Godly Student

Chapter 5268: Fabulous combination!

"Damn! Why is this happening?" Those realm kings never thought that they rushed out without even seeing who the enemy was, so they were directly taken away by the magic weapon.

But the realm king who was trapped inside didn't know all of this, so he rushed outside excitedly.

In the face of such a situation, Cheng Yu was very happy. He wished that all the realm kings in it were lining up and rushing out now, that would make a lot of money.

But in fact, they didn't know that there was a huge difference between being killed by the divine tree and being taken away by Cheng Yu's magic weapon.

Of course, if Cheng Yu merged them with other ghost cultivators, they would not be able to escape death after all.

However, most of the realm kings currently in Cheng Yu's hands are actually controlled by the soul.

If they were really caught by Cheng Yu, most of the realm kings would actually have a chance to survive, and only a few would be used by Cheng Yu for fusion.

So don't look at how desperate they were when they were suppressed by Cheng Yu, but when they knew all this, they might have to rejoice how lucky they were at the time.

And Cheng Yu doesn't care so much, as long as there is a realm king running out of this gap, he will never be polite.

With the cooperation of the divine tree, it is really cool to catch the realm king.

Just now, he himself had toiled a lot to catch hundreds of realm kings.

But now, it can really be said that he is picking up fish, can he not be excited?

And in a short period of time, he has already harvested thousands of world kings. This kind of speed really makes Cheng Yu unable to stop.

I really hope it keeps being suppressed like this.

But Cheng Yu's idea is obviously too naive and too ideal.

Because the realm king inside is not stupid, he clearly felt that something was wrong outside, so when Cheng Yu had almost harvested nearly two thousand realm kings, there were significantly fewer realm kings coming out of the gap.

But it will not be completely cut off, there are still a small number of realm kings coming out from there.

Cheng Yu naturally refused to come.

In particular, some realm kings also saw it. Although it seems that there is a great danger in rushing out of this gap, but staying behind is certain to die.

Because this divine tree is really terrifying.

Their attacks are basically ineffective against this divine tree.

So even if they are all real kings, in front of this divine tree, they are no different from ordinary humans who are powerless.

Rather than being killed by the divine tree, it is better to rush out and give it a try. What if you survive?

So after this gap experienced a short cut off, suddenly a lot of realm kings poured out at the same time, which surprised Cheng Yu.

But even so, Cheng Yu didn't plan to just let them go.

First use Long Yan to block the gap, then surround the realm kings who rushed out, and at the same time use the fairy and magic tower to quickly suppress these realm kings.

"If you don't come, you won't come, so many coming as soon as you come, it really caught me off guard!" Although Cheng Yu said so, his face was full of joy.

How could he miss such a good thing?

Even if there are too many, the speed of his suppression is not so fast all of a sudden, but now the number of suppression is more, so it is faster than before.

Just a little more work.

However, compared with the harvest, even if it takes a little effort, it is still more refreshing than suppressing hundreds of realm kings alone.

But this process did not last long, because there were not many realm kings in it, and these realm kings also wanted to fight, so they wanted to rush out.

However, the size of the gap is limited, so there is no way for some of them to rush out at the same time.

And those who stayed inside and couldn't rush out, were all absorbed by the divine tree inside before Cheng Yu suppressed all the outside world kings.

Although Cheng Yu felt a little regretful, thinking about the harvest just now, he finally showed a satisfied smile.

"Shenshu, let's cooperate like this in the future, you eat meat and I drink soup, it's good for both of us!" Cheng Yu put away the fairy and magic tower and smiled at the **** tree.

Watching the divine tree shrink back into his palm again, where is the prestige just now.

But Cheng Yu didn't dare to mess with it at all. Don't look at it as just a tree, but if you don't treat it well, it's not easy to mess with.

Moreover, Cheng Yu found that the current divine tree is getting better and better, especially if it cooperates with it, it is really beneficial to fight against the enemy.

So it doesn't matter that he would rather only drink a little soup, anyway, even if it only leaves a little soup, it will be more than his own hard work.

After the divine tree eats the meat, its strength will increase again, which is also a virtuous circle for the divine tree.

Then his backer will be stronger, so he is very happy to see this situation.

In particular, he seemed to be able to feel that the Divine Tree was also very happy, so he was even happier.

Obviously, although the Divine Tree can't speak, it is also very satisfied with the current plan.

