Godly Student

Chapter 5281: Get revenge?

Cheng Yu quietly followed the deacon all the way, and found that the deacon actually went to the Great Elder's Mansion.

He naturally did not dare to go to the Great Elder's Mansion, so it was impossible to know what the deacon did in the Great Elder's Mansion.

But Cheng Yu knew that as long as this guy was from Tian Qiong Peak, he would definitely come out.

The result was even faster than he expected. This guy came out in just one stick of incense when he went to the Great Elder's Mansion.

But he did not go back directly to Tian Qiong Peak, but continued to go to the Second Elder's Mansion.

After a stick of incense, he came out again, and then went in the direction of the Third Elder's Mansion.

"I'm afraid this guy is going to go through all the five palaces!" Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu had already fully guessed his next destination.

As a result, as he had guessed, he has been following this guy all over the five houses.

It wasn't until he came out of the Fifth Elder's Mansion that he really went back to Tian Qiong Peak.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu quickly made preparations, and not long after he left the prosperous place and entered the remote place, Cheng Yu finally shot again.

Deacons are generally only in the Mahayana period. For such monks, Cheng Yu can easily catch a lot of them.

But the difference this time is that Cheng Yu didn't catch him just to stun him, and then ran to another place to let him go.

Using familiar means to quickly force him to become a new slave, Cheng Yu immediately transformed into this deacon. With the cooperation of this new slave, he swaggered up the mountain.

Looking carefully at the patrol layout on this mountain, you can see several patrol teams at a glance. This level of rigor is indeed better than many in the past.

Although it was quite strict back then, it has not yet reached this level.

But now that Cheng Yu has gone up the mountain, this has little to do with him. It's just that he doesn't know what will happen on the mountain next.

But Cheng Yu is certain that he probably won't come down the mountain like he is now, so he still has to understand the situation of going up the mountain first.

Even if you have to escape later, at least you have to figure out the situation of these levels.

Just like last time, he went straight to every level and went down the mountain very smoothly.

And this time the level may be because after going through the last time, Tian Qiongfeng has obviously re-adjusted the level, and also added some levels.

At least in Cheng Yu's impression, there used to be so many levels in Tian Qiong Peak.

Even if it is only halfway up the mountain, there are at least five levels.

So don't look at Cheng Yu's swaggering appearance going up the mountain, but in fact he is now simulating in his mind the scene of how to go down the mountain in the fastest way if something happens on the mountain.

Otherwise, if something really happened, then you would panic.

The difference from sneaking last time is that last time he went to the Lord's Palace at night, and then continued to sneak into the back mountain.

But this time, he arrived at the Lord's Mansion in broad daylight. The new slave's name was Zhuang Yuan, and he was also a deacon.

And the purpose of his going down the mountain this time is exactly as explained by the chief deacon of Tianqiongfeng, to inform the chief elders of the five houses, and ask them to send people to search for delicious wines all over the world.

As for Tian Qiongfeng asking for the best wine in the world, he didn't know.

But Cheng Yu guessed one or two, and it is estimated that these wines are used to honor those immortals.

Think about it, these immortals, the cultivation resources of the human world, they simply do not look down on them.

Therefore, they don't need them for cultivation, and these resources are of little significance to an immortal.

Since there is no need for cultivation resources, the only thing that can satisfy the immortals is perhaps only appetite.

And among them, wine is the most attractive. As for food, they must also know that it is not good to bring back any kind of food.

But the wine is different. The longer it is stored, the more mellow it will be.

He didn't need to see the Lord either, he just had to reply to the Chief Deacon.

At the same time, Cheng Yu began to turn around in the Lord's Mansion.

This is the first time that he has looked at the Lord Shangfu so closely during the day.

Compared to the Three Elders' Mansion, this Lord's Mansion is indeed majestic and magnificent, with too much atmosphere. It is even more magnificent and magnificent than the palace outside.

However, according to Cheng Yu's guess, this lord should not belong to the lord.

As for whether there are false masters here, then he doesn't know.

After all, there are so many immortals on Tian Qiong Peak now, and he must be waiting by the immortals at any time, how can he stay in this Lord's House every day.

Recalling that when he was outside Xingle City, he almost killed the fake master.

And the fake master was finally rescued by the real master. Since he was rescued, then that guy would definitely not die.

After so many years, I don't know if he is still pretending to be the Lord here?

But these are not what Cheng Yu really cares about.

Cheng Yu didn't care about such a magnificent palace.

After turning around in the Lord's Mansion, he found a suitable place where he could see the back mountain, but he could only see an outline.

Cheng Yu took a few glances and left in disappointment.

