Godly Student

Chapter 5269: Finally gone!

Cheng Yu didn't care at all that the other realm kings on Huangjie Mountain had escaped.

In fact, he did not intend to clear all the realm kings on the Jiewang Mountain and the Wild Jie Mountain.

It's better to keep them than to kill them all.

If they don't leave some opponents for Ming Luo at all, then they will be too comfortable, so they must leave some enemies for them.

And these enemies can't be too weak.

From what he had learned before, there were at least hundreds of realm kings who did not go to Guiwangyu.

In addition to the fact that seventy or eighty real kings escaped when he fought with him before, there are not very few real kings who survived now.

Especially in many places, there are some realm kings scattered here and there. I believe that if these realm kings can gather together, for Ming Luo and the others, they are still relatively powerful opponents.

Although they didn't know that Ming Luo and the others had connections with humans, but now both Jiewang Mountain and Barren Jie Mountain were destroyed, and as a result, Ming Luo and the others came out to control the underworld.

So after he leaves, these realm kings will definitely aim the contradictions at the underworld.

In this way, Ming Luo and the others will have something to do in the future.

In any world, only if they themselves are in chaos, they will not think about attacking others every day.

So leaving some opponents for Ming Luo and the others would be safer for the Human World.

"Master, are we leaving now? Do you want to wait here, they see that the Barren Jie Mountain is quiet, or they will come back!" King Mingluo asked.

He hoped that those realm kings would be able to come back. If we can solve it together now, it is naturally the best thing.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to think about destroying them in the future.

And they didn't have the ability like Cheng Yu, they killed so many realm kings without any loss at all.

At least in their opinion, Cheng Yu really has nothing to lose.

So it would be great if these enemies could be eliminated while Cheng Yu was there.

"No, there is such a big thing in Huangjie Mountain, even if they want to come back and see, it will definitely not be now.

You can wait here if you want.

But after I leave the other realm kings behind, I should return to the human realm! "Cheng Yu certainly understood what they were thinking, so he didn't plan to give them this chance at all.

Anyway, the places with the most two realm kings are almost cleaned up now, and the remaining ones just can't replace their power to control the underworld.

But this number of realm kings can just cause a certain amount of pressure on the underworld, and this attitude is the best.

This is also the state he most wants to see right now. If that's the case, then the next thing, how Ming Luo and the others will control the underworld, and even control the entire underworld, is their own business.

At least the current situation has an absolute advantage over Ming Luo and the others, so let them worry about the specifics.

If they come up with any contradictions, it is their own business.

Those who are not of our race must have different hearts. Cheng Yu deeply understands this sentence.

So even if it controls the soul, it is only temporary.

In Cheng Yu's view, if the underworld can never be peaceful and always be in civil turmoil, that would be the most perfect.

But if he wants to achieve this state, unless he also stays in the underworld and keeps stumbling them, otherwise this perfect state will definitely be impossible to achieve.

So he won't think about this issue anymore, as long as he leaves some trouble for them, it's already very good.

What's more, he has been away from the human world for so long now, and now there is no way to contact a few women here.

There has been no news for such a long time, and those women don't know what it is like to be anxious.

If it weren't for the lack of time, these plans could not be delayed, and he would have returned to the Human Realm to report safety to a few women.

So now is the time to leave.

"Master, are you leaving now? Then over there..." King Mingluo was anxious.

Although the realm kings of Jiewang Mountain and Huangjie Mountain are basically solved now, the entire Hades is also a mess.

And there are only five palace masters in the underworld, and now there are so many realm kings, how should he deal with it?

"In the Netherworld, you can deal with it yourself. Anyway, I have appointed a few of your palace masters. If the remaining realm kings want to contribute to the Netherworld, they will follow your palace masters.

If you still want to cultivate in Jiewang Mountain, then you should go back to Jiewang Mountain.

But what I want to tell you is that even if you return to the Kaiwang Mountain, you must ensure the safety of Hades.

If you can do this, then I won't say anything more.

If you can't guarantee it, then you will go back to the Human World with me. Cheng Yu thought for a while and said.

"Master, we want to stay in Jiewang Mountain! We are willing to continue to protect the underworld!" Hongluo Jiewang and the others said.

They were originally on the Jiewang Mountain, and the Hades was under their control at that time.

But now there have been some changes, the underworld cannot be controlled by them, but by Ming Luo, and they only play a protective role.

