Godly Student

Chapter 5062: superficial!

Upstairs in the West City Building, everyone watched with joy as Cheng Yu was pushed further and further away by the counterattack of the Great Array.

Moreover, the offensive of this large formation has not weakened at all, and it is getting more and more fierce, and everyone is finally relieved.

At this time, everyone outside the city was also puzzled.

"This big formation is still an attack formation?" Obviously no one expected this.

After all, they have been attacking the big formation here for so long, and even these envoys have taken action, but they have never found that this big formation is still aggressive.

For a long time, everyone thought that this big formation was just a defensive formation, so everyone attacked this big formation unscrupulously, and they never thought about what dangerous things would happen if the formation failed.

But now, they have come to understand that this large formation is not only very powerful in defense, and it is not without danger. In fact, it has a very powerful attack ability.

"Since this is an attacking formation, why does it never attack us?" Pingyuan Wai Wang asked very puzzled.

"It is estimated that the strength is not enough to trigger the counterattack ability of the big array." Di Lao said.

"But the envoys have also taken action. Could it be that even a few envoys are not strong enough to trigger the counterattack ability of this large formation? And so many of us attacked it, it will not fight back, so the attack of this big formation What's the point of ability?" said Pingyuan Waiwang.

"There are also many types of attack formations, some are mainly attacking. After the formation is activated, as long as you approach or are attacked, an attack will be launched, so that the attack is the defense.

And the defense formation of this Xingle City is obviously mainly defensive, and ordinary attacks will not cause it to attack. Only when the attack is strong enough to a certain extent, it will attack. "He explained.

"If you say that, does this prove that this big formation is about to lose its strength and has reached the limit of the formation's defense, so it has to fight back?" Pingyuan Wai Wang asked very happily.

"There is a possibility that for some main defense formations, defense is its biggest feature and advantage. And compared to attack formations, defense is passive, and the consumption will be smaller.

Therefore, the persistence of the defensive formation is also very strong. If the strength is not enough, no matter how many times you try, it will be useless.

But to be on the safe side, it is still possible for the platooners to add attack attributes.

However, when the attack occurs becomes the key.

If the road up the mountain is likened to the whole process of breaking the formation, reaching the top of the mountain is considered a big formation breaking.

So from the perspective of the defense-based formation, there is generally no attack before the middle of the mountain. Therefore, this kind of large formation attack generally occurs in two places, either halfway up the mountain, or before reaching the top of the mountain. "He Lao explained to everyone.

"Oh! I understand what the Ambassador Crane meant. Now the grand formation in Xingle City has begun to attack, if the constellation arranges the attack before reaching the top of the mountain, then this big formation may be reaching its limit.

But if this attack is arranged on the mountainside, then it is still very early to break through this formation! "Pingyuanwaiwang said suddenly.

"Yes, that's exactly what it means." Old He nodded.

"So, if the attack of this large formation is arranged in the middle of the mountain, and none of us have been able to trigger the attack attribute of this large formation, then it does not mean that we have been doing it for so long before, in fact, even halfway up the mountain. Didn't arrive." Jiangyang Wai Wang said in a daze.

"You can say that!" Old He nodded again.

"The young master reached at least halfway up the mountain as soon as he made his move. It can be seen that the strength of the young master is really amazing." After hearing the explanation from the envoy He Zun, the outer king of Wu Ling felt that the young master's strength was terrifying, and was really surprised. .

After all, they attacked the formation with an army of 2 million, but they did not trigger the counterattack of the formation, but now the young master has just shot, and the attack attribute of the formation has been triggered. The gap between the strengths is really beyond words. described.

"I've said it a long time ago, as long as the young master comes, this great formation will definitely be broken. What's more, the young master has just made his move now, even if he is not approaching the top of the mountain, he is already halfway up the mountain.

I believe that after a while, the young master will definitely be able to reach the top of the mountain! "Wai Wang of Dongning was even more excited and said with great anticipation.

"For the young master, breaking the formation is a matter of time. It's just that since this big formation has arranged the attack attribute in this place, it can be seen that its attack will not be too weak.

Presumably the master may also need a little time, but the final result is completely predictable! "Di Lao also said very confidently.

Compared with other companions, he was the only one who fought against Cheng Yu head-on, so his deep sense of powerlessness in front of the young master was really unforgettable.

He also tried this big formation, and even though more than a dozen of them couldn't trigger the attack attribute of this big formation, he could still feel that there was absolutely no problem with the young master breaking the formation.

