Godly Student

Chapter 5270: Memories of the past!

When Cheng Yu returned to the human world, he appeared on a mountain.

For a while, Cheng Yu didn't know what mountain he was in. Anyway, when he returned to the human world, he felt much more comfortable.

Although he can rely on the aura in the mountains and rivers map to constantly replenish himself, but after all, it is not as comfortable as absorbing the aura freely in the human world.

But he didn't have time to enjoy all this, so he quickly reported safety to several women.

Several women sent news one after another, and it took most of a day just to reply to a few women, but they were finally appeased.

The thing that worries him the most has been resolved, and now he has to figure out where he is.

In the beginning, he came out to sneak into the Nei Dynasty to see if the Nei Dynasty really invited experts from the Immortal Realm.

But it has been so long now, if the other party really invited experts from the Immortal Realm, then there is a high possibility that all the experts from the Immortal Realm will come over.

But it's not necessarily. Although he doesn't know how to get a large number of immortals to the human world, he feels that even if this method is realized, it should be very slow.

If the transmission speed is really slower than he imagined, let alone such a period of time, even if it is a year, it may not be possible to pass a few immortals.

So if this is the case, it must be in the best interest for him.

But now everything is just his conjecture, and he is not sure if he still wants to go to the inner court.

If he guesses wrong, with the help of a large number of fairy world experts, maybe a large number of fairy world experts can be quickly passed over?

Therefore, if he really wants to go to the Inner Dynasty, the risk is still very high.

But now the strength of the divine tree has soared, which can't help but make him feel a little anxious. He really wants to try the power of the divine tree. Is it possible to solve the immortals as easily as those realm kings in the underworld.

If that's the case, it's really a big discovery, and it's worth a lot of money.

No matter how many immortals the other party dares to come, he can cooperate with the divine tree. The divine tree absorbs and kills most immortals, while he suppresses a few immortals.

If he can suppress some immortals and then use them for his own use, it will be more beneficial to him.

Although Cheng Yu has so many people who can kill immortals, they are not real immortals after all, they just have the ability to kill immortals, and they cannot maintain the state of beheading immortals all the time.

So if you can suppress some immortals and turn them into your own, that would be really cool.

Not only did he brush down the number of enemy immortals, but he also had some immortals on his side as helpers, which played a huge role in the entire battle.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Cheng Yu is really moved.

He didn't have much confidence in the divine tree before, but they went to the underworld and plundered everyone's homes.

Take the divine tree as an example, the Jiewang Mountain has absorbed more than 200,000 Realm Kings, and the Barren Jie Mountain has almost 70,000 Realm Kings.

These two places combined have absorbed almost 300,000 realm kings.

After so many realm kings slapped their stomachs, the strength of the divine tree skyrocketed, making him feel that killing immortals might be as easy as chopping vegetables.

If that's the case, he doesn't even know what to expect.

However, he knew that everything would be difficult to say before he actually met an immortal. If it wasn't like this, it would be over.

"Sacred Tree, do you still remember those people who killed you? If you meet those people again, do you have the confidence to kill them?" Cheng Yu suddenly took out the divine tree and looked at the small sapling in the palm of his hand. asked.

Although this divine tree has gained a new life and was carefully raised from a young sapling, the origin of this divine tree is still the former divine tree.

Because the Divine Tree was cut off into so many sections by the Immortal Realm, and he just recombined these Divine Tree sections together.

Therefore, although the current divine tree is newly born, its essence has not changed.

But even so, Cheng Yu was not sure if the divine tree still remembered what happened at that time.

But he still wanted to try.

If the Divine Tree himself has a memory, or even has a greater certainty about it, then he should go to Nei Dynasty to try it anyway.

If it was successful, then he wouldn't have to worry so much anymore.

In fact, in order to cope with the inner court, Cheng Yu felt that the current Cheng family was a little helpless.

After all, they are dealing with immortals, so it is impossible to defeat immortals with normal cultivation methods.

So over the years, in order to make the disciples of the Cheng family reach the power of immortal slaying, he really spent a lot of thought, and only then did he find some quick methods among the relics of the holy city.

However, this does not fully represent the strength of a cultivator, because the strength of Immortal Slaying is only temporary.

And if you keep it like this, it will have a great impact on yourself.

Although he knew this, there was nothing he could do.

