Godly Student

Chapter 5061: Fight back!

The Waiwang of Nanping is so firm, but the others are anxious. They want to leave, but they want to leave but are afraid to leave, so they can only wait and see the situation temporarily.

If it really doesn't work, the big deal is to secretly bring troops and leave Xingle City.

The elders of the various foreign dynasties looked at each other, nodded slightly, and tacitly understood.

At this time, above the city.

Cheng Yulin stood in the air, but he was not in a hurry.

To be honest, he is still very curious and interested in this big formation.

After all, even so many foreign kings and even those old guys are helpless with this formation, which is really interesting.

To be honest, in the past, he was the only one who used a powerful formation to trap others, but now there is such a powerful formation to hinder him, which indeed made him have a little expectation.

"The great formation arranged before the immortal's ascension? How strong will it be?" Cheng Yu did not break the formation when he rushed up like the others, but walked slowly to the front of the formation and put his hand on it.

"What is he doing?" Seeing this scene, everyone in the city was very puzzled. This guy ran up for a long time and didn't move. He just stretched out a hand and stood there quietly, which was inexplicable.

"Who knows? He's pretending to be a ghost, is it possible that he wants to break the big array like this?" Someone said disdainfully.

"Let's see what tricks he's coming up with, maybe he'll run away!"

"It's not impossible. Our Xingle City's grand formation is not so easy to break, otherwise they would have already entered the city!"

For those who knew the inside story above the West City Tower, other people in the city saw that there was only such a person this time, and obviously did not feel any sense of crisis.

They even looked like a joke, especially since many people seem to have imagined that this person should go back in a daze after a while.

"What the **** is this guy trying to do? Why did he stop?" However, Cheng Yu's behavior obviously made the people on the tower puzzled.

I don't understand that this guy doesn't break the formation, but stands there in a daze. What does this mean?

"He's not in a daze, he should be sensing the energy of the great formation!" Nanping Waiwang shook his head and said.

This guy's hand is obviously touching the big formation. If he is just in a daze, there is no need to do so.

"If this is the case, I really hope that he feels that the energy of this big formation exceeds his imagination, and then retreats!" Several elders said expectantly.

"That's unlikely. This guy looks more dangerous than the dozen or so masters before. Especially in this aura, even if there is a big formation, I can clearly feel that this guy seems a little scary. I am very I don't like this feeling.

And from the point of view of his method, it is obviously more clever. If you don't reach a certain level of strength, doing so is meaningless at all. "Elder He of Bai Yu Waichao said very worriedly.

"So we are really in danger now?" Someone asked worriedly.

"You can say that, but we have to see what he does next. Anyway, this is a great formation set up by a quasi-immortal. Even if this person is very strong, it is not easy to break the formation alone. matter.

There is no need for us to be too pessimistic. Maybe the situation is not so bad, and we still have a chance. "Elder He continued.

"I hope everything is fine!" Everyone nodded, both expectations and worries in their hearts.

out of town!

Cheng Yu's hand continued to be placed on the formation, and he finally understood why so many people couldn't break the formation.

"It seems that the ancestor of the Hong family is indeed a remarkable figure. This turned out to be an ancient formation." Under the mask, Cheng Yu opened his eyes, his eyes full of light.

Although it is impossible to know what kind of big formation this is, from what he perceives, it is indeed an ancient formation, and the structure is somewhat complicated and not simple.

The appearance of such a formation in a small city really surprised Cheng Yu, but at the same time it was more of a surprise.

Such a large formation may not appear even in those foreign residences.

But I didn't expect that such a large formation was used to protect a city.

But if you think about it, it's not surprising. After all, the Hong family is the master of Xingle City, and it is reasonable for the ancestors of the Hong family to use what they have learned throughout their lives to protect their city.

In fact, in this respect, the ancestors of the Hong family are somewhat similar to him.

Because in the Cheng family, all the small towns of self-cultivation have such ancient great formations.

But this Xingle City was a great formation arranged by a quasi-immortal, and many of his Cheng family's cities were arranged by the elite disciples of the Cheng family.

Therefore, in comparison, the great formation in Xingle City was even stronger than the Cheng family's small cultivation cities.

Of course, Cheng Yu has long known the weakness of his own territory, precisely because there are too few elite disciples in the formation talent.

Therefore, each small town of self-cultivation actually does not have only one ancient great formation, but a combination of several ancient great formations.

In this way, he can try his best to avoid the disadvantages that the formation disciples are too weak to bring to each small cultivation town.

