Godly Student

Chapter 5287: cut off!

These immortals would never have imagined that after they came to the human world, they would be able to discover such coveted things.

And a good thing like living puppet art will be scrambled by countless people even in the fairy world.

Now they have met them in the lower realm. This is really a gift from God, how could they miss it?

However, although they have the intention to catch these living puppets, they are not in a hurry to take action.

Instead, I watched these living puppets fight with the guardians of Tian Qiong Peak, but the battle situation was very unfavorable to Tian Qiong Peak, because the continuous protection was killed by the opponent.

The master on the side saw that there were fewer and fewer guardians of Tian Qiong Peak, and couldn't help but wanted to take action, but was stopped by the immortal next to him.

"Do not move!"

"Lord Shangxian, why is this?" The Lord asked in confusion.

"These live puppets are good things, you can't kill them, and we have to see the strength of these live puppets!" U Qi said.

"But..." Hearing that these people disregarded the life and death of his Heavenly Qiongfeng Protector, but just wanted to see the strength of these living puppets, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to go against it.

"It's nothing but a few people who died. I don't think your dynasty can't even afford this loss, right?" an immortal named Bai Xin said.

Obviously there was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

They had traveled thousands of miles from the immortal to this lower realm to help him, and now they have to bargain for such a small request, which of course makes him dissatisfied.

"Then it's up to you, the Immortals!" The Lord naturally felt the other party's dissatisfaction, and naturally did not dare to say anything more.

But the unhappiness in my heart was even stronger.

But he is more aware of his status and identity. In front of these immortals, his master is nothing at all.

So no matter how much he felt unhappy in his heart, he would only hide it in his heart and would not dare to show it.

But how could these immortals not see the dissatisfaction in the Lord's heart, but they didn't care at all.

For them, solving the descendants of the holy city is still the top priority, but now the other immortals have not come, so their task has not started strictly.

And now that they have discovered the living puppet technique, of course, they must first consider their own interests.

"The strength of these living puppets does not seem to have reached the level of immortals!" Immortal Jiang Kang said.

The demon world, like the fairy world, is an upper world.

Therefore, the strength of the demons is on the same level as their immortals, but seeing these demons live, their strength has not reached the level of immortals, which makes him feel a little surprised.

"It's nothing unusual, since there no longer exists a passage to the demon world, then it is naturally impossible for demons to appear here.

And you look at these demons, there are only skin and bones left, which means that they have been dead for many years.

I estimate that these demonic corpses are likely left over from the war that year, and it is normal for such corpses to be made into living puppets, and their strength is not as good as before. "Uqi seemed to know more about the living puppet technique, so he explained to everyone.

"If we say that these demon corpses were left over from the war that year, then wouldn't the people behind these living puppets be the descendants of the Holy City we are looking for?" Bai Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, obviously thinking of it. a key point.

"That's what I want to say, if it wasn't for the descendants of the Holy City, why would these living puppets appear here?

I think in this world, the only one who dares to oppose their dynasty is the Holy City! "Uzi nodded.

"What your superiors said is that the biggest enemy of our dynasty is the Holy City. As for other forces, no one dares to challenge the authority of our dynasty.

And the descendants of the holy city came here back then, so the living puppets mentioned by the immortals must be the ghosts of the holy city! "The Lord, who had been standing by and listening to these immortals talking, also interjected.

"Since this is the case, then it is basically certain that these living puppets are from the Holy City.

Then we can be regarded as stepping through the iron shoes and have nowhere to go, and it takes no effort to get them.

As long as these live puppets are caught, then they will be able to follow the trail and find the descendants of the holy city. "Jiang Kang said with a smile.

"But although we can now be sure that these living puppets come from the Holy City, they are not necessarily created by the descendants of the Holy City, right? I haven't heard that the Holy City still understands the art of living puppets?

I think the person behind this may be from the Holy City, but not necessarily the descendants of the Holy City! ' Baixin said.

"So what's the difference? Since the person behind the magic is also a person from the Holy City, as long as we find him, are we afraid that we won't be able to find the descendants of the Holy City?" Wu Qi laughed.

"My lords, this holy city is now fighting against my dynasty everywhere under the banner of the Holy Dynasty. Originally, the strength of my dynasty could solve the holy city.

