Godly Student

Chapter 5054: Don't stay here for long!

During the banquet, the chief elders of Hongguang Waichao and Baiyu Waichao already regretted coming to Xingle City. If they had known the news earlier, they would never have come back.

Now several other reinforcements have been attacked by the Holy Dynasty, which is not a trivial matter.

Although the Nanping Waichao said it was very easy, they felt that since the Holy Dynasty had already intervened in this matter, it would not be easy.

After all, everyone now knows that the defeat of the Inner Dynasty army cannot be separated from the intervention of the Holy Dynasty.

Even the Inner Dynasty suffered such a big loss in the hands of the Holy Dynasty. How could they be the opponents of the Holy Dynasty?

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and they regret it in their hearts. They can't leave with their own people anymore. They can only bury all these worries in their hearts. Even the welcome banquet was in no mood and ended in a hurry.

However, several foreign dynasties brought reinforcements to Xingle City, which made them feel better.

But they also discovered that there were not many reinforcements that could come to Xingle City, no more than 50,000 or 60,000 people at most.

And they also all have one thing in common, they have not been attacked by the Holy pilgrim.

"It seems that our strength is weak, and the Holy Dynasty does not look down on us at all, and they disdain to shoot at us!" After these foreign leaders learned about this situation, they couldn't help laughing at themselves.

"Although it doesn't sound good, but luckily they didn't like our military strength. Otherwise, we might not be able to reach Xingle City."

"With just a few people like us, we can't help much when we come to Xingle City. You must know that there are two million coalition troops guarding outside the West City Gate." Someone said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry so much about this. I have already understood that the two million army of the Danqing coalition was blocked by the defense formation of Xingle City. Even the outer kings of Danqing and the others have already tried it. The siege was sieged, but all failed.

Therefore, we are still very safe at present. Although they have a large number of troops, it is estimated that they will not be able to attack Xingle City. "Elder Wu from Hongguang Waichao, who came a few days earlier, explained to everyone.

"I have long heard that the great defense formation of Xingle City was set up before the ascension by an ancestor of the Hong family in the City Lord's Mansion, and it is sturdy.

I still didn't believe it before, even the Danqing Waiwang and the others were not able to break through the great formation. Now, does this seem to be true? "Everyone was surprised when they heard that Xingle City's defense formation was so strong.

At least it shows that they are still very safe in Xingle City.

If Xingle City is not broken, they don't even need to exert any effort, and they can directly take their own people back.

"It should be true, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to stop so many armies and masters. If our border town can also have such a large defense formation, it would be great." Some elders said with envy.

As one of the principals of a foreign dynasty, they are very aware of the importance of a border city's defense formation.

For other cities in the Outer Dynasty, their requirements for the city owner are not very high, and it doesn't even matter if they rob them.

But for the city lords of the border cities, they would definitely not dare to neglect, because that is related to the safety of the entire outer court.

Therefore, the main mansions of the border towns of each outer dynasty are basically people trusted by the outer dynasty.

Take Xingle City as an example, the Hong family is one of the families trusted by the foreign dynasties in Nanping.

However, it is not enough for a border town to have a trusted family stationed there, and the family is required to be stronger.

Otherwise, how did they guard it?

But in reality, if it's just a small friction between the two foreign dynasties, they generally won't capture the other's city, and at most they will lose a few people.

If there is a big army coming, even if these families guarding the border city are strong, it is difficult to resist such a big army.

Just like this time, the strength of the Lu family in Caesar City was not small, but it was broken in just one day.

After all, it was an army of two million, and the entire strength of Caesar City was used, but it had no effect at all.

And this Xingle City is much luckier. An immortal who ascended to the Immortal Realm was born in his ancestors, and he also left behind such a great formation to protect the city.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the Hong family is, they would have been broken long ago.

This is enough to see that if you can have such a powerful formation, it is much more reliable than picking a powerful family to guard the border city.

These elders all want to have such a large defense formation in their outer border towns, but the reality is that such a large formation cannot be arranged by everyone.

For a large defense formation in a border city, in order to make the formation as strong as possible, most of them will choose to combine the formation.

Such a large formation often requires several or even more people to arrange together, and the strength of these people in the formation will not be very low.

Only in this way can the strength of the big formation be improved as much as possible.

Otherwise, with the strength of one person, even the great formation set up by experts in the tribulation period would be difficult to resist the attack of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Of course, in addition to the person who arranges the formation, the formation itself is also very important.

