Godly Student

Chapter 5389: burn one's boats!

"These guys learn fast. Originally, they didn't have the chance to rest. Now they use the monks of the inner dynasty to help them rest. Now we are really going to be in trouble!" Sun Qiao said speechlessly.

"Compared to those guys from the inner court fighting us directly, this move is actually more ruthless. It is very difficult for us to have the opportunity to kill them like this, and we can only watch them help those immortals fight for time to recover.

Although they only have a dozen immortals, if we really want them to take turns to restore the power of immortals, we will definitely not be able to consume each other! "Marven Ye also became a little worried.

This is really not good news!

The Inner Dynasty directly fought with them, and they would not be better off. After all, it was a two-sided battle, and the consumption of the power of immortal energy was too great. These immortals would even find opportunities to kill a large number of their companions.

If you just do this, the loss of the inner court will also be great.

But in this case, the most disadvantageous is them.

With the help of so many tribulation-transcending monks from the Inner Dynasty, those immortals can continuously restore the power of immortal essence, but their immortal essence power is bound to become less and less.

"What should we do now? They can really consume us by doing this. Although we have a large number of people, we will all use up the power of immortal essence in the end.

But these immortals have recovered the power of immortal essence, and then they can really kill us at will! " Wen Ce said.

"Even so, we can't just escape like this, right? Then we really become a family joke!" Sun Qiao said.

"I didn't say that we have to escape now, what I mean is that we have to find a way to break their plan, and we must not let them keep the power of immortal essence to deal with us!

Even if our Immortal Essence can't fight them, we can't let them be much more than us. It's best if everyone can fight together, then we may not be afraid of them. " Wen Ce said.

"If it was before, we might really be able to compete with them, and if we are lucky, we might even have more Immortal Essence left than them.

But now there are hundreds of thousands of monks in the tribulation period in the Inner Dynasty, and those immortals are using the Immortal Essence Pill to restore the power of Immortal Essence.

It's almost impossible for us to try to run out with them again! " Marven Ye shook his head and said.

This is indeed a headache and regrettable thing, they were still quite confident.

However, after all the calculations, they didn't expect them to come up with such a solution, which caught them off guard.

They can now fully conclude that it is impossible for them to consume these immortals.

The result of not being able to consume the other party is that they may be killed by the other party. This is no joke.

Their immortal energy is gone, but those immortals are still full of immortal energy, and the gap between them is quite terrifying.

"There may be only one way now!" Mu Heng said.

"How?" Sun Qiao asked.

"We can't divide it into two groups anymore. Anyway, it's difficult for our immortal energy to recover quickly. So we don't need to rest any more. Everyone goes all out to attack this barrier and speed up their power again. The consumption speed of the power of immortal essence!"

"But this is useless. Even if their immortal energy is consumed faster, there will always be a part of their immortals that can be replaced and restored, which will consume our immortal energy faster. Now!" Sun Qiao felt that this method was impossible.

"It's not that simple, think about it, these immortals can quickly restore the power of immortal essence, but can those in the tribulation period be restored?

Like us, the power of immortal essence will only be used less and less, and eventually it will be exhausted.

Our attack is very strong, far from what they can sustain during the Tribulation Period. They obviously thought of this too, so you see they didn't replace all the immortals to rest and recover, but kept half of them.

Because they also know that if all the immortals are replaced, these cultivators who want to rely on the Inner Dynasty will not be able to hold up this barrier, and they will definitely be broken by us.

So they left half of the immortals to guard the barrier, and let these monks in the tribulation period to maintain the energy required for the normal operation of the barrier.

Now if we all attack together, we should be able to directly break through this barrier. If it is really impossible to break through, but the power of the immortal essence of these monks in the tribulation period will be consumed faster than us.

Because such an attack has far exceeded their strength, they need a lot of immortal energy to resist these forces.

But these tribulation monks are like us, it is impossible to restore the power of immortal essence in a short time, so without these tribulation monks from the inner dynasty, do you think those immortals who are resting have a chance to rest again?

If they don't make up to withstand this barrier, then this barrier will also be broken by us, then we can find a way to destroy the passage.

As long as the passage is destroyed, what if we die here? "Muheng explained to everyone.

"Your method seems to be very reasonable, but those immortals have immortal essence pills, so although they are only monks in the tribulation period, they can get the immortal essence pills of those immortals to restore the power of immortal essence!" Marven Ye stared at the dense army of the Inner Dynasty on the opposite side, and then looked at the immortals who were using the Immortal Essence Pill to recover, and felt that this possibility seemed unlikely to happen.

"The Inner Dynasty has nearly seven to eight million tribulation periods, do those immortals have so many Immortal Essence Pills to restore their Immortal Essence?" Mu Heng asked curiously.

Although they already knew about the existence of Xianyuan Pill, they didn't know much about the value and concept of Xianyuan Pill. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but the pill that can restore the power of Xianyuan must be extremely precious. .

So he didn't know how many Immortal Essence Pills those immortals had, and whether they would give Immortal Essence Pills to these Inner Dynasty cultivators.

However, there are so many monks in the tribulation period in the Inner Dynasty, even if each of them is 700,000 or 800,000, this is obviously unimaginable to him.

"It's really hard to say, we don't know how many pills they have. But if there are, then your plan will be difficult to succeed, but it will make our Immortal Essence Power consume faster. " Marven Ye shook his head and said.

"Then how do you know if you don't try? And even if they really gave the Immortal Essence Pill to these tribulation-transcending monks, wouldn't that be a good thing?

If we can use up their Immortal Essence Pills as quickly as possible, the Immortal Essence Pills on those immortals will be less, and maybe they won't have much of their Immortal Essence Pills to recover! "Muheng said.

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