Godly Student

Chapter 5286: Live puppetry?

Of course, these immortals couldn't be the immortals who came to the human world back then, but since they were sent to the human world, even if they didn't know the specific details of what happened back then, they still had some understanding.

So they are also very clear that this time they came to the Human World for only one purpose, that is to get rid of the descendants of the Holy City.

For them, this task is too simple.

Because the inner court has only seen the bloodline of one holy city at present, as for whether there are more bloodlines in the holy city that have not appeared, this is something that the inner court does not know, and it is also unknown to them.

But they are immortals. No matter how many bloodlines are passed down in the current holy city, the holy city of today cannot be compared with the holy city of the past.

Therefore, for such a simple task itself, they felt that they did not need to send too many immortals.

But now there are monks from the demon world, which makes them really puzzled.

"I didn't hear from them before that they invited the demons to come here, and why do I feel that the breath of the demons is a little empty, it seems that something is not right!" An immortal wondered.

"This demonic aura is indeed a little vague and very weak. Could it be that they are injured?" Someone guessed.

"The strength of the demons is not weaker than us. How could anyone in this human world be able to hurt them? And they are so weak, I feel that the injury is not light! Who can hurt them like this?"

"That's not necessarily true. Back then, when our Immortal Realm and Demon Realm jointly attacked the Holy City, it is said that there were not a few immortals and demons who were killed or injured.

Don't underestimate this human world, there are human monks who can kill us! "An immortal retorted.

"You also said that it was back then, but after the destruction of the Holy City, such a master is almost impossible to exist.

Even if there are, it must be very few. And the Lord of the Inner Dynasty also said that although the strength of the descendants of the holy city has grown rapidly, it should not be enough to kill us.

Therefore, there should be no human monks who can kill immortals at present. "

"It's okay to say more, let's go out and have a look. The demons and we are at odds with each other, and we had to unite in order to destroy the holy city.

Now this human world is our fairyland, it stands to reason that it is impossible for the demons to appear here!

If they really have other plans, then we can't say that they should be cleaned up. "One of the immortals smiled yinly.

"That's right, the demons appear here naturally to **** this world back, but how can we let them do so, and let them get involved in this world?" The other immortals also nodded and planned to go out to see See what's going on.

And when these immortals rushed over, the Lord also rushed over alone.

Compared with other guardian operation channels, he is more auxiliary operation.

So if something happened to the back mountain, the other guardians couldn't move, but he could.

"All Immortals!" Seeing these immortals, the Lord hurried forward and respectfully.

It was always others who were respectful in front of him, and did not dare to breathe.

But now in front of these immortals, he is in the same situation.

Maybe these immortals are just scumbags in the Immortal Realm, but he knows very well in his heart that even the immortals are not easily offended by him, so he does not dare to be disrespectful.

"You also invited people from the devil world?" One of the immortals looked at the Lord and asked with a seemingly calm expression.

But from his words, you can still hear some dissatisfaction.

This guy has already invited people from the Immortal Realm, but he even invited people from the Demon Realm. This is clearly because he didn't take their Immortal Realm seriously.

If even a few small people like the Holy City can't deal with it, wouldn't they be embarrassing to the Immortal Realm?

But this guy still invited the demons, which shows that he does not trust them in the fairy world.

"People from the devil world? No? Why did the immortal ask this?" The lord was stunned by the question on the spot.


When did you invite people from the Demon Realm?

What's more, in order to not allow the demon world to interfere with the human world, the fairy world had already destroyed the channel with the demon world.

So even if he wants to invite people from the Demon World, he doesn't have the ability.

"You really didn't invite people from the devil world?" The immortals were even more puzzled.

"How dare you deceive all the immortals? We have long since lost access to the devil world. How can this old man invite experts from the devil world?" The Lord quickly explained.

"This is strange!" When the immortals heard this, they naturally believed in the Lord.

It seems that the passage to the demon world does not exist anymore, so there should be no way for the demons to come to the human world again.

"Could it be that they themselves established a passage to the human world?" Some immortal guessed.

"If that's the case, then it's bad! No, let's hurry over and see what's going on!" A group of immortals hurried towards the place of battle.

