Godly Student

Chapter 5425: A seamless fit!

"You are already surrounded, so many immortal beasts, have you beaten them?" Zhenhun felt that Cheng Yu was surrounded by the aura of the Night Immortal Wolf, so he couldn't help worrying about Cheng Yu.

After all, these are all immortal beasts, and their strength should be at the level of immortals.

And judging from the attack strength of these Night Immortal Wolves just now, they are indeed very strong.

"If you can't beat me, I have to fight, or else we'll capture it and let them treat me as food?" Cheng Yu said.

"I don't know if the Immortal Demon Tower can still help you!" Zhenhun didn't have time to argue with Cheng Yu. At this time, Cheng Yu's situation was indeed very dangerous.

"Help can definitely help, but these are all immortal beasts. In such an active battle, the chance of the Immortal Demon Tower being able to help is not great now."

"If the Immortal Demon Tower doesn't work, then don't know if the Divine Tree will work?" Zhenhun reminded.

"Well, maybe only the divine tree can help me now!" Cheng Yu nodded and released the divine tree directly.

Cheng Yu once felt that he was a little lonely, the kind of loneliness that stands on the top of the world and has no opponents.

Because his strength is actually far beyond the human world, before the awakening, the Lord of the Inner Dynasty could compete with him, and even beat him.

But after his awakening, the strength of the human world cultivator is indeed impossible to compare with.

Therefore, Cheng Yu sometimes even felt that the monks in the human world were no longer worth his shot. Even if they didn't send troops to the imperial court, they were actually guarding against immortals.

Otherwise, with his strength, the Inner Dynasty would have been levelled long ago.

But since he came to this space, he felt that his sense of superiority disappeared without a trace.

I don't know where it is, but the enemies he encountered were all immortals.

But the problem is that he is still only a mortal, but the enemy is no longer a part of the human world. This situation is really strange.

That is him, if it were someone else, he would not be able to live for an hour in such a place.

At this time, judging from the number of these green eyes, there are at least hundreds of Night Immortal Wolves here.

Cheng Yu can indeed kill immortals, but when he encounters so many immortal beasts, others have long been scared to death, that is, someone like Cheng Yu who has seen the big scene can barely maintain the scene.

But even he was actually a little guilty in his heart.

He did fight twelve immortals during the Inner Dynasty, but there are too many opponents now.

"Fortunately, although the strength of these guys is of the immortal rank, their strength is not very strong, after all, they are worse than ordinary immortals.

So that's the only thing we can be thankful for! "Cheng Yu said.

Having said that, Cheng Yu himself knew very well that a single Yexian wolf would definitely not be as strong as Fanxian.

But with so many Yexian wolves together, let alone a mortal immortal, even a virtual immortal would have a headache.

Moreover, the Night Immortal Wolf has a ruthless energy, and it will never stop until it kills the enemy.

So this time he was really in big trouble.

"God tree, this time you really can't be afraid anymore, they are not the immortals who once killed you, but just a group of immortal beasts, take out your strength. As long as you can absorb their strength, you will definitely Even more powerful!" Cheng Yu also did not forget to seduce the gods.

He knew that the divine tree had a certain fear of immortal steps, which had a very important connection with the fact that it was once destroyed by immortals.

In fact, the current strength of the divine tree is really strong, but when it was in the inner court, the divine tree was obviously still afraid and could not fully exert its strength.

But now they are not encountering immortals, but immortal beasts. Maybe the divine tree will not have so many shadows.

Shenshu moved and gave Cheng Yu a response, as if he had accepted Cheng Yu's words.

"Okay! Then let's do a big vote this time, and you can also have a full meal!" Cheng Yu saw that Shenshu really had the confidence to fight with him, and suddenly felt a little more confident.

Otherwise, if he was alone, no matter how he could fight beyond the ranks, it would be impossible to deal with so many Night Immortal wolves at the same time.


I saw the divine tree suddenly hanging above Cheng Yu, and immediately protected Cheng Yu under the tree!


When those night fairy wolves saw such a huge divine tree, especially the strong aura of life emanating from this divine tree, these night fairy wolves not only were not afraid, but became even more excited.


These Night Immortal wolves began to roar irritably, and obviously couldn't hold back their inner excitement. If it wasn't for the wolf king's permission, they would have jumped on them directly.

Obviously, in the eyes of these night fairy wolves, this divine tree is not a mortal thing, and it is obviously of great benefit to them.

If you can absorb the power of this giant tree, it will definitely increase in strength.

So the sacred tree regarded them as food, but in turn, the sacred tree also became their food.

But these wolves are fairy beasts after all, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com's intelligence is also very high, and they are not in a hurry to attack the sacred tree, obviously their vigilance is also very strong.

"God tree, it seems that they also want to eat you, don't hold on, you can't really let them eat!" Cheng Yu felt a little numb in his heart when he saw the hungry appearance of these wolves.

I don't know if they can fight so many night fairy wolves alone.


But what Cheng Yu didn't expect was that the divine tree did not give Cheng Yu any response this time.

But at this unexpected moment, a root of the divine tree suddenly flew out and dragged a Night Immortal Wolf directly under the tree.

"Good job!" Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu couldn't help applauding the divine tree.

His response was not slow, and he dived straight up. Before the night fairy wolf could figure out the situation, Cheng Yu's sword pierced through his entire body, and the next moment he was taken into the fairy tower.

This cooperation is completed in one go, and it is simply a model of cooperation in later generations.


These Night Immortal Wolves obviously did not expect that the divine tree would make such a decisive move, and even under their noses, they blatantly made a sneak attack.

It all happened so fast that they didn't react at all.

However, it can also be seen that this divine tree is really not simple, so although these wolves roared extremely dissatisfied, they still did not rush to attack.

But then Shenshu tried to use the same method to make a few sneak attacks, but they all ended in failure.

Immortal beasts are not idiots, and the same tricks are already difficult to work in front of them.

Even though the number of these Night Immortal Wolves was a bit large, they did not allow the Divine Tree to succeed.

"It seems that we will really have a fierce battle next!" Cheng Yu was disappointed to see such a situation.

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