Godly Student

Chapter 5347: Are we a gang?

"No matter what happened to them, this is not what we have to consider, what we have to consider now is to kill all these immortals.

Even if they can't be killed, it's better to destroy that passage.

Think about it, as long as there is no passage, then it is impossible for immortals to come from the fairyland. In that case, our Cheng family will be safe.

There are only a dozen or so immortals left. To be honest, even if we all die, the Cheng family has enough strength to kill these dozen immortals! "Mu Heng reminded everyone.

In fact, although they came to carry out this mission, they didn't know much about the things behind this incident.

For example, why did they suddenly come to perform this mission, why did they want to kill the immortals.

It seems that the Cheng family and the dynasty did not go to war.

However, these years, the dynasty and the holy dynasty have been fighting each other. There are immortals in the inner dynasty. If they really want to fight, they should be fighting the holy dynasty. What does it have to do with their Cheng family?

"That's natural, but the dozen or so immortals definitely couldn't let us destroy that passage so easily.

And the information provided to us by the owner also said that the channel itself seems to have a very powerful force.

So we can't just destroy that channel casually. " Wen Ce said.

"Actually, I have always had a doubt, why there is such a passage in the Inner Dynasty, where can I invite immortals from the fairyland?

Moreover, why did our Cheng family kill each other with the Inner Dynasty?

We don't seem to have enmity with the Inner Dynasty all these years, right? "Sun Qiao suddenly asked a question that everyone was curious about.

"It's not just you who has this doubt, we all have it. The Buchengjia doesn't seem to want to tell us this question now.

Maybe when we go back alive, the owner of the house may tell us something! "Muheng said.

He had such doubts just now, and he didn't think that Sun Qiao would also think about it.

"Although I don't know why, but one thing is certain. The head of the family has provided us with so much information about the Inner Dynasty, and we have also inquired about the Inner Dynasty these days.

During the past few years, the DPRK has suffered several sneak attacks, and the person who attacked was very powerful. They all felt that this person was from the Holy Dynasty.

And now the head of the family has provided us with so much information about the inner dynasty, don't you think these things are related? " Marven Ye said.

"You don't mean to say that our Cheng family is actually related to that holy dynasty, right?" Sun Qiao asked with bright eyes.

"I think it's very possible, and the person who once broke into the Inner Dynasty is very likely to be the head of our family!" Marven Ye continued to speculate.

"This... can't be true, is it true that the Patriarch is the Holy Master of the Holy Dynasty? But we have never had any contact with the Holy Dynasty?" Sun Qiao opened his mouth wide.

The reputation of the Holy Dynasty in the world has been getting louder and louder over the years. Even the place where their Cheng family has always been so famous has obviously been covered by the Holy Dynasty in these years.

However, they also admired the sudden emergence of the Holy Dynasty, because the world was under the control of the Dynasty.

However, this holy dynasty is coming fiercely. In just a few short years, it has taken most of the world in its hands.

And they also heard that this Inner Dynasty actually suffered a lot of losses in the hands of the Holy Dynasty, and lost a lot of masters.

Now they have also come to the Inner Dynasty, and found that the strength of this Inner Dynasty is indeed not as strong as they thought.

At least their experts in the tribulation period really seem to be a little less, only a mere one million.

Although these people are already an astronomical number for any force in the world, for a force like the Inner Dynasty that has accumulated for an unknown number of years, this number is not a lot.

You must know that even their Cheng family's tribulation-transcending cultivators have reached nearly one million.

In such a comparison, the data of the Inner Dynasty is indeed very abnormal.

From this, it is conceivable how much the dynasty suffered in front of the holy dynasty over the years.

So they all had to admire the power of the Holy Dynasty, and they were even a little worried. If the Holy Dynasty really swallowed the Dynasty completely, then would they have to deal with their Cheng family next.

After all, their Cheng family has also been very popular these years, especially since so many tasks have been released, which has brought great resources and wealth to the Cheng family.

For the immortal forces, resources are really important.

And the Holy Dynasty is so powerful, they definitely need more resources to cultivate the strong.

Now that the Cheng family has so many resources, it seems unlikely that the Holy Dynasty will not call on the Cheng family's idea.

So they are actually preparing for the war secretly, because they are afraid that one day the holy pilgrimage will really come.

But now Marven Ye speculates that the Shengchao and their Cheng family may be a group. If this is the case, this is a surprising news.

This means that the Cheng family is actually much more powerful than they see, and this holy dynasty alone will scare away all the forces of the Cheng family in the world.

"Nonsense, if all this is controlled by the owner of the family, how could he let the Cheng family show a relationship with the Holy Dynasty!

Did you not find out? Although the Holy Dynasty has been very famous in recent years, no one has ever known the specific situation of the Holy Dynasty.

No matter where they are stationed or how many masters they have, no one knows at all.

And the most discussed thing about the Holy Dynasty is that this Holy Dynasty is very mysterious, making people completely unclear about the situation.

If we really want to make it clear that our Cheng family and the Holy Dynasty are in the same group, then the Dynasty, especially this Inner Dynasty, would have sent troops to our Cheng family long ago.

Although they can't find the Holy Dynasty, they can find the Cheng family! " Marven Ye explained.

"Yes, yes, that's true. If we say that, our Cheng family may really be with the Holy Dynasty.

If that's the case, then we don't have to worry about what the pilgrimage will do to our Cheng family anymore.

I used to think that the Holy Dynasty would kill our Cheng family after destroying the dynasty, but now I don't have to worry about it anymore! " Sun Qiao said with a smile.

"It's not too early to speak, this is what Marven Ye is guessing now. Maybe our Cheng family does have some relationship with the Holy Dynasty, but it's not necessarily a group.

For example, it is a cooperative relationship, because our Cheng family has resources, but the Holy Dynasty has strength. If we cooperate, it is still very promising!

It's just that since it's cooperation, it's for profit. Once the two sides have a conflict of interests, it is difficult to say whether it is an enemy or a friend.

If this dynasty is really destroyed, it is hard to say whether our Cheng family and the Holy Dynasty will also break up because of interests! "Muheng said.

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