Godly Student

Chapter 5280: The emperor pays off!

Cheng Yu has been thinking about the situation that day since he saw the vision over the sky above Tian Qiong Peak.

It's not that he's still struggling to see what's in the beam of light, but he's thinking about how to safely go up to Tian Qiong Peak!

If he just wants to go up the mountain, Cheng Yu can even force him to go up.

The problem is that this time he came with two important goals.

One is to find the passage between the inner court and the fairy world and destroy it.

The second is that if immortals have already come, then he must also get rid of these immortals.

However, if the situation does not allow, Cheng Yu can accept a step back, that is, the second goal can not be completed.

But the first goal must be accomplished.

As long as this passage is destroyed, then these immortals will not be able to escape, and there will always be a chance to kill them.

But if this passage is still there, then there will be a steady stream of immortals coming from the fairyland, which is very dangerous.

Even if he now knows that the transmission speed of this channel is not very fast, it can only be transmitted once a month, but as long as the channel continues to be connected, it is not a good thing after all.

What's more, he doesn't know how many immortals are sent from Immortal Realm each time. Are they transmitted one at a time, or several or even a group at a time?

All this uncertain information may bring great risks to him and the Cheng family.

So if there is an opportunity, it is natural to achieve these two goals together. But if it really doesn't work, the channel will be destroyed no matter what.

But now the most important thing is to go up to Tian Qiong Peak.

This made Cheng Yu confused.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no better way to go up the mountain other than continuing to use the disguise technique.

However, the guards of Tian Qiong Peak are so strict, if you simply use the disguise technique, it may not be so easy to climb the mountain.

These days, Cheng Yu also quietly went to the vicinity of Tian Qiong Peak to step on the spot, and found that the disciples patrolling on Tian Qiong Peak today are indeed more guarded than when he first came here.

Tian Qiong Peak is very large, and it is impossible for these guards to guard every place.

But Cheng Yu knew that as long as there were no guards around Tian Qiong Peak, there were restrictions or formations.

However, the strength of this kind of restriction and formation method is not very strong. With his strength, it can be easily broken.

About this, it was something he knew the last time he came here.

And it's not just Tian Qiong Peak, most of the sects in this world will actually have this or a similar arrangement.

Even each peak of his Cheng family actually has its own arrangement of prohibitions and formations.

However, most of these places use small-scale prohibitions, and then protect the entire peak one by one.

But his Cheng family is different, because he is very clear that the method of using this combination of bans is actually not reliable for a large and complete ban.

But a large and complete prohibition is very difficult, and once it is destroyed, the entire prohibition is destroyed.

Therefore, many forces will not do this, but choose to use this combination of prohibitions.

Protect the entire mountain with a small prohibition one by one, so that even if someone breaks the prohibition in one place, only the prohibition in that area is destroyed.

They just need to re-fix the ban in that area.

This method seems convenient and affordable, and does not require so many resources.

In addition, the Inner Dynasty itself is a huge protective umbrella, and ordinary people can't even enter the Inner Dynasty, how can it be possible to destroy the prohibition of these peaks?

And for them, these restrictions are not completely to keep all the enemies out, unable to break in.

Their purpose is simply to prevent people from going up the mountain from the fixed entrance.

They know about these restrictions as soon as someone breaks in, so in all respects they don't need them to be invincible.

In this way, they don't need too strong a ban.

But Cheng Yu's construction of the Cheng family is different. He has no shortage of resources, and he hopes to protect every peak to the greatest extent.

Even if the Cheng family's family protection formation is broken one day, each peak of the Cheng family still has an absolutely powerful protective umbrella to ensure the safety of each peak.

Therefore, he spared a lot of precious resources to let the disciples of the formation hall create a very powerful restriction, and also covered a layer of formation.

These prohibitions and formations were all found by him from the Immortal Demon Pagoda, all of which were ancient formations, and their power should not be underestimated.

In order to create these prohibitions and formations, Cheng Yu spent a lot of thought and resources.

But he doesn't regret it.

Although in front of Cheng Yu, these restrictions on Tian Qiong Peak were much weaker than those of his Cheng family, but he did not dare to break in casually.

Because as long as a restriction is broken, Tian Qiong Peak will naturally know that someone has sneaked into Tian Qiong Peak, which is undoubtedly a shock.

And then even if he went up the mountain, it would be very difficult to succeed.

So he still felt that he should go up the mountain from the fixed entrance.