Although their own interests seem to have suffered losses, in fact, it is useless for them to want this underworld.

Anyway, for these realm kings, entering the spiritual realm is their greatest wish.

So if the underworld is in trouble, they will help, but it really doesn't benefit them much from the underworld.

Especially in this incident, they just hope that Cheng Yu can keep them alive.

Now that their goal has been achieved, at least the matter of guarding the underworld, since they used to do it, there is nothing to be embarrassed about if they continue to do it now.

At least they don't want to be stepped on by Ming Luo and the new world kings. In comparison, they are more comfortable on the mountain of the world king.

"Master, we also want to stay on the Jiewang Mountain!" Most of the other Jiewangs also expressed their opinions.

Obviously, after reaching the level of the realm king, these things really don't mean much to them.

So it doesn't matter whether these powers exist or not.

However, there are still a few kings who want to stay in the underworld.

After all, everyone's ideas are different. Some realm kings have no gain in their own way of comprehending and entering the spiritual world, or they feel that their strength is still not enough.

Therefore, I hope to gain some secular experience or obtain some resources to see if there is a chance to enter the spiritual world.

In short, each realm king must have his own ideas when making his own choices.

Cheng Yu naturally wouldn't interfere too much. All he wanted was the peace of the human world. As long as this was achieved, no matter what they chose, it had nothing to do with him.

"Whether you want to stay or go back, this is your own business, you can handle it yourself.

At least you all know what I want. As long as you don't step on my bottom line, you are safe.

But if you really want to break my bottom line, you yourself know the consequences, well, let's talk about it here, you can do it yourself! "

Cheng Yu said no more, although there are more than 4,000 realm kings in his fairy and demon tower now, he does not intend to hand over all these realm kings to them.

After staying on this barren mountain for a few days, after preparing more than 2,000 realm kings for them, they released them all.

The remaining realm kings may still be useful in the future, so he can't give them all.

"These are all the powers of your Hades now. How to arrange it is up to you." Cheng Yu took out the fairy tower, and then the fairy tower flew out a bunch of runes to form a black vortex.

Cheng Yu put away the fairy and magic tower, got into the vortex and disappeared, and finally the vortex also disappeared.

"Phew! It's finally gone!" After everything returned to calm, these realm kings breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Cheng Yu helped them a lot, they were really under too much pressure in front of Cheng Yu.

For fear that Cheng Yu, who was accidentally offended, was unhappy, and then took their lives.

You know, Cheng Yu is the master who has killed hundreds of thousands of realm kings, and this is the first time they have seen such a ruthless character.

"Actually, we all know in our hearts that what he wants is that he doesn't want us to attack the human world again. So this time, he started killing in the underworld, whether it is Jiewang Mountain or Desolate Realm Mountain, it basically exists in name only. .

So even if we still have this heart, we don’t have this ability anymore. "Hong Luo Realm King said.

"Indeed, the loss of our Yin and Nether Realm this time is indeed huge. Some of the powerful realm kings have been killed by him, and the current Yin and Nether Realm should indeed rest and recuperate!" Mingluo Realm King said. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"It's not bad that he didn't kill all of our realm kings, at least we are still alive. As for those realm kings, it's all fate." Silla realm king didn't really care about that.

Anyway, there were so many realm kings in Jiewang Mountain back then, and they were just a little ghost king.

Although they seem to have a high status in the underworld, in the Jiewang Mountain, they dare not let the atmosphere out.

But now it's alright, Cheng Yu helped him become the king of the realm, and now that the Jiewang Mountain is gone, then he is an aloof existence.

Therefore, he prefers the current state of the underworld.

As for the strength of the underworld, he really didn't care that much.

What's more, what if the strength of the underworld is strong enough? With Cheng Yu staying in the human world, do they still dare to kill them in the human world?

Anyway, he didn't want to die!

An Xin is in charge of the underworld, getting more resources, and entering the spiritual world early is the right way.

"Indeed, as long as we can live, it is our task to keep the underworld well in the future. Don't worry about the rest, he is not something we can provoke.

We are also lucky. Although we became his slaves, but now that he has returned to the human world, we are also equivalent to returning to freedom.

If we really can't stand it, we can enter the spiritual world as soon as possible, and at that time we may be able to truly get rid of his bondage! "Hongluo Realm King reminded.

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