Godly Student

Chapter 5399: Big things are bad!

Wu Qi's action suddenly turned everyone's sadness into joy. They originally thought that everyone might not be able to fight against the Holy City army on the opposite side, and might even be killed by the other side.

But now that Wu Qi is recovering, and the barrier is still solid, everyone is no longer as worried as before.

As more and more people in the holy city have exhausted their immortal energy, they will definitely have more people who can rest and recover.

At that time, the situation on the Holy City side would only get worse and worse, but there were more people on their side restoring the power of Immortal Essence, which was naturally the best result.

"This is God helping us, they have made countless calculations, and they have been forcing us to consume the power of immortal energy as quickly as possible.

But they didn't count to this step anyway, their people are getting fewer and fewer, we can draw more people to restore the power of Immortal Essence.

When they see such a result, they will definitely go crazy, haha! "Cai Tong said excitedly.

I originally thought that there might not be a good result, but now, it can be said that the ending has been decided.

Although there are many people in the holy city, the power of immortal essence of the monks in the tribulation period is limited, and it is impossible to fight with them all the time.

So the other party is destined to have fewer and fewer people.

And although they are small in number, the power of immortal essence is deep enough. Even if there is not much left of immortal essence on their body, they can basically last until the later stage.

Therefore, as there are fewer and fewer people on the other side, their pressure will naturally decrease.

Up to now, only sixteen people are enough to hold up this barrier, which also shows that the strength of those on the opposite side is plummeting.

As long as they hold on longer and longer, then they naturally only need fewer people to hold up this barrier.

"So everyone should stop arguing about trivial matters now. No matter how fierce they are, they are still only monks in the human world, and there is no way to consume our heritage." Jiang Kang said.

"I believe that when the guys on the opposite side see that we are all starting to recover, they will be scared to death!" Cai Tong said with a smile.

With enough chances of winning, everyone's mood will naturally improve, and they will no longer think about those unsatisfactory things.

After all, they already knew they were going to win, so what's the point of arguing about that?

"After all of us have really recovered, maybe they will really feel what is called despair!" Yu Jie said with a smile.

He seems to have seen that after everyone has recovered the power of immortal essence, the opposite side has exhausted the power of immortal essence of the last person, and then they go out together, imagine the expressions of those people on the opposite side, think about it. Excited.

It's just that the holy city won't wait until the end, because they have already discovered this problem.

After all, the seventeen immortals have always been their most important targets, so their every move is actually in their eyes.

Now that there is suddenly one less, how could they not have found it.

"It seems that one of them has exhausted the power of immortal essence. This is definitely good news." Sun Qiao said with great joy.

Although his Immortal Essence was exhausted, he had been staring at the situation on the other side, and he couldn't wait to see this scene.

"Great, we have already exhausted the power of immortal essence of many people, and now it is their turn.

Although there is only one now, I believe there will be a second one soon! Wen Ce also said happily.

They have no power of immortal essence now. To be honest, seeing that both sides are still holding on like this, especially since there are fewer and fewer people on their side, his heart has long been impatient.

Now that he can't afford to see the other side, he couldn't be happier than that.

"Don't be too happy too early, although they have one less person, their situation is completely different from ours.

There are only sixteen of them now, but the barrier has not been broken by us. Do you think this is a good thing?

You know that man is gone now, what is he doing? "Mu Heng was not as happy as they were, but his expression became more and more solemn.

"If I guessed correctly, he should be using the Immortal Essence Pill to restore the power of Immortal Essence!" Marven Ye obviously heard what Mu Heng meant, and his expression became solemn.

What Mu Heng said is indeed very reasonable. Although these guys seem to have no immortal energy, the barrier has not been destroyed.

Their sixteen immortals still support this barrier, which is really not a good thing, but an extremely bad and extremely dangerous thing.

Because there is one person who can go to rest freely.

But they are immortals, and they have the Immortal Essence Pill in their hands. Unlike them, even if some of them have lost their Immortal Essence, they are resting on the side, but they do not have Immortal Essence Pill to restore their Immortal Essence.

So how can this be a good thing?

"And the current situation is far more than that simple. Our people's power of immortal essence cannot be compared with their immortals. Then as more and more of our people use up the power of immortal essence, they will next Fewer people are needed to hold up the barrier.

I believe everyone should already understand what this will mean! "Muheng continued to tell everyone.

"This shows that they have more people free to rest, and use the Immortal Essence Pill to restore their Immortal Essence!" Sun Qiao's face changed greatly, and he no longer had the smile he had just now.

He hadn't thought of this crucial issue just now, but now he has also figured it out. As Mu Heng said, this is really bad news, how could he still laugh.

"So we still made a wrong step in the end, and we didn't expect that we would not consume them in the end. And from now on, we will have fewer and fewer people with the power of immortal essence, and the stock of immortal essence power will be less and less. .UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, their people are constantly recovering, and more and more people will recover.

The longer it takes, the worse it is for us! "Marven Ye's expression is very solemn at this moment, he really did not expect such a result at first, otherwise he would not agree with everyone to consume each other at the fastest speed.

"Then what should we do now? They are already starting to recover, but our people are constantly consuming, and if this continues, after all our people have exhausted the power of immortal essence, they will still be full of immortal essence. If it is full, then we will really have a tragedy!" Wen Ce said worriedly.

Originally, I wanted to fight them to the death, but in such a situation, do they still need to fight with others?

People are full of immortal energy, but they only have one body of spiritual energy. This is not on the same level at all. How can they fight against others?

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