If the Demon Realm secretly establishes a passage to the Human Realm, this is not a trivial matter, and it is even more serious than killing the descendants of the Holy City.

Because they destroyed the holy city just to get this realm, and in order to prevent the demon realm from encroaching on this realm, they destroyed the passage to the demon realm.

Now that the demon world has come to the human world again, this is clearly to take this world away from the fairy world, and of course they cannot allow it.

"It is indeed the Demon Race!" But when they arrived at the battle site, they were surprised.

"It's not fake, but why do these demons look so strange?"

"They... they seem to be dead!" said one of the immortals in surprise.

"Dead? But they are still alive!"

"They are indeed dead. Look closely, they are not breathing. This should be a puppet technique. Someone used their corpses to make puppets!" Another immortal also saw the problem.

"Puppet? But they seem to have their own consciousness? If it is a puppet, it should be unconscious!" Some immortals questioned.

"You forgot that there was a kind of puppet technique similar to resurrection in Immortal Realm? They can resurrect the corpse, so that the puppet has a certain self-awareness."

"Living puppet technique? But isn't that a technique that has been lost for a long time? Besides, why did this kind of puppet technique appear in the human world?" Some immortals questioned.

This is a very powerful puppet technique that exists in the fairy world. Even in the fairy world, no one seems to have heard of anyone using it.

However, a technique that had been lost in the fairy world actually appeared in the human world. How could this not shock them?

"It's hard to say, maybe this technique itself was invented by the person at this interface, and then this person flew up to the Immortal Realm, so this technique appeared in Immortal Realm again.

It's just that this technique in the human world has been preserved! "One of the immortals thought for a while and said.

Although not all immortals in the immortal world ascended from the lower realm, there are indeed many people in the immortal realm who ascended from the lower realm.

And it is not uncommon for those who ascended to the immortal world to leave some of their abilities and things in the world before ascension.

So it is normal for them to have such thoughts.

"So, this living puppet technique is actually invented by people who have ascended in this world?" This is indeed surprising.

After all, the living puppet technique was once a very powerful technique in the Immortal Realm. Some people used this puppet technique to resurrect a large number of dead Immortal Realm masters, so that they could dominate the Immortal Realm, which was very terrifying.

No one ever thought that such a powerful technique would come from the lower realm, and many people even guessed that such a technique was even left by the ancient immortals.

"It seems that we may have some unexpected gains this time. As long as we can find the person behind this living puppet technique, we can make a lot of money." These immortals were shocked at first, but then they were incomparable. excited.

If they can control this mysterious technique, then they will return to the Immortal Realm, which will be of great use.

Because compared with ordinary puppet art, this puppet art is very flexible.

Ordinary puppet art can't keep away from puppets. In fact, it is a dead thing that only knows how to fight to the death. If you can beat it, you will kill the enemy. If you can't beat it, you will die directly in the hands of the enemy.

But these living puppets are completely different. They not only know how to fight and retreat, but even have their own consciousness.

Some people have even heard that a living puppet can speak, and in addition to being controlled by the caster, it can actually fully achieve the effect of a living person.

These puppets don't need to follow the caster all the time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com can completely let them leave themselves and go anywhere.

And the biggest advantage of this kind of living puppet is that even if they leave their master thousands of miles away, they will still be controlled by the spell.

This means that they can never betray the caster.

So how terrifying and powerful such a living puppet technique is, how can it not be coveted by them!

"It makes sense, but as far as I know, living puppets can be completely unrestricted by distance. If they are all living puppets, then the casters behind them are probably thousands of miles away, so how can we catch them? "A question was raised.

"This is indeed a problem. Since that person knows this technique, it is definitely impossible for him to come here by himself." Looking at these living puppets, these immortals' eyes are simply shining.

But if they can't find the magician and get the method of living puppets, then even if they catch these live puppets, it doesn't make any sense.

"I do have a way, maybe it's feasible!" One of the immortals said.

"Oh? What's the best way for Uzi?"

"Although the living puppets can stay away from the caster, they are still under the control of the caster. As long as we can capture all these live puppets, if the caster wants to contact them, then we can perceive this kind of The existence of the connection, and then follow the trail." Uzi said.

"Good way! Then we'll arrest them!" The immortals suddenly lit up, this is indeed a way! ?

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