At this moment, all the dense formations were filled with flying swords transformed by spiritual power, and even Cheng Yu was completely surrounded by these flying swords.

It was so difficult for them to see the young master now.

"Master, will nothing happen to you?" King Pingyuan was a little excited.

"Of course not! As I said just now, the attack of this big formation will definitely not be weak. But for the young master, it's not a big deal!" Di Lao said.

However, compared to these people, those people in the city were very excited at this time.

They didn't know anything about Cheng Yu's strength, they only knew that he might be a very honorable master of the Holy Dynasty.

But seeing with their own eyes that he was swallowed up by Zhenjian like this, they were only extremely happy.

When they thought about it, this guy actually triggered a big attack, and it might not end well.

If he died under this sword formation, it would be a complete victory.

"Kill him, don't let him go!" City Lord Hong was so excited that he couldn't help but speak out.

It was enough to see how much he feared Cheng Yu.

If he survived, it would definitely be a disaster for Xingle City.

Therefore, he only hoped that Cheng Yu would die in this sword formation. Without Cheng Yu, the army outside the city would no longer have the strength to break through.

"I didn't expect such a terrifying sword formation to be hidden in this great formation, but it is a pity that this sword formation appeared too late.

If it can appear when the two million army is attacking, it will be good. "Nanping Waiwang was even more shocked when he saw that even a master like Shengchao was trapped in the sword formation, but at the same time he was also very regretful.

For him, what he has to consider is not only the safety of Xingle City, but also the safety of the entire Nanping Outer Dynasty.

Even if the two million army fails here, they will still run to other places, and may even enter the Nanping Waichao again.

But if these two million troops died here, then these people would no longer be able to make waves in the territory of the Nanping Outer Dynasty.

However, all of this can only be thought about, even if the two million army attacked here for several days and nights, this large formation did not fight back, which is really a pity.

"It's really a pity, but it's pretty good now. At least I know that the grand formation arranged by our ancestors of the Hong family is not a purely defensive formation!" City Lord Hong obviously didn't think so much. Anyway, he is quite happy now.

Knowing that this big formation has attack attributes, why is he so worried about it?

The Danqing coalition did not even trigger the attack attribute, indicating that their strength is far from comparable to this large formation.

And now, even if the master of the Holy Dynasty triggers the attack, it is estimated that he will not escape death.

If even such a master were to die here, would the army outside the city dare to stay here?

So now I am looking forward to this great formation to kill Cheng Yu. As long as Cheng Yu is killed, then the Eighth Achievement of Xingle City will be safe.

"I don't know if this sword formation can kill that guy, otherwise, it will be dangerous!" The elders of the other foreign dynasties were still a little worried.

Although the current situation is indeed much better than what they had imagined before, even if this pilgrim master was trapped in the sword formation, at least he was not dead.

As long as people are not dead, then everything is still variable.

If this sword formation failed to kill him, it basically means that this formation must be broken.

So now there is a 50% chance of being safe and a 50% chance of being dangerous, depending on how fate is arranged.

At this time in the sword formation.

Although Cheng Yu was completely surrounded by these flying swords, his condition was far from being as bad as it looked from the outside.

Even if he faced this great formation when he was not awakened, he still had enough confidence, not to mention that after his awakening, his strength more than doubled and tripled, it was completely incomparable.

But he is not in a hurry, UU reading www. uukanshu. com This is a big formation he has never seen before, he must first see what is so powerful about this big formation.

In any case, this is also a big formation arranged by a quasi-immortal. For him now, it may be the best time to test his strength after awakening.

There were countless flying swords flying from all directions around his body, but these flying swords transformed from spiritual power could not hurt him at all, and they were all blocked by his spiritual power barrier.

"After my awakening, my defense has been greatly improved. Although this is a great formation arranged by a quasi-immortal, but in this world, if I want to break through my defense, I am afraid that only the immortals will do it!" Cheng Yu said happily.

Of course, he could feel the power of this sword formation. If it were someone else, it would be extremely difficult to withdraw from this sword formation intact.

But now he doesn't feel the pressure brought by this sword formation at all, which is enough to prove that after his awakening, the improvement of his strength in all aspects is unimaginable.

It can even be said that these flying swords are constantly hitting his defense, making him feel that these are really like raindrops, no pain or itching, this is the performance of strong enough strength!

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