Godly Student

Chapter 5393: The gap is a bit big!

Although these immortals have lived in the immortal world for many years, they have never encountered a situation where the power of immortal energy is consumed so quickly.

And what makes them even more helpless to understand is that this is still in the human world, and they really can't figure it out.

But even if they never thought of the current situation, their current immortal energy is being consumed at an unprecedented speed. This is an indisputable fact, and they can't accept it.

Of course, if it wasn't for their immortal energy being consumed so quickly, they wouldn't be so worried.

Now that the power of Immortal Essence is consumed faster than they expected, if they really can't compete against the 10,000 elites in the Holy City, it will not be as simple as shame, but it will be really bad luck.

The battle continued until this time, and both sides had already tried their best.

No one knows which side will survive to the end.

At this time, although the other members of the Inner Dynasty did not participate in the battle, the huge noise from the mountain behind Tian Qiong Peak made them feel uneasy.

Just like a few months ago, there was an earth-shattering battle in the back mountain of Tian Qiong Peak, and as a result, the entire Tian Qiong Peak was basically destroyed.

This time it seems to be even more terrifying, because the entire inner court began to shake again, and the shaking was more violent than the last time. How can this not make everyone feel uneasy?

"Our inner court is really getting more and more unsafe now, and the movement is too big. If it happens again several times, I am afraid that our inner court will be demolished by them sooner or later!" Someone grimaced, Said very helplessly.

Little rogues like them are not even qualified to participate in such a shocking event.

But the problem is that although they can't change the overall situation on Tian Qiong Peak, they know that they are already in danger.

Maybe one day this Inner Dynasty will be destroyed, and they may not be able to escape.

It's just that although they know that the Inner Dynasty is now becoming dangerous, they have no way to leave here.

Because the Lord has already ordered, whoever dares to leave the inner court privately, that is a dead end.

Therefore, they now clearly know that the Inner Dynasty is in danger, and they can only stay here extremely worried.

"Judging from the current situation, it is indeed possible that the Inner Dynasty will not be guaranteed. But what can we do?

The strength is low, and I don't even have the qualifications to participate in the war. Apart from worrying here, I can't do anything! "At this moment, he is not the only one who is helpless, and everyone in this inner court can only stare at Tian Qiong Peak.

I just hope this all calms down as soon as possible.

In the past, they always felt that the Inner Dynasty was too quiet, and there was no anger at all.

But now, they feel how difficult it is for the inner court to return to the tranquility of the past. At this time, they finally realize that tranquility is so happy.

Now I am afraid that it is difficult to enjoy this happiness.

"We have already gone up to a lot of masters, and the masters above the integration stage are now all on the Tianqiong Peak. But so what, still failed to kill the enemy, and the movement is getting bigger and bigger.

It can be seen that the battle on Tian Qiong Peak is getting more and more intense.

I don't know what happened to the masters of our inner court now.

So even if we have that kind of ability, it may not be able to play any role, maybe because of our low strength, we still have a chance to survive now. "Some people always feel very flustered when they hear the loud noise on Tian Qiong Peak.

Therefore, he was rather thankful that he was fortunately low in strength, otherwise he would have to be sent to Tian Qiong Peak.

But in such a fierce battle, even if he became a cultivator in the tribulation period, he might not be able to survive such a battle.

"I just heard a friend on Tian Qiong Peak say that Tian Qiong Peak has actually killed a lot of people, and even killed a lot of experts in the tribulation period.

So in the current situation, strong strength is not necessarily a good thing.

Compared with these enemies who broke into the Inner Dynasty, those who are all experts in our eyes are strong, but in front of these enemies, they are not strong at all.

If we really reach the fusion stage or more, it is estimated that it is really possible to die on Tian Qiong Peak. ' said one person.

"Are those enemies really that strong?" Some people asked very curiously.

To be honest, although everyone in the inner court knew that something big had happened to Tian Qiong Peak, another enemy had rushed up.

But in fact, most people in the inner court did not understand what was going on at all.

Where do these enemies come from? How is the strength? What is the purpose of their coming to the Inner Dynasty?

They were completely dumbfounded.

Therefore, everyone wanted to know the specific situation on the Qiong Peak, but most people would not tell them the news.

"If these enemies are not strong, how could this battle have been fought for so long, and it is getting more and more intense!" Someone said.

"I heard that these enemies came from the Holy Dynasty again. Is this Holy Dynasty really that strong? They ran to our inner court over and over again to make trouble?" Someone asked in doubt.

"People not only want to come to the Inner Dynasty to do things, but from the current point of view, our Inner Dynasty still has nothing to do with them. This is the most annoying."

"That's right, otherwise these guys wouldn't come again and again, it's really annoying. But I'm getting more and more disappointed with the inner court. I used to think that no one in this world would dare to talk to us. The Inner Dynasty is the enemy.

But now it seems that the reality is completely different. People have not only been enemies of our inner court, but they have not taken our inner court seriously at all.

Now people come when they want, and leave when they want. This is the most annoying thing! ' someone quickly retorted.

"What can be done about this, who makes our skills inferior to others!" Someone sighed helplessly.

"It seems that~www.readwn.com~ this world will fall into the hands of this holy dynasty sooner or later. And our inner dynasty has such a powerful enemy, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to mix in this world in the future. !" Someone said worriedly.

This Inner Dynasty was originally a dangerous place for their dynasty, but now people don't take it seriously at all, and there is even a feeling that this place is uninhabited. How can they be as confident and proud as before?

Now they only have more and more worries. If the Holy Dynasty really replaces the Inner Dynasty and gains this world, then they will definitely not have a good life in the future.

Even so many masters of the Lord and the Inner Dynasty are not the opponents of the Holy Dynasty. In the future, when these people meet the people of the Holy Dynasty, they will definitely not be the opponents of others.

Thinking about such a picture, they all felt a little unacceptable.

Once upon a time, they had such a downfall!

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