Godly Student

Chapter 5390: Give it your all!

"Do you think this method will work?" Marven Ye couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Because if you fight like this, then everyone's consumption will be very huge, and it may be that everyone will exhaust all the power of immortal essence in a short time.

But it's really hard to say whether those immortals can be exhausted at the same time.

"It's really hard to say. The current situation seems to be obviously more unfavorable for us. If it continues like this, maybe we will really fail." Sun Qiao also said hesitantly.

"It's really hard to say, people are carrying them now, they have enough time to rest, and all of them have the help of Xianyuan Dan.

Even if they all go together, they may not be able to consume them! "The crowd also expressed their opinions.

"Those immortals are not so stupid, if everyone can get the Immortal Essence Pill, at least 700,000 to 800,000.

But for those immortals, we have seen them take Xianyuan Dan several times, which shows that a single Xianyuan Pill cannot help them recover much.

If you keep consuming the power of immortal essence, then you must constantly take immortal essence pills.

Now seven or eight million people are consuming Immortal Essence Pills at the same time, and the casual ones are millions of Immortal Essence Pills.

Do you think these immortals will have so many immortal essence pills to give them? If this is the case, they may not be enough themselves! "Mu Heng has been staring at the opposite situation, thought for a while and said.

"It seems to be the same. It seems that the Xianyuan Pill can't restore much of the power of Xianyuan. If you say that, the consumption of the power of Xianyuan in the 700,000-800,000 tribulation period is really great.

It is estimated that even those immortals can't stand it, so we should all attack together now, and exhaust all the immortal energy of these monks in the tribulation period as soon as possible.

If these Tribulation Transcendence monks really did not get the Immortal Essence Pill, it would be impossible for them to restore the power of Immortal Essence for those immortals to buy time for them to recover.

At that time, these immortals still have to consume themselves, and they will no longer have time to restore the power of immortal essence.

Maybe we can even fight with them.

Otherwise, the longer these tribulation cultivators delay, the more we will suffer, and this will indeed be more and more unfavorable to us! " Marven Ye thought for a while and said.

There seems to be no other way to deal with these guys now. If these immortals really don't have enough Immortal Essence Pills to provide these monks in the tribulation period of the inner dynasty, then this method may be the most effective.

"Since this method can be tried, let's try it. If it's really impossible to complete the task, we can only leave the inner court first.

Didn't you also say that there are arrangements behind the head of the house?

If it really doesn't work, we'll make up for it when the time comes, and if we go to the Inner Dynasty again, we will definitely complete the task. " said Sun Qiao.

"That's the only way!" Marven Ye sighed, as if there was no other way.

As a result, the half of the people who were resting and recovering did not rest anymore.

Anyway, their power of immortal essence is difficult to recover. In this case, it is better for everyone to fight together and use up all the power of immortal essence to spend with them.

If they can interrupt their current plan, those immortals will naturally have no time to rest, and they can only consume themselves constantly.

Boom boom boom!

With more than half of the people, the power of the attack is obviously stronger. Those monks in the tribulation period of the inner dynasty have long known that the masters of this holy city are powerful.

Obviously everyone is a monk in the tribulation period, but they feel that they are not at the same level as the other party at all.

They were also helpless and angry, but it was of no use.

Under the full attack of the 10,000 masters of the Holy City, they clearly felt that this power was far more terrifying than when they fought hard against each other before.

Especially the most important thing is that although they are protected by this barrier now, they may not need to sacrifice their lives, but the power of their immortal essence at this time is actually consumed faster than when they were fighting with each other.

Even the barrier felt a little unbearable, and it began to become unstable.

"These guys seem to have really fought hard this time. They have not left any room for themselves, and they have all joined the battle. This barrier seems to be unable to hold up!" Cai Tong said with great concern.

This time he did not rest to restore the power of Immortal Essence, but his Immortal Essence was also consumed more than before.

But what worries him the most is that the barrier seems to have really become unstable. It seems that although the number of these cultivators in the tribulation period is large, they can't support this barrier.

"You can't recover anymore, you have to come and defend the barrier!" Shang Feng yelled at the eight people who were recovering.

They are only nine immortals in total now, and they are obviously only supporting the foundation of this barrier, but now they can't hold it anymore.

At least nine people plus these monks in the tribulation period could not support the full attack of so many holy city monks.

"Just hold on, let us recover more!" Yu Jie also said angrily.

They just rested for a long time, and this time is not enough for them to recover much of the power of immortal essence, let alone let them fully restore the power of immortal essence first.

"It's not that we don't want to hold on, it's that the barrier is about to fail. If you can't come again, then if the barrier is broken, you should know what the consequences will be!" Shang Feng shouted angrily.

This guy is really selfish and always only considers his own interests.

Therefore, he was the first to rest and recover, but now the barrier could no longer hold, and he was still thinking about recovering his immortal energy.

You know, their power of immortality has been consuming since the war.

Now that the entire army of the Holy City is participating in the battle, their power of immortal essence is consumed faster, and when did they recover the power of immortal essence?

Although this guy has not fully recovered the power of immortal essence, he has recovered for a while anyway, which is more than the power of immortal essence in their bodies!

As a result, this guy is still reluctant~www.readwn.com~ and wants to continue to recover.

If this barrier is destroyed, with the ten thousand elites in the Holy City fighting for their lives, can they be able to defend this passage?

Why did they dare not go to war with these 10,000 people, after all, it was because they considered that this passage could not be without protection.

So they can only use this passive way to guard the channel.

If there is no relationship with this channel, the dozen of them will directly rush into the 10,000 people, and why would it matter if they kill one of them?

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for these 10,000 people to kill them.

But it became easier for them to destroy the passage.

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