Godly Student

Chapter 5348: Came to the Lord?

"If that's the case, then can't we destroy the Inner Dynasty? Otherwise, without the Inner Dynasty to contain the Holy Dynasty, wouldn't our Cheng family also suffer?" Sun Qiao said.

"It's not up to us to decide, after all, we don't know the truth. The head of the family has more vision than us, and he knows everything.

If we are only in partnership with the Holy Ceremony, what we can think of, he can certainly think of.

But if we are not just a partnership, but really a team, then our concerns are superfluous!

Since the master wants us to destroy this passage of the Inner Dynasty, then our task is to destroy it. As for the rest, that is what the master and the elders should consider! " Marven Ye reminded everyone.

"That's true, but we have to deal with immortals now, maybe we have to come up with a plan, otherwise our losses will be huge!" Mu Heng said.

"Those immortals suddenly ran away, what does this mean? Are they frightened by us?" Sun Qiao said with a smile.

"How is this possible? They are immortals anyway. Even if there are more of us, they may not be frightened by us. At most, they don't want to hurt us both!" Mu Heng said.

"Then what method should we use to kill them now?" Sun Qiao asked.

"This is really hard to say, let's all recover first!" Marven Ye shook his head and said.

They said it was very relaxed before, but now that the army of the Inner Dynasty has retreated, when they are really facing a war with the immortals, he is really not so relaxed in his heart.

But no matter if they really want to kill those immortals, at least they have to recover first.

Only when you are at your best, you can fight at any time.

But if he didn't recover well, facing these immortals, he really didn't have enough confidence.

At this time, the army of the Inner Dynasty saw that the army of ten thousand people of the Holy Dynasty finally stopped taking the initiative to pursue them, and they were relieved.

They didn't continue to retreat, they just looked at them from a distance, but no one dared to go forward to provoke them.

These people are indeed too terrifying. When the other party takes the initiative to kill them, they really feel like they are like fish and meat, and they are slaughtered by the other party.

Now people have stopped and recovered again, and they want to go up and give them a stick, but at this time they only dare to think about it again. If they really want to let them go up, they really dare not.

"These guys are really too strong, this time we don't know how many people died in their hands!" Some people said with lingering fears.

They really don't know how many people have died. Thinking of the scene of the war with them, it really feels terrifying.

"I don't know how many people died, but we are lucky to survive." Someone said with a sigh of relief.

"But the Lord may still want us to take action in a while. It's really hard to say whether we can survive or not!"

"Shouldn't it be? Does the Lord really want us to kill them? But how could we kill them with our strength?

What's the difference between this and sending us to die? "Someone said worriedly.

"Who wants to go! But dare to disobey the Lord's orders? Besides, these people are our enemies, and now the enemy is sitting there resting, can the Lord accept that they have been staying in our inner court?

Therefore, the Lord must still let us kill them. Now we should see that so many people have died, and we were completely disrupted by them, so let us retreat temporarily! ' someone analyzed.

"What do these guys think? They are resting here now, but they don't want to leave the inner court. What is their purpose?" Someone said with great confusion.

They really didn't want to understand the purpose of these people coming to the Inner Dynasty.

If they don't go out and attack these people, these people don't seem to be actively attacking them either.

"It's really strange, to say that these people came to the Inner Dynasty to destroy the Inner Dynasty, kill all the people in the Inner Dynasty, but with the strength of these people, they can completely kill other peaks.

But they didn't do this, they came directly towards Tian Qiong Peak.

Now they have also reached Tian Qiong Peak, but they are not killing people when they see them. We don't move, they don't move, so why did they come to Tian Qiong Peak? "Actually, everyone is very confused about this.

The feud between their dynasty and the Holy Dynasty is known to all over the years.

Moreover, in order to deal with the Holy Dynasty, the Inner Dynasty has paid a heavy price over the years. Even the outer dynasties that originally belonged to the inner dynasty are now basically in the hands of the holy dynasty.

So now the Holy Dynasty sent people to kill the Inner Dynasty, to destroy the Inner Dynasty, this kind of thinking should be taken for granted.

But it seems that the purpose of these people is not to destroy the inner court, which makes it difficult to understand.

"In that case, they should have another purpose, maybe it has something to do with this Sky Qiong Peak!" Someone speculated.

"It's very possible, after all, every time an accident happens to Tian Qiong Peak, and it seems to have something to do with the back mountain of this Tian Qiong Peak.

Could it be that the mountain behind Tian Qiong Peak really has some secrets? "Someone looked around curiously.

They never had the opportunity to come to the mountain behind Tian Qiong Peak before, after all, this place has always been the most important forbidden area in the entire Inner Dynasty.

They used to want to come to the back mountain of Tianqiong Peak to take a look, but now they are here, but they don't think there is any difference here.

It seems that it is no different from the back mountain of other peaks.

But if there is really no difference, then why is the Holy Dynasty so obsessed with entering the mountain behind Tianqiongfeng to do things?

This is really an incomprehensible thing.

"Who knows this? It is said that only the Lord can enter the entire back mountain of Tian Qiong Peak, so what secrets does this back mountain really have, maybe only the Lord knows it."

"Isn't this even more strange? We are people from the Inner Dynasty, but even we don't know what secrets behind this mountain. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Although it is said that the Holy Dynasty has hatred with our Inner Dynasty, how can they know the secret of the mountain behind Tianqiongfeng? "Someone is very skeptical.

"Maybe it's not a secret at all, as he said, if it is a very important secret, we don't know it, but the Holy Dynasty knows it, it is too unreasonable.

So I think that every time they come to the back mountain of Tianqiong Peak, it may not necessarily be because of some secrets, but it is directly directed at the Lord! "

"He came up to the Lord?" Everyone was stunned.

"That's right, because the Lord is the most powerful existence in the entire dynasty and the owner of the entire dynasty, as anyone knows.

We have hatred with the Holy Dynasty, and their goal is naturally the Lord! ' the man analyzed.

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