Godly Student

Chapter 5060: hold fast!

"Young master..." Everyone was stunned, but in the next instant, the young master appeared in the sky outside Xingle City.

"Young master's strength is really extraordinary, so there shouldn't be any problem in breaking the big formation, right?" Seeing the young master's move, the King of Pingyuan Wai suddenly became confident.

"That's for sure, I've said it long ago, as long as the young master makes a move, how can a small Xingle City be able to stop it?" Dongning Wai Wang also said confidently.

"That's not necessarily the case. This great formation was set up by a quasi-immortal. If you want to break the formation alone, it is estimated that you must have the strength of a quasi-immortal.

Although the young master is strong, he may not have reached the strength of a quasi-immortal, right? "Jiangchuan Wai Wang looked at Cheng Yu's figure, and although he was a little shocked, he didn't believe that Cheng Yu really had the strength to break through the formation.

Although he had no choice but to join the Holy Dynasty, and now he is also a member of the Holy Dynasty, he was always brooding about it, and even felt dissatisfied with Cheng Yu's strength.

Due to the existence of the Heavenly Dao Blood Oath, he may have no way to be disloyal to Cheng Yu, let alone betray Cheng Yu.

But what does it matter if you speak your mind out?

At least make yourself feel better.

"Jiangchuan Waiwang, I have to remind you that if you don't want to make the young master angry, it's best not to talk nonsense, otherwise it will not do you any good!" Danqing Waiwang said to Jiangchuan Waiwang very dissatisfied.

She usually doesn't care when they say a few words to each other, but in front of the young master, this guy is still so broken, which is really annoying.

She didn't expect that because of this guy's ignorance of current affairs, in the end, the young master would anger them all.

Fortunately, the young master didn't really care.

"I don't seem to have said anything, right? This Xingle City's great formation itself is very strong, and it is indeed a very difficult thing to break through it." Jiangchuan Waiwang defended himself.

"You know what you are thinking, and I don't want to say more. I just remind you that you must know how to judge the situation as a human being, and don't always find it unhappy for others, and don't find it unhappy for yourself!" Dan Qingwai Wang Leng said coldly.

Jiang Chuan Wai Wang was dissatisfied, but he also knew that he was not in accord with them, and there was no need to care about them, and he fell silent.

"You can rest assured. Although Xingle City's defense formation is strong, it can't stop the young master. Since the young master has already taken action, this formation will be broken!" Old He and the others did not know what contradictions existed between them. However, he was very much looking forward to the young master's shot, and was very confident.

"The envoys have been following the young master all the time. You must know the strength of the young master. Since even the envoy said so, I believe that the young master will definitely be able to break through this great formation!" said the outer king of Changping.

"We all just have to be optimistic!" Old He continued.

At this time, Cheng Yu stood alone in the sky above the West City, and the light wind stroked him, and the black robe on his body also fluttered in the wind. Although he couldn't see his true face, his aura was better than the original He Lao.

Really majestic!

"Another one? Nanping Wai Wang, you are right, they really don't give up!" After Nanping Wai Wang said before that these people would not give up easily, they have been guarding the tower, waiting for them to see if There really is a next move.

From their hearts, they definitely don't want anyone else to come to attack the city, they just hope they can take it as soon as possible and withdraw their troops as soon as possible.

But these people are really persistent. Just as the Wai Wang of Nanping said, if they don't break through this Xingle City, they will really never die.

If their reinforcements hadn't arrived late, they really wanted to go out of the city.

Because these guys are just too annoying and difficult to deal with, I just want to kill them all.

"However, this person's strength seems to be very unusual. Judging from his teleportation, it is likely that he is far above the dozen or so people!" Nanping Waiwang said with a frown.

"It's far above the dozen or so people? Could it be that the outer king of Danqing invited a high-ranking figure in the Holy Dynasty this time?" City Lord Hong asked in surprise.

"It's not impossible. Those dozen people have already tried to break the formation, but they didn't succeed. However, they should know about the situation of the big formation. Now there are still people who come to break the formation alone. This person's strength is only high or low.

And his strength is only beyond those dozen people, his appearance is meaningful. Otherwise, why would he need to break through the formation?

Especially with his teleportation strength just now, it's hard to see what level his strength has reached, but one thing is certain, his strength is a bit scary. "Nanping Wai Wang finally understood where his inner unease came from.

Maybe this person is what he has been worried about.

If expected, this person's status in the Holy Dynasty should not be low, and it is estimated that he is a big figure in the Holy Dynasty.

"Even if his strength is very strong, is his strength still comparable to that of a quasi-immortal?" an elder asked.

"It's hard to say right now, it's not a secret that the grand formation in Xingle City was arranged by the ancestors of the Hong family before their ascension.