Just two places, Jiewang Mountain and Huangjie Mountain, let it get more benefits than it has gotten over the years. It also knows that it has become more and more powerful, can it be unhappy?

Just after Cheng Yu put away the divine tree, he released Ming Luo and the others.

"Master, did the plan succeed?" Ming Luo was the most anxious in the Immortal Demon Tower.

He is always thinking about his position as king, for fear that something will go wrong and his position will be threatened.

"It was basically successful, but I found that there are still some realm kings on this mountain, so you go and clear those realm kings." Cheng Yu said lightly.

"Great, congratulations to the master, now we really don't have any enemies." The King of Silla also said with joy.

"You should be congratulating yourself, this underworld will be handed over to you after all." Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

"Master, please rest assured, we will never live up to the expectations of the master, we know what to do!" King Ming Luo quickly expressed his position.

He naturally understood why Cheng Yu worked so hard to help them solve these two big troubles.

Now they are all tied together, if these two forces still exist, it will also be a huge threat to their underworld.

Even as soon as Cheng Yu left, they could be wiped out by those guys at any time.

Well now, these two big troubles have been solved by Cheng Yu, so they basically don't have too many enemies in this underworld now.

So this underworld can be said to be really in their hands now.

"I hope so, the rest will be left to you!" Cheng Yu nodded, believing that after these two incidents, these guys wouldn't dare to play tricks with him.

At least for a long time in the future, they will never dare to betray themselves, let alone attack others.

As for whether these guys will do anything out of the ordinary after he leaves the Human World, then he can't be so lenient.

After all, going to Immortal Realm and wanting to come back is not that easy.

Otherwise, the human world would be full of immortals.

So there is only so much he can do now, at least for a long time to come, the underworld will be under his control.

As for how long he can control it, it depends on how deeply these guys are in awe of him.

Another point is that after he went to Immortal Realm, he did not know if the connection between him and their souls would be disconnected.

If it will be disconnected, if these guys go to the human world to try and find that their connection with themselves no longer exists, then they can basically guess that he has gone to the fairy world.

At that time, whether these guys will betray him, whether they will attack the Human World, these are things he can't predict now.

However, he Cheng Yu is not a savior, and it is already very good to be able to bring peace to the world for so long.

As for how long such a peaceful time can last, it is not something he should consider.

"Please take a good rest, master, we will clean up all the realm kings." After saying that, the realm king Ming Luo took all the realm kings and began to search for the hidden realm kings everywhere in the entire barren mountain.

It's just that such a big thing happened in Barren Jie Mountain, especially at that time, the fight between Cheng Yu and hundreds of realm kings was very fierce, so those realm kings who didn't go to Ghost King Yu already found out that something was wrong.

So these realm kings sneaked away as early as when they went to war.

As a result, after the Mingluo Realm King and the others searched the entire Barren Jie Mountain, they did not find a realm king, which really disappointed them. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In fact, they are very eager to make merit in front of Cheng Yu.

Because whether it is Jiewang Mountain or Huangjie Mountain, it is actually Cheng Yuli's merit, but it has nothing to do with them.

They don't want Cheng Yu to treat them as waste.

After all, waste is of no use value. Once Cheng Yu is dissatisfied with them one day, they may be killed at any time.

So they naturally hope to show their value in front of Cheng Yu as much as possible, and at the same time show their loyalty to Cheng Yu.

I don't know how many years there are hundreds of thousands of realm kings in the underworld, but now Cheng Yu has changed everything by himself. How could they dare not please such a terrible person?

Just like Hongluo Jiewang and the others, they entered Jiewang Mountain early.

On the other hand, King Mingluo has just become a realm king, but because King Mingluo has received the heavy responsibility of Cheng Yu, even King Hongluo is respectful to King Mingluo now, and he does not dare to offend him easily.

Because they see very clearly, only living is meaningful.

Without life, nothing exists.

So he didn't want to fight for power with Ming Luo and the others, he just hoped that Cheng Yu would not kill them.

But if they are not loyal enough, Cheng Yu may not let them live for a long time, so they naturally serve Cheng Yu very enthusiastically.

"No gain?" Cheng Yu asked lightly when he saw these realm kings coming back.

"Yes, the master is disappointed, we have not found a realm king!" These realm kings said with great disappointment.

"As expected, as long as the overall situation is under our control, I have already understood it, and not many escaped, at most a few hundred realm kings!" Cheng Yu didn't care at all.

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