It's useless just to see this, but he can't get too close to the back mountain in the daytime, so he can only walk around first to get to know the Lord better.

Compared with the days in the Three Elders' Mansion, Cheng Yu has to be more cautious here now.

Just because it is very likely that there are immortals here, if they do something out of the ordinary, they are likely to be noticed by those immortals directly.

Moreover, Cheng Yu didn't dare to release his spiritual sense at will to perceive everything in Tian Qiong Peak. It was purely courting death, so everything could only be observed with the naked eye.

In fact, Cheng Yu can also use the ability of the wooden empty mirror to check the situation of the mountain behind Tianqiong Peak.

But he knew that the strength of immortals could not be compared with the monks in the lower realm. Compared with the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the human world, their immortal consciousness was really terrible.

Although Cheng Yu can control plants thousands of miles away to watch everything, the source power is still with him.

Human monks generally cannot perceive this source of power, but immortals are very likely to be able to perceive it.

It is like a tree, although the root extends far, but the able person can find where the tree is based on this root.

When Cheng Yu used the ability of the wooden empty mirror, it was like the roots of the tree stretched into the distance.

It is difficult to find out spiritual consciousness, but the immortal consciousness of immortals is so many times stronger. Once it is found out, Cheng Yu will be very dangerous.

But there is still a problem. Even if Cheng Yu goes directly to the back mountain, he will be directly sensed by those immortals.

So if Cheng Yu wants to sneak into the back mountain like the last time, and then go to find out the situation in the back mountain, it will be a very difficult thing.

Now that he has gone up the mountain, Cheng Yu is not in a hurry to run to the back mountain right now.

After all, this place is different from the mansion of the three elders, there may be immortals appearing at any time, and there is basically no problem with his disguise in front of the monks in the human world.

But in front of the immortal, he must not be able to deceive.

So he has to be more careful, but at present, he can only continue to mess around in the Lord's Mansion as Zhuang Yuan's deacon for the time being.

After going up the mountain, you can't easily go down the mountain. On this Tianqiong Peak, you are not as free as the Three Elders' Mansion.

Cheng Yu didn't care, and he didn't come to the Inner Dynasty to travel.

Although he came to the Inner Dynasty for so long, and it took a lot of time, he was accepting his goal step by step.

It is obviously impossible to check them all in front of the immortals.

But Cheng Yu still won't give up. Even if he can't solve these immortals, he will at least find a way to find the passage and destroy it.

In this way, even if he escaped down the mountain again, he would be considered to have completed 80% of the task.

The remaining two achievements are to deal with those immortals.

If the passage is gone, Cheng Yu might be able to stay and fight the immortals, and even if he can't fight, he can run away.

There are also many taboos in the Lord's Palace, and there are many places where even deacons cannot go.

Cheng Yu stayed on this mountain for a few days, doing errands.

Anyway, I can't enter the back mountain, and it doesn't matter if I run errands. Anyway, there is Zhuang Yuan in the Immortal Demon Tower to cooperate with him, so there is no need to worry about showing his feet.

Cheng Yu lived a peaceful life again at Tian Qiong Peak.

But because of his departure, the garden of the third elder disappeared.

Just like last time, if you only leave for three or two days, it may not be a big deal.

But more than half a month has passed, and Tian Yuan has completely disappeared, which makes the third elder feel very wrong.

After all, such a thing has already happened once, UU reading www. uukanshu.com It is inevitable that people will connect the last incident with the disappearance of the pastoral this time.

"Third Elder, is Tian Yuan's disappearance related to the disappearance of the five disciples of Tian Qiong Peak last time?" the chief deacon asked.

"But what does Tian Yuan have to do with the disciples of Tian Qiong Peak?" the third elder asked in confusion.

Tian Yuan is the deacon of his third elder's residence, and the five disciples are just a few patrolling disciples of Tian Qiong Peak. Their identities are completely different, and they belong to different places. He really can't figure out if someone is really doing things. What is the significance of grasping the countryside?

"Third elders, the five disciples of Tian Qiong Peak were brought back by Deacon Tian. Could it be related to this?" an elder asked.

"Elder Luo, what do you mean?" The third elder frowned.

"It's possible that Deacon Tian found those five disciples and sabotaged the enemy's plan, so those people held a grudge and arrested Deacon Tian to retaliate?" Elder Luo paused, then said.

"Third Elder, I think this possibility is relatively high. In fact, it was really strange that the five disciples were recovered so intact.

Maybe the five of them weren't let go at all, but were rescued by Deacon Tian and the others.

But it is precisely because of this that it just happened to destroy people's plans!

It seems reasonable and reasonable for people to seek revenge against Deacon Tian! "The other Elder Xu also agreed."

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