If the formation itself is not strong, it is useless to ask more experts to arrange it.

It’s a pity that there are too many powerful formations in the world of immortal cultivation today that have long been lost. If you can get some lost ancient formations, then coupled with the cooperation of the monks in the tribulation period, if you want to break such a formation, it is also the same. very difficult.

Obviously, the formation set up by the ancestors of the Hong family in Xingle City was not simple. In addition, he deliberately reinforced the formation before he ascended, which made the formation so strong.

So putting all these reasons together, it is not impossible for these elders to arrange such a formation in their own territory, but it is very difficult.

After all, although there are experts who will ascend to the Immortal Realm in this world, there is no reason for them to help you arrange such a large formation.

Therefore, such a powerful formation, they can only think about it in their hearts.

"Such an opportunity is elusive. Although we are the chief elders of the Outer Dynasty, it is simply impossible to arrange such a large formation.

Don't say it's us, even our outer king should not have this kind of strength. ' someone said.

"That is natural. Although the strength of the outer king is strong, there is definitely no way to be as powerful as the quasi-immortal who is about to ascend to the immortal world.

But if you can get the ancient formation, such as the murder formation, etc., I think even if it is not as good as this formation, it should not be much worse.

However, the energy spent to set up such a large formation is unimaginable. Presumably even in Xingle City, the ancestors of the Hong family must have spent a lot of time.

And there are so many border towns in an outer dynasty, how could the outer king spend his energy on it?

After all, once there is an opportunity to expand one's own territory, the original border city is likely to become an inner city, and the array that has spent so much energy may end up being useless at all.

Therefore, if such a grand formation hadn't been arranged by a master from a repressive family like Xinglecheng, it would have been basically impossible to appear, so we should not think about such a grand formation.

Still think about when we can go back! "Some people see it very clearly. Although such a large formation is powerful, it is unlikely that there will be a large number of them, and no one can arrange them in batches.

"Since Xingle City's defense formation has protected the city, it is impossible for them to attack the city. I think we should be able to go back soon!" Some people are quite optimistic. If they blocked Danqing Waiwang and the others, this Xingle City could not be broken.

As long as Xingle City is not broken, the meaning of their staying is not great. I believe that as long as there are no accidents, they do not need to stay here for long, so they are naturally optimistic.

"Having said that, but since the Holy Ceremony is involved this time, I'm afraid things won't go so smoothly." Someone worried.

"Didn't the King of Nanping say it? The reinforcements from the foreign dynasties said that they would arrive later. Since they all said so, it can be seen that the force dispatched by the Holy Dynasty this time should not be strong." Someone analyzed.

"Nanping Wai Wang was just trying to appease our mood, that's what he naturally said, and now we can't contact those foreign dynasties, who knows what's going on?

It would be fine if it was what the Wai Wang of Nanping said, but if it wasn't, the situation might be very bad. "

"It is also said that if the reinforcements from all walks of life clear these obstructers of the Holy Dynasty, then they will definitely reach Xingle City smoothly.

But on the other hand, these reinforcements were dealt with by the Holy Dynasty, so not only would they not be able to come, but the people who came to Xingle City were the people of the Holy Dynasty, so what kind of situation will we face? "Someone agrees.

"Then what can we do? Are we going to tell Nanping Wai Wang when we arrive that we are going back?" Some people were very worried, but the current situation is obviously not that they can leave if they say it.

"It's definitely impossible to leave now, but we can't stay here for too long. Let's take a look at the situation first. If the situation is not right, we must leave here immediately." Someone suggested.

"That's right, it's settled. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will wait here for a few days to see. If you can contact those reinforcements, it's better to leave this place early!" Everyone They expressed their opinions.

If they were just independent factions, they would not be so afraid. After all, everyone's strength was equal.

Although the independent faction has a large number of troops now, they also have reinforcements. When the other reinforcements arrive, it is uncertain who will win and who will lose.

But the participation of the Holy Dynasty is different. In their eyes, this Holy Dynasty is no different from the devil. Even the Inner Dynasty has suffered from the Holy Dynasty. They dare not confront the Holy Dynasty head-on.

So if you have the opportunity, it is better to slip away as soon as possible.

Boom boom boom!

Just when they were thinking about when to leave Xingle City, a sudden and continuous loud noise blasted into their ears.

"What's going on?" everyone asked in shock.

"It won't be a city break, right?"

"It shouldn't be possible, let's go, go and have a look!" Everyone looked for the sound!

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