But then again, this Xingle City is indeed very impressive, especially the quasi-immortal's shot, which has increased the power of this great formation too much.

Judging from what he had just learned about this great formation, if he wanted to break through this great formation, it was estimated that it would be impossible without hundreds of thousands of monks in the tribulation period.

After all, the strength of the monks in the tribulation period is also uneven.

Therefore, it is necessary to gather so many monks in the tribulation period. At present, only the Inner Dynasty has this ability.

Of course, if all the independent factions can make concerted efforts to send out all the monks from the tribulation period of their foreign dynasties, then it is also possible.

The same is true of the loyalists.

However, compared with the Inner Dynasty, neither the Independence faction nor the Loyalist faction are likely to bring out all the details of their own Outward Dynasty.

Just like now they are attacking the Nanping Foreign Dynasty. Although the Nanping Foreign Dynasty has formed an alliance with those foreign dynasties to form the Nanping Alliance, the other foreign dynasties in the alliance will send all the monks from their foreign dynasties to the tribulation period because the Nanping Foreign Dynasty is attacked. Are you here to support?

Of course it's impossible.

Therefore, this grand formation in Xingle City is an insurmountable gulf for any foreign dynasty in this world.

However, because the dynasty did not split before, even if there were frequent wars in this city, there were some small frictions, and there were few big battles like siege.

Therefore, they have only heard that the great formation for protecting the city in Xingle City was a great formation laid by the ancestors of the Hong family before ascending, but no one really knew how strong this great formation was before.

Until now, the general situation of the world has undergone great changes, and there is the danger of the current army, and everyone has truly understood the power of this great formation.

But it is a pity that although this great formation has persevered under the Danqing Allied Army for so long, it happened to meet him.

I saw that Cheng Yu began to transfer the spiritual power in the body to the big formation, and after the big formation felt the external force, it was like being attacked. The speed of the light blue streamer above the original formation was obviously faster. And the color got darker too.

As Cheng Yu continued to increase his spiritual power, the streamers on the great formation became more and more dense, and the situation was very similar to the scene when the city was attacked by a two million army of the Danqing Wai Wang before.

"This guy really wants to break the formation like this?" Seeing this situation, those people on the tower were suddenly shocked.

Although Cheng Yu has been putting his hand on the big formation, there has been no change, so everyone doesn't think there is anything strange.

But now, this great formation was suddenly attacked, which had to shock Cheng Yu's strength.

After the large array is attacked, the streamer will change to varying degrees, so the streamer is one of the ways to observe the situation of the large array.

It was in this way that Nanping Wai Wang used this method to observe the stability of the Great Array.

So far, this has happened three times. The first two times were when the outer king of Danqing attacked the city, and the other time was when the dozen or so experts from the Holy Dynasty attacked the city.

But it takes a certain amount of time for them to make such a dense streamer reaction in the big array, and they are constantly under strong attack.

However, it took only a few breaths for Cheng Yu to react from the beginning of the streamer to this situation.

However, what is even more worrying is that the streamer's reaction is still rapidly getting stronger, which makes people feel very scary.

"This guy doesn't really intend to break the big formation like this!" The faces of the others have turned pale.

They also clearly felt that the situation seemed very bad.

Swish swish!

But at this moment, countless long swords suddenly appeared above the great formation and shot at Cheng Yu instantly.

Cheng Yu immediately withdrew when he saw this.

"This... what's going on?" Obviously, no one thought that this would happen.

"It seems that the big formation triggered the attack!" said the Wai Wang of Nanping.

"Could this be an attacking formation?" City Lord Hong couldn't believe it himself.

He always thought that this big formation was a defensive formation, so when faced with repeated attacks, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com never counterattacked.

But this time, there was a counterattack, which was really a surprise.

Swish swish!

Countless flying swords shot towards Cheng Yu like raindrops, and the people on the tower were amazed.

"Although the counterattack of the formation was triggered, this is not necessarily a good thing. This shows that the formation is aware of its own danger, otherwise it will not attack." Nanping Waiwang said.

"This attack looks strong, maybe it can kill this guy!" City Lord Hong said expectantly.

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

Although the attack was very violent, I saw Cheng Yu holding up a barrier in front of him at this time, blocking all the flying swords.

Although these flying swords didn't hurt him in the slightest, at least they forced Cheng Yu to keep retreating to keep him from getting close to the big formation!

"He was forced to retreat further and further. It seems that it is not easy to break the formation!" Elder Wu said happily.

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