He also doesn't know when the inner court will start a war against the Cheng family. If it suddenly comes one day, if the disciples of the Cheng family have no ability to protect themselves, it will be even worse.

Therefore, although this quick method is not permanent, at least at a critical moment, it can not only protect itself, but even kill the enemy and make merit.

However, even if this method is quick, it is not suitable for everyone.

However, most of the Cheng family's disciples are now obsessed with practicing this exercise and want to awaken.

Therefore, he also felt that the Cheng family had indeed gone astray.

But after thinking about it, if there is a war with the Inner Dynasty, the disciples of the Cheng family will not even have the ability to protect themselves, so what's the point of cultivating according to the traditional cultivation methods?

After all, it is not a one-time thing, and even if it is practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, it may not have good results.

If their Cheng family can solve the big trouble of the inner court, then it doesn't matter if they go back and practice some traditional things.

"There is more than one Great Dao in the world, and most of the monks in the world have already died at the hands of others before they reach the peak of the human world.

They now have such a means of life-saving, but they can **** them to cultivate to the peak of the human world in the future.

If there is no chance to reach the peak, then no matter how well you cultivate now, it is meaningless. So when you think about it this way, it doesn't seem to have gone wrong. Cheng Yu suddenly stopped worrying about whether he was right or wrong in doing so.

Everything in this world has its own destiny.

Anyway, most of the monks in this world have not actually come to the end, and they cannot successfully enter the fairyland.

What's more, not all the disciples of the Cheng family are geniuses, so most of them are destined to miss the Immortal Realm.

That being the case, why not try something else?

In case they have the strength to kill immortals, they even have the opportunity to kill a few immortals, or they may have a better understanding of immortals and immortals. Maybe they will fly to immortals on the spot, and it is not impossible.

In short, this cultivation matter, even if he once came back from the Immortal Realm, he would not dare to say that he has fully understood the Dao of the world.

Even if he practiced again, he still had too many puzzles.

So why should you care about that?

There is no right or wrong in this journey of cultivation, and what they have encountered and obtained now may have been destined by heaven.

However, just when Cheng Yu was thinking about it, he suddenly felt that the divine tree in the palm of his hand seemed to be very emotional.

He seemed to feel that the divine tree was a little irritable and angry, and even a little uneasy and fearful.

"Do you really remember the original situation?" Cheng Yu wondered.

Although the divine tree cannot speak, the divine tree can still express its emotions.

And the divine tree grew up drinking his blood from the very beginning, so he also had a special connection with the divine tree.

This kind of induction is absolutely impossible for outsiders to perceive, but he can perceive the emotion of the divine tree.

After getting a clear response from the divine tree, he knew that his guess had become a reality.

However, it is entirely possible for him to understand the reaction of the divine tree.

Because he couldn't imagine what happened to the divine tree back then, because he had already seen how powerful and terrifying the divine tree was.

If it's just a monk in the human world, let alone the experts who can destroy the holy city, even if it's the tree itself, they can't fight it.

But the divine tree was still destroyed in the end, which shows that the power from the fairy world and the demon world is indeed too terrifying.

So now Shenshu thinks back on the past, he still feels scared, and it's a matter of course, and he can fully understand it.

But Shenshu's reaction made him a little disappointed, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com made him hesitate even more.

If the divine tree is still afraid, can he still go to the inner court now?

"Brother Shenshu, can you really kill immortals?" Cheng Yu thought for a while, and asked unwillingly.

But what was waiting was just the confusion of the **** tree.

After all, there is a big difference between immortals and immortals, and he doesn't know how the divine tree was destroyed in the first place.

And the divine tree can't speak, so although many things are very simple, but there is no way to communicate completely, it is difficult to say clearly.

"Well, Brother Shenshu, I'll ask you a question now. If yes, you just need to give me some responses!

Give me a response now if you promise! Cheng Yu thought about it and asked again.

Soon, the divine tree really gave him a response.

"Well, I'll ask you now, when you were destroyed, were there many immortals and masters of the devil world?"

Soon, Shenshu gave Cheng Yu a response again, which showed that what Cheng Yu asked was right.

"If that's the case, we shouldn't encounter so many immortals when we go to the Inner Dynasty. If we encounter a small number of immortals, are you sure you can kill them?" Cheng Yu asked.

But this time, Cheng Yu waited for a long time without waiting for a response from the divine tree.

Obviously, the divine tree is not sure whether he can really kill the immortal. ?

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