It's just that there are a large number of guards at these fixed entrances, and there are mobile inspection teams everywhere after going up the mountain.

Of course, the most difficult thing for Cheng Yu is to pass through these fixed entrances.

As for those mobile inspection teams, as long as they go up the mountain, Cheng Yu has absolute confidence not to let them find out.

But the question is, how does he go up the mountain with a valid reason?

Judging from the current situation, it is almost impossible for people outside Tian Qiong Peak to want to go up the mountain.

After all, it would be difficult for even a few chief elders to go up the mountain, let alone others.

But he knew that if these chief elders really wanted to go up the mountain, they would definitely be fine.

So he can even transform into one of the chief elders and request to go up the mountain.

But it's very easy to go wrong, so it's definitely not going to work.

And if he really wants to go up the mountain like this, the disciples of Tian Qiong Peak will definitely pass the message to the Lord, so he must go up the mountain to see the Lord.

He is not afraid to see the Lord. If he doesn't have his own task, he can go up the mountain in this way, and then find the Lord and kill him directly.

But now this Lord is very likely to have immortals by his side, and if he directly kills the Lord, how can he destroy the passage?

If an immortal intervenes again, then both of his goals will fail.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he would either go up the mountain secretly and not let anyone know, so that he could stay at Tian Qiong Peak and investigate everything.

But this kind of difficulty is the most difficult, and it is almost impossible to avoid the guards at the entrance and go up the mountain.

So he thought of another possibility. If he could transform into a person on Tian Qiong Peak, it would be easier to climb the mountain.

After all, there are so many people living in Tian Qiong Peak, and it is impossible for them not to go down the mountain all the time.

It's just that such people can't be just patrolling disciples, because their patrolling disciples are also layered.

The five people caught before are responsible for the area below the mountainside. It is useless to change them into them. At most, they can only go to the mountainside without hindrance.

But if you want to go up the mountain again, it is impossible.

Therefore, it is best to find someone with little power on Tian Qiong Peak. Not only can he go directly to the level of the Lord, but he also doesn't have to worry about any investigation.

In this way, all the levels on the entire Tianqiong Peak will be unimpeded.

However, it is not easy to wait for such a person. Cheng Yu quietly spends a period of time at the foot of Tianqiong Peak every day.

I just want to see a person with status on Tian Qiong Peak come down to do business.

It's a pity that Cheng Yu stayed at the foot of the mountain for more than a month without waiting for such a person.

Those who can come down the mountain are all the patrolling disciples, and judging from Cheng Yu's current understanding of Tian Qiong Peak, these disciples are all the disciples stationed below the mountainside.

In particular, he often saw the five patrol disciples he had arrested before.

But now these people have no use value for him, so he will not shoot again.

There was no harvest every day, which made Cheng Yu more and more anxious.

As a result, when he saw a vision on Tian Qiong Peak for the second time, he hadn't waited for the right person.

But this time, he ran to a mountain closer to Tian Qiong Peak to watch the vision, hoping to see if there were really immortals in the beam of light.

If so, is it one or more, or a group?

It's just that Cheng Yu was disappointed after all. Even if he was much closer than the last time, he couldn't see through the situation in the beam of light. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Cheng Yu knew that unless he went to see the scene, he would never be able to solve this mystery.

But the person Cheng Yu was waiting for never appeared, so how could he have the opportunity to go to the scene to see it!

But Huangtian paid off, Cheng Yu waited like this for another half a month, just when Cheng Yu was already a little impatient, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a man wearing a deacon uniform coming down the mountain on Tianqiong Peak. .

"It's you!" Cheng Yu was overjoyed.

The deacon of Tian Qiong Peak is definitely a more suitable candidate. The deacon's official is not very big, but it is not too small. At least in each mansion, he is relatively free, just like him now.

Most importantly, each peak has a relatively large number of deacons.

In this way, it is more difficult to be noticed by people.

If the person who came to Tian Qiong Peak had a unique identity and needed him to handle everything, and even had to meet with the Lord frequently, the risk would be very great.

Who knows if the old guy can really see through his disguise?

So he still hopes that he will keep a low profile and find out the situation of Tian Qiong Peak first, even if it is discovered again, it will be much better.

If it is discovered in the first place, everything that follows becomes meaningless.

Therefore, in Cheng Yu's eyes, this deacon was the most suitable candidate at this time, so he quietly followed. ?

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