Godly Student

Chapter 5392: Shirk responsibility!

"But you didn't stop it back then!" Yu Jie knew that this guy was attacking him again, so he was also very unconvinced.

If this guy was really that determined, then he should have stopped him from asking the Lord like this in the first place.

But although he said a few words at the time, he didn't stop him in the end.

Otherwise, the 300,000 tribulation monks would naturally not be killed.

"Isn't it useless if I object? You still insist on doing that!" Shang Feng snorted coldly.

At the beginning, this guy swore that he could exhaust the immortal energy of these monks in the holy city.

So let the Lord General all the monks in the tribulation period call over to besiege the monks in the holy city.

But what was the result?

Although they did consume some of the other party's immortal energy, the result was not what they expected.

In particular, the Nei Dynasty was brutally beheaded by others and killed 300,000 monks in the tribulation period.

If it was normal, he didn't put the 300,000 tribulation period monks in his eyes. People who are useless will die if they die.

But thinking about it now, these 300,000 tribulation monks are very useful.

An extra 300,000 would at least buy them some time.

Then this barrier can last longer, and a few immortals can also restore some immortal power.

By doing this, it actually buys them more time.

But now they really have absolutely no one to use, this battle has completely entered an absolute cycle of death, and now it depends on which side can really last to the end.

However, according to their current consumption rate, they really have no certainty, because the power of immortal essence is consumed too fast, which is completely beyond their expectations.

"Lord, do you still have any monks in the Tribulation Period?" Wu Zhiyu asked the Lord who was also blessing the barrier together.

"This time there is really no more, and even if there is, it will not exceed 1,000, and it has no meaning at all!" The Lord said helplessly.

The Inner Dynasty is so big, if you find a few tribulation stages, you will naturally be able to find it.

Because there are still some robbery periods guarding the various exits of the Inner Dynasty.

But the 700,000-800,000 tribulation-transcending cultivators just now couldn't hold it, and now even a thousand tribulation-transcending squads are not enough, how could they buy time for their recovery!

"Your inner court is really useless. The world is yours, and the resources are in your hands. After tens of thousands of years of development, there are only so many monks in the tribulation period?" Yu Jie said with great dissatisfaction .

"Originally, our Inner Dynasty did not only have so few monks in the tribulation period, but the struggle with the Holy City over the years has caused my inner circle to lose too much, which has led to the fact that there are only so many monks in the calamity period left in the Inner Dynasty." Also said helplessly.

He was embarrassed to say some things.

In fact, they have lost so many monks in the tribulation period, and they are not completely killed by the holy city.

Because with the support of the Holy City, various foreign dynasties in the world rebelled one after another, and fought several times with the army of the inner dynasties.

As a result, this led to an unprecedented blow to the loss of his inner court.

So speaking, the loss of their inner court was actually caused by their own people.

But if he said this, he would have no place to put his face on the Lord, so it was impossible for him to tell the whole truth. He really couldn't afford to disgrace this person.

However, these immortals have an inescapable responsibility for the battle situation to this point.

He had already told them before that the 700,000-800,000 tribulation period might not be able to help them.

Rather than that, it would be better to let them, the immortals, and the holy city consume it first.

When both of them have exhausted the power of immortal essence, then his 700,000 to 800,000 tribulation cultivators will naturally be able to play their role to the fullest.

As a result, they themselves refused to listen, always thinking of their own interests.

Well now, the monks in the tribulation period of his inner dynasty have now become useless people without the power of immortal essence, which is really useless.

However, these immortals did not recover much of the power of immortal energy from this plan, which means that their plan was a great failure.

Otherwise, at the last moment, if he kills the 700,000 to 800,000 tribulation period, he might be able to kill all the monks in the All Saints City.

It's not like now, everyone can't do it.

But even so, he still couldn't say what was in his heart. Even if he did fight them before, it is obviously not appropriate to say this now.

"Anyway, your inner court is so down and out, this is your incompetence as a master!" Yu Jie said.

Yu Jie's words really made the Lord's face look ugly, but the Lord still didn't say anything.

But he also despised this guy very much in his heart.

If it wasn't for the fact that this guy always insisted on sacrificing the inner court, and everyone didn't support him, would the inner court get to this point?

Otherwise, they still have at least 700,000 or 800,000 tribulation monks available.

Besides, if his inner court's strength is still so strong, why would he find these people from the fairyland?

So these immortals should come to help him solve the crisis, but what is the result?

Now that he has not only suffered more losses, but also has not helped them solve the crisis.

Who is more useless, need more to say?

But he still couldn't say this, otherwise, even if the guy he was going to provoke didn't resist the Holy City, he would have to kill him first.

"Don't say nasty things here, we can't change the situation by ourselves now, why do you push your incompetence on others?" Shang Feng couldn't help but say this guy's face.

He knew that things had become like this, and these immortals also had an inescapable responsibility, and there was no reason to blame the Lord.

After all, the Inner Dynasty suffered a great loss this time. Even though they were still immortals, they were not able to deal with the ten thousand masters in the Holy City.

If Yu Jie puts the responsibility on the Lord again, it will really show that these immortals are incompetent.

And even so, that's all, it seems that these immortals have no bearing.

It is really embarrassing to blame a mortal person for not being able to solve the problem by himself.

"Okay, don't talk about it, everyone. Now we should concentrate our strength to fight against them, rather than shirk responsibility here.

Regardless of whose responsibility it is, the danger we face right now is the same.

If we really haven't fought them, then everything is empty talk, whether it's our own life or the passage behind us, we may not be able to save it! "Wu Qi also scolded with dissatisfaction.

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