heard of this situation.

"Although the current situation is not good for us, it has not reached such a bad situation. Now you must always keep an eye on the situation of reinforcements from all walks of life. If they are really blocked or annihilated by the entire army, there is no way to come here. Xingle City, you must bring the news back as soon as possible." Nanping Waiwang said calmly.

Although the current situation is indeed not very good, it does not mean that they will flee immediately.

The various armies are so far away from them that once the situation changes, they have enough time and retreat to escape from Xingle City.

Unless they knew that the Holy Dynasty had already surrounded Xingle City, but they still had to stay here, it would be impossible to trap them in Xingle City.

"Wai Wang, is this really all right? Or should we really leave Xingle City? This may be more secure!" City Lord Hong always felt that this was still unreliable.

Especially when he heard that even the mysterious Holy Dynasty had appeared, he was even more worried.

As the Outer King said, now even the Inner Dynasty has no way to take the Holy Dynasty. Instead, he suffered two big losses at the hands of the Holy Dynasty and lost millions of troops. The more he felt the horror of this Holy Dynasty.

Since the goal of the Holy Dynasty is now to make him happy, he thinks it's better to leave early.

Although Xingle City was important, it was not as important as their lives after all.

Where there is life, there is hope!

"City Lord Hong, your Hong family has been stationed in Xingle City for generations, you should understand the significance of this Xingle City to the Nanping foreign dynasty.

Although the grand formation arranged by your ancestors of the Hong family is very powerful, if we escape from Xingle City today, then this place will become an empty city.

The Holy Dynasty and the independent army outside the city could easily encircle Xingle City. Under such a situation, Xingle City could not be preserved 80% of the time.

Caesar City has already been destroyed by them. If even the most sturdy Xingle City has been destroyed by them, then the west gate of our Nanping Outer Dynasty will be completely opened by them. Do you think that we can still stop the independence army from pacifying. Am I going outside Nanping? "Nanpingwai Wang Yizheng said sternly.


"No, but since several reinforcements said that they can't arrive on time, it means that they can still arrive at Xingle City. Now we can only wait for a while. If the situation changes, we will not leave Xingle City again. Late!" Nanping Wai Wang said very seriously.

Now all hope is on these reinforcements, and with so many reinforcements, maybe there are reinforcements that have not been attacked, and can even break through the obstacles of the Holy Dynasty and rush to Xingle City.

So there is still a lot of variables in this matter. There is no reason for them to escape from Xingle City in fright when they hear the slightest disturbance. Isn't that severing their hands and feet?

"Is this really possible?" City Lord Hong was very uneasy.

If there is no appearance of the Holy Dynasty, he may not be so worried, since the foreign king wants to wait and see the situation.

But now that even the Holy Dynasty has come out to help the separatists, this situation is very unfavorable for them.

Moreover, this Holy Dynasty dared to hinder so many road troops at the same time, it can be seen that they must have many masters.

Compared with the independent army of two million, he is more afraid of the existence of the Holy Dynasty.

This holy dynasty is so mysterious, maybe there are more than two million masters, otherwise, why has the inner dynasty been unable to fight against this holy dynasty?

It's just that the outer king is determined not to leave, and his heart is very anxious, and he can't abandon the outer king and run away.

Although many people were very worried in their hearts, they were afraid that the reinforcements would be completely wiped out by the Holy Dynasty just as the King Wai said, and they were worried for the next few days.

But what surprised them was that two days later, two supporting troops actually arrived, namely the reinforcements from Hongguang Waichao and Baiyu Waichao.

Because although these two foreign dynasties were not the farthest from Xingle City, they were not the closest to Xingle City either.

They would never have thought that the closest one was not able to come, but the two foreign reinforcements who were not far away arrived first.

But it is a pity that the reinforcements of these two foreign dynasties are not many, the Hongguang foreign dynasty has only 50,000 people, and the Baiyu foreign dynasty has only 40,000 people.

For Xingle City at this time, such a few people are indeed a little painless, and they cannot change the current crisis situation in Xingle City.

However, when people come, they can't be neglected, and the leaders of the two foreign dynasties are the elders in charge, so naturally they should be well entertained.

At the welcome banquet, Nanping Wai Wang took the lead in asking: "Several elders, did you encounter any attack by the black robes on your way here?"

"Heipao people? No! I don't know why Nanping Waiwang asked such a question?" The elders in charge of the two foreign dynasties were all stunned, obviously not quite understanding what Nanping Waiwang meant.

"We received news that the other reinforcements were attacked by people in black robes~www.readwn.com~ so we couldn't arrive at Xingle City on time!" Nanping Waiwang explained.

"The man in black robe? He wouldn't be a member of the Holy Dynasty, would he?" When the elders in charge heard these words, their expressions suddenly changed, and even the wine glasses in their hands trembled, and the wine spilled on the table.

Obviously, the three words Heipaoren have cast a huge shadow on the hearts of these people who understand the situation. When they hear these words, a sense of fear pours out of their hearts.

"It's not certain yet, but this possibility cannot be ruled out." Nanping Waiwang nodded.

"If the Holy Dynasty really got involved in this matter, then the situation would be really troublesome." At this moment, they couldn't be happy anymore, and even the welcome banquet suddenly lost their mood.

At this moment, I even regret it in my heart. If I knew this, why did they come in such a hurry?

"Don't worry about the elders, these reinforcements are just arriving later. Even those who are really from the Holy Dynasty are nothing to be afraid of!" Seeing that the elders were a little absent-minded, the King of Nanping quickly reassured him.

Although there are not many foreigners, it is better than none, but don't scare them away!

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