Godly Student

Chapter 5426: Refreshing battle!

These Night Immortal Wolves were obviously vigilant, and it would be very difficult for the Divine Tree's sneak attack to succeed.


I saw a roar from the wolf king among the wolves, and all the wolves rushed towards the divine tree fiercely in an instant.

However, the divine tree is not vegetarian, and its roots and branches stretch out long tentacles like the octopus.

All the hungry wolves that came up were slammed by these tentacles, and they flew far away in an instant.

In terms of a single battle, it may not be able to reflect the power of the divine tree. But when it comes to group battles, the power of the Divine Tree is instantly highlighted.

Cheng Yu could not handle so many Yexian wolves at the same time.

Even if Cheng Yu released the nine clones at the same time, it would be impossible to deal with so many Night Immortal wolves.

But the divine tree has so many roots and branches, it is countless hands and feet for the divine tree, and it is very easy to use.

So many hungry wolves rushed up, and all were thrown out by these tentacle-like roots and branches.

"God tree, get a few in, don't throw them all out!" Although Bu Chengyu really admired the **** tree's ability to fight in groups, but seeing the **** tree throw out all the hungry wolves that rushed up, this Make him hurry.

If so, wouldn't he become a soft eater?

It was agreed that everyone would fight side by side, but as a result, he could only hide under the divine tree and let the divine tree act as his protective umbrella, which seemed a bit outrageous.


As soon as Cheng Yu finished speaking, a night fairy wolf was let in by the divine tree.

Seeing this, Chengyu once again showed the excellent qualities of his best partner. He rushed up immediately, raised his knife and dropped it. Everything was very clean and neat, so he took the Night Immortal Wolf into the Immortal Immortal again. Inside the magic tower.

You must know that this is a fairy beast, even if it is just a corpse, it has great use value.

So Cheng Yu won't waste it at all, and now he doesn't have many enemies, so he has enough time to collect these corpses.

But he knew that if he fought a pack of wolves later, he wouldn't have so much time to collect corpses.

However, before Cheng Yu could think about it, the second, third, Yexian wolves, one after another, were put in by the divine tree.

"Enough is enough! Don't put it in any more!" But when he saw a dozen more Night Immortal wolves suddenly around him, Cheng Yu hurriedly yelled at the divine tree.

This guy really liked him enough to let a few in, but it turned out to be like a dam with its gates opened, completely letting these Night Immortal wolves rush in, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Swish swish!

But Cheng Yu didn't intend to show mercy now, and all the nine clones were released by him at once.

Each clone has the power of the other nine Cheng Yus, and when the power of Xianyuan is fully activated, it is not ordinary.

It's just that the power of immortal essence is consumed too fast.

But Cheng Yu now has the divine tree protecting him, so he is not very worried about the consumption of the power of immortal essence.

If it really can't be done, let the **** tree help him carry it for a while, and he will first restore the power of immortal essence in it.

So even the dozen or so Night Immortal Wolves did not pose much threat to Cheng Yu, and these Night Immortal Wolves didn't last long before they were all beheaded by Cheng Yu.

"Come again!" Cheng Yu was full of arrogance. At this moment, the strong smell of blood stimulated him, and he was eager to kill!

Whoosh whoosh!

The divine tree cooperated very well and let in more than a dozen night fairy wolves.

So, Cheng Yu inside was slaughtering frantically, while the divine tree acted as Cheng Yu's umbrella.

Although the **** tree's group battle ability is strong, it is still impossible to kill so many immortal beasts at the same time.

But although it can't kill them, it can at least ensure its own safety, and it won't let these wolves go under the tree at will and let them attack Cheng Yu.

So this kind of cooperation is really seamless, giving Cheng Yu enough room to play, and Cheng Yu can just stay under the tree and keep killing.

Although there were hundreds of Night Immortal wolves, when Shenshu and Cheng Yu used such cooperation to kill more than a hundred Yexian wolves, it was almost halfway through, and the wolf king was indeed frightened.

And as the number of wolves became less and less, the sacred tree also began to join the ranks of killing.

So these wolves are declining faster and faster.


Suddenly, the wolf king let out a long roar surrounded by the remaining wolves, and led the remaining wolves to escape directly.

"It's gone?" Cheng Yu was a little unsure when he saw that the wolves outside had disappeared without a trace.

Although this time was the time he encountered the most immortal-level enemies, it was also the coolest time he had ever killed.

The last time was mainly because the divine tree couldn't be let go. Of course, it was also because these night immortal wolves were of the immortal rank, but their strength really couldn't compare to those of ordinary immortals.

So under various reasons, Cheng Yu was indeed a little uncomfortable to kill at that time.

But today, what he killed was really cool.

With the tree of gods protecting him on the periphery, he doesn't have to worry about the number of his enemies suppressing him.

And the number of Night Immortal wolves put in by the Divine Tree was exactly what he was able to kill freely. This kind of slaughter without any hesitation simply made Cheng Yu feel refreshed.

It also allowed him to get the greatest release from the grievances he had suffered during this period of time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Since entering the Inner Dynasty, there are too many places that he needs to take care of.

Later, after escaping from the death of Neichao, he came to this ghost place again. When he was in several secret rooms before, he was also suffocated to death.

Now that he had left the secret room again, he had encountered so many Yexian wolves, and he thought he was about to suffer a catastrophe.

But he didn't expect that the divine tree really didn't disappoint him this time.

Even though Divine Tree did not kill as many Yexian wolves this time, the role that Divine Tree played in this battle was the most important and crucial.

Without the protection of the divine tree, these hundreds of night fairy wolves could kill more than half of them, and could they scare them away?

"Shenshu, this time we cooperated perfectly, next time we will deal with the inner court like this. You don't have to be afraid, your strength is also enough to calm the scene, even those immortals can't help you.

As long as you are not afraid of them, we can kill them as if they were the Night Immortal Wolves! "Cheng Yu said to the divine tree.

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"Come on! These are your spoils, if you absorb them, your strength will increase again!" Cheng Yu was very generous this time, killing nearly 200 night fairy wolves, but he directly One hundred and fifty corpses were brought out to the divine tree.

For Cheng Yu, there were about fifty corpses of the Night Immortal Wolf, which were actually enough for him to use.

So many corpses of the Night Immortal Wolf left to be absorbed by the Divine Tree is actually the best way to play the role of these corpses, which is far more valuable than storing them all, so Cheng Yu has no need to be reluctant.

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