Godly Student

Chapter 5400: Faceless!

"If it goes on like this, we won't be able to be their opponents at all. Now our situation is really bad!" Sun Qiao was also very worried.

Originally, they still had certain confidence to fight with the immortals on the opposite side to the end, even if they still lost in the end, but they thought about using their numerical advantage, even if they sacrificed some people, they had to fight with the other side.

It is best to destroy that passage.

But is it still necessary to fight?

Their power of immortal essence will only become less and less, but people are more and more, which is really sad.

"If we could have caught one or a few immortals, we wouldn't be so passive.

Now we have so many people who have exhausted the power of immortal essence, but there is no way to recover the power of immortal essence that can be used for fighting in such a short period of time. This is indeed a desperation. news! "Marven Ye shook his head, there really is no better way now.

"Although the owner allows us to escape, and has prepared an escape route for us, but if we really go back like this, it seems a little unreasonable, right?" Sun Qiao said.

In any case, they are also prominent figures in the Cheng family.

Even if the rest of the Cheng family didn't know what mission they were performing, if they just went back like this, would they still lie and tell everyone that their mission was completed perfectly?

They can't say such words, it's really embarrassing.

More importantly, such an important task cannot be completed, and they have no face to see the head of the family. Even the Cheng family would be in great danger for the failure of their mission in the future.

There will be immortals coming over this passage, but now there are only a dozen or so.

But if their mission fails, then there will be a steady stream of immortals coming from the opposite side.

What will happen to the Cheng family in the future? They really can't imagine it!

"It's just that according to this situation, the longer we delay, the weaker the strength on our side will be, while the strength on the other side will become stronger and stronger.

To put it in a bad way, our stay is to die for others.

Didn't Marven Ye say that the Patriarch has other arrangements? That being the case, it doesn't matter if we leave now.

The head of the family didn't want us to sacrifice in vain, and now we know that we can't fight them again. If we insist on fighting with them, is that equal to sacrifice in vain?

I don't think the owner would want to see this scene either. " Wen Ce said seriously.

Although he said these words, others would think he was a coward, but he knew it in his heart.

Instead of giving it away in vain, it is better to save the useful body first, and then make another picture later.

"Actually, Wen Ce is right, the current situation is extremely unfavorable for us. More and more of our people are depleting the power of immortal essence.

If the opposite immortals have also exhausted the power of immortal essence, or there is only a small amount of immortal essence left, we can completely fight with them to the end.

Even if we finally have to escape from the Inner Dynasty, we can do it.

But now, they are recovering the power of immortal essence. Now there is only one, but there will be two, three or four, and even everyone can restore the power of immortal essence.

We are already strong from outside, and we are at the end of the game, and they have reached their peak. It really doesn't make sense for us to insist on this.

If we escape from the Inner Dynasty now, at least we can take advantage of the fact that we still have some immortal energy to leave smoothly, otherwise we can only die here.

Of course, I am not saying that we are afraid of death. But we can't die in vain, even if we want to die, it's meaningful to die.

If we have the ability to destroy the passage, even if we die, we will die well, and it will be worth dying.

But now to die like this, I think everyone will not be reconciled! "Muheng said.

"That's the case, but when we come back to the Cheng family like this, how can we face the patriarch, the elders, and all the fellow members of the Cheng family?" Sun Qiao said embarrassedly.

In life, one always has to save face.

Going back like this, to be honest, even if it was really because the situation was not right, I still felt a little embarrassed and couldn't say such a thing.

"Although it's a little embarrassing, it really doesn't make any sense for us to continue to spend it. The big deal is that we don't go back first. After we restore the power of immortal essence, we will think of a way to see if there is a chance to kill the carbine?" Marven Ye thought thought about it.

He also felt that it was a bit embarrassing to go back now.

If it is said that Yu Nei Chao killed the world and the ghosts and gods, their casualties were also very serious, and they had no way to escape back to Cheng's house, which may seem that they have a bit of backbone.

But if they let so many of them flee directly back to the Cheng family, he was afraid that even if they just told the truth about the situation here, the elders of the Cheng family and even the head of the family would not believe their words.

They would only think that they were greedy for life and fear of death, and didn't do their best at all, and then everyone fled back.

If everyone really misunderstands them like this, then they might as well die here, at least to preserve their dignity.

"But we don't have the Immortal Essence Pill. Now everyone has exhausted the power of Immortal Essence. If we want to fully recover, it will take about a year.

The owner also said that four immortals will pass through this passage in about a month. That's nearly fifty in a year.

Now we can't even fight more than a dozen. If there are more than 50, we will not be their opponents.

At that time, even if we still have a chance to come in, it is estimated that we will not even have a chance to escape, let alone destroy the passage! " Marven Ye said.

"It won't work to kill the carbine after we have recovered the power of immortal essence, but it's meaningless for us to persist like this now~www.readwn.com~ As for returning to Cheng's house, although we are a little embarrassed, but We are not without our best efforts.

The head of the family and the elders do not want us to sacrifice in vain, so after we bring the situation back here, I believe they will not blame us. "Muheng said.

"They won't blame us, but now that so many of us have fled back, what will they think?

You may feel that we didn't do much at all, just seeing the situation was not good, we didn't even take the risk, and we fled back with everyone, how embarrassing it would be! " Marven Ye said with a troubled face.

As the chief commander of this operation, he came out with 10,000 people, and then brought 10,000 people back. Thinking about it, he felt embarrassed and wanted to drill into the ground.

Even if he did have a legitimate reason, he felt that he couldn't say it!

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