But this Holy Dynasty has been known for being mysterious and unpredictable since the beginning of the world, and their actions are also very secretive.

And every time they are dispatched, they are first-class masters, especially their strength is higher than that of my unsatisfactory subordinates. In addition, they usually do not appear too many, so they are very fast in action. Find us. The whereabouts of their lair brought great difficulties.

If the immortals can find their old lair, I believe that the remnants of this holy city can be easily eliminated! ' said the Lord.

"Their tricks are just showing off in front of you people. Since we are here, as long as they are still in this world, they don't want to hide!" Jiang Kang smiled confidently.

"So these living puppets are the clues for us to find them, and we must leave them alive! Once they are killed, then their connection with the caster will be cut off, then we really can't find them!" Qi said.

"So it is!" The Lord heard this, and his heart was a little more relaxed.

At least these people really want to help him find the holy city's lair, and they will help them solve the big trouble of the holy city.

Thinking about it now, even though they saw death and refused to let him save him, he recognized it.

Compared to solving the descendants of the Holy City, the death of some guardians is really nothing.

After all, there are many masters who have died in the hands of the Holy Dynasty in these years. If they cannot be solved, the loss of the Inner Dynasty will only be greater.

It's just that after seeing these guardians stand to the last breath, he still can't bear it.

However, what surprised them was that after killing the last guardian, these living puppets fled away without saying a word.

"These guys really have their own consciousness, and they have no intention of fighting against us at all!" Although they were surprised, after seeing such a scene, they became more and more excited.

For them, the living puppet technique is actually just a legend. They have only heard about it from others, and have never seen it with their own eyes.

However, although it is a legend, there are people in the fairy world who have seen the horror of living puppets with their own eyes, so no one has ever questioned the truth of this legend.

Now they say it with their own eyes and find that these living puppets do have their own meaning, which is already very different from traditional puppets.

Such a precious thing, how could they let them escape!


When Wu Qi stretched out his hand, a barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, cutting off those living puppets abruptly.

So the living puppets quickly turned around and fled in the other direction.

But another barrier appeared and stopped them.

After doing this several times, these living puppets were trapped in a space surrounded by barriers.

They are constantly attacking on the barrier. Unfortunately, although their strength is very strong, they are only a little weaker than the very few masters, such as the Lord, but in front of these immortals, their strength is really Seems a little stretched.

Don't look at it as a small barrier, but even if the Lord sees such a barrier, he will be stunned in his heart.

He can feel how powerful the breath of these barriers is, and the power of immortal essence contained in them is completely beyond his imagination.

"Immortal world is indeed a powerful world. These immortals can form such a powerful barrier when they make a move. The power of immortal essence is too full." Looking at the breath of immortal essence emanating from the barrier, Lord In my heart, I am envious.

In terms of his achievements in the human world, he is definitely one of the very few people standing at the top.

Therefore, his power of immortal essence is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary monks. Those monks who saw his power of immortal essence would also be inexplicably envious.

But he knew that his power of immortal essence was not even a fart when compared with these immortals.

This is a barrier made of all the power of immortal essence. As a monk in the lower realm, how can he dare to be so extravagant?

At most, they mix some immortal energy into the normal spiritual barrier, which can greatly improve the barrier's defense capability.

This is the difference between a Nether monk and an immortal.

No matter how much the lower world cultivator cultivates, he still focuses on spiritual power, while the upper world cultivator focuses on cultivating the power of immortal essence.

Because there are also ordinary monks in the upper realm, not everyone has reached the level of immortals at birth.

But for these immortals in front of them, they are purely cultivating the power of immortal essence. After all, they have reached this level, and spiritual power is useless to them.

Therefore, if the living puppet among the barriers in front of him is replaced by him, he knows that if he does not use some secret techniques, it is also impossible to escape.

However, when those living puppets were trapped in the barrier of the power of Xianyuan, Cheng Yu here immediately felt that something was wrong.

Because he felt that his connection with those demon warriors was cut off.

"What a strong aura of the power of immortal essence, it seems that the immortal has really shot!" Cheng Yu looked at the front with a dignified face, and he already had a strong premonition in his heart!

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