The Holy Dynasty actually intervened in the affairs of Xingle City this time, so they must have some understanding of Xingle City.

Now that they know that the Xingle City defense formation was set up by quasi-immortals, they will rush over. What do you think their strength will be? "Nanping Wai Wang asked rhetorically.

"So what does King Nanping mean, this person's strength is likely to have reached a quasi-immortal?" Everyone raised their heads in disbelief, staring at the black-robed man above.

What is the concept of quasi-immortal?

That is the person who is about to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

In other words, such a person can hardly find a few opponents in the whole world.

After all, they are about to ascend to the Immortal Realm, and they are really only one step away from the real Immortal.

If the Holy Dynasty really sent all such characters out, would Xingle City still survive?

Don't think about it, this Xingle City will definitely be destroyed.

"It's hard to say whether it is a quasi-immortal, but his strength is not expected to be low. Let's see what it is," Nanping Waiwang said.

"Nanping Wai Wang, are we ready to leave Xingle City? As you said now, no matter if he is a quasi-immortal or not, his strength will not be low.

Moreover, it is estimated that the Holy Dynasty cannot do things that are uncertain. Since he dares to attack the city alone, it shows that he has great confidence to break through.

I think it's safer for us to prepare to leave in advance. " said Elder Wu.

"Yeah, Outer King, I also think that the current situation seems to be a little bad. Why don't we retreat first, if this person is really that powerful, once the big formation is broken, then we may not have time to escape. .

But if he can't break the big formation, it doesn't matter if we come back anytime! "City Lord Hong listened to everyone's conversation, and his heart became more and more anxious.

Although the army outside the city has attacked so many large formations, he is often frightened, but compared with the previous sieges, he is obviously more worried this time.

At least it can be heard from everyone's analysis that this Holy Dynasty will never send mediocre people.

What's more, there have been more than ten experts of the Holy Dynasty who have tried the water first, so he can now understand why those people come and go quickly.

Because those people probably didn't think about breaking the formation at all, they just came to test the strength of this big formation.

And now, this person is the one who really wants to break the line.

Under such circumstances, it was obvious that his appearance alone was far more terrifying than the appearance of a dozen or so people before, or even the appearance of an army of two million people from the Outer King of Danqing.

So before he has attacked the city, it is the best policy to leave early.

"Didn't you say before that you are very confident in your ancestor's great formation? Now that he hasn't made a move, you're scared like this?" Nanping Wai Wang naturally knew that this person would not be simple, but he was so scared away Well, it seemed too embarrassing for him.

"Outer King, I am naturally very confident about the great formation set up by our ancestors. But that also depends on the person. If it were an ordinary person, of course I can 100% believe that they do not have the ability to break the formation.

But this person obviously may be a big man from the Holy Dynasty, and this is not an ordinary person.

The Sheng Dynasty's reputation is now flourishing, and there is no city that they can't break. So even if it is the grand formation laid out by my ancestors, I don't think it can hold up. " City Lord Hong said truthfully.

After so many siege attempts by the Danqing Allied Forces, he did think that Xingle City was safe.

But seeing the masters of the Holy Dynasty, his heart was not so bottomless.

Obviously he has never dealt with the Holy Dynasty, but the word Holy Dynasty has been deeply embedded in their hearts over the years.

Especially as people in the dynasty, they are a thorn in the eyes of the Holy Dynasty.

Think about the situation every time the Holy Dynasty occurs, which city and which outer king has had a good end?

If nothing else, let's just say that the first two times the Inner Dynasty dispatched millions of troops, what was the final result?

Anyone who has heard of it knows that it was not the Danqing coalition that defeated the Inner Dynasty army, but the Holy Dynasty defeated the Inner Dynasty army.

This is enough to see the terribleness of the Holy Dynasty. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Xingle City is very solid, but in front of this holy dynasty, it may not be solid.

"Even if he can really break through the formation, do you believe he can break through this formation in three or two strokes? I think even if your ancestor of the Hong family came into the world, he might not be able to break through this formation easily, right?" Nan Pingwai Wang of course knew that Xingle City might not be able to survive, but to say that this person could break through the formation in an instant, without even having a chance to escape, he would never believe it.

What's more, as a foreign king, he hurried out of the city without waiting for his opponent to take action. If this word spreads, even if he defends the Xingle City.

How will he face other foreign kings in the future, won't he be laughed at?

"Outer King..." Seeing this, everyone became anxious.

"Needless to say, even if this person is really a quasi-immortal, it is impossible for me to leave so embarrassed." Nanping Waiwang shook his head and stood more firmly on the tower.

The more persistent these people are, the more he wants to see how terrifying the masters of the Holy Dynasty are!

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