Godly Student

Chapter 5430: be lost!

"But I don't know if they are running away or ambushing somewhere now. I'm not familiar with this place. Where can I run?" Cheng Yu frowned.

Judging from these corpses, these wolf-killing beasts are indeed not simple, and he does not want to meet these guys.

It's just that he really doesn't know where to go now.

In this dim environment, perhaps wherever he goes, he may encounter the wolf killer.

"Should we go back the same way?" Zhenhun reminded.

Although this is a bit of a waste of time, compared with Cheng Yu's life, it seems that wasting time is the most cost-effective.

"Well, for the time being, maybe the only way to come is the safest!" Cheng Yu thought for a while, and was indeed a little reluctant to go forward.

After all, they didn't find any terrifying beasts on the way, and now there are so many wolf corpses here, it is difficult for him to judge whether there are those beasts in ambush ahead or even in other directions.

So no matter how much, in this unfamiliar and dangerous environment, you should still put your own safety first.

It doesn't matter if you waste some time.

It's just that after Cheng Yu walked back for a while, he suddenly stopped again, frowning, and his face was full of doubts.

"What's wrong?" Zhenhun asked.

"Have you noticed that we seem to be lost?" Cheng Yu said blankly.

"Lost? How is this possible? Didn't you go back?"

"I did go back, but don't you think the environment here is different from when we just came here?"

"It's dark and dark everywhere, how do I know! And are you lost, or is the environment changing when you go back?"

He is just a tool soul. Although he will help Cheng Yuzhong observe the danger, he will not even observe the road Cheng Yu has walked so carefully.

And he never thought that Cheng Yu would get lost when he walked back.

"I'm a little unsure too!" Cheng Yu was really a little confused now.

If at first he was sure which direction he was coming from, then even if he can't tell the direction now, he can definitely tell the direction when he takes out the compass.

But the problem is that he didn't know which direction he came from before, so even if he took out a compass to distinguish east, west, north and south, he couldn't determine his previous direction.

It's just from his own intuition that he really keeps going back and doesn't seem to change his direction.

Although this place is very dark, it does not mean that he can't see the surrounding environment completely, at least he can still see clearly from a distance of more than ten meters.

So he knew that the environment he was in was not the same as before.

"Are you sure you didn't change direction just now?"

"It shouldn't be possible. I believe that this place is a little weird, not that I changed direction!" Cheng Yu said.

Even though he has changed his direction and the environment, he still thinks that the environment changes here make him feel more likely to get lost.

"Then what should we do now? Do you still want to go back?" Zhenhun obviously had nothing to do.

"Maybe I should turn back again to see if we can go back to the place where we encountered the corpses of the wolves just now! If we can still go back to that place, it means that I didn't change the direction and went the wrong way." Cheng Yu said.

"But if you can't go back to that place, you can't tell whether you changed direction or the surrounding environment changed.

Because both of these possibilities will cause you to not be able to return to the location where the corpses of the wolves are. ' said the soul.

"Yes, it's true, but I always have to try it. At least I remember the environment I just came back from. If I go back now, if the environment changes again, doesn't this mean that this place is really weird?" Cheng Yu said.

"That's true!"

"However, I now think that the environment is more likely to change, and I wondered before why I went in the exact opposite direction of those wolves, but they ended up dying on my path.

If it's because the environment here is changing all the time, then it all makes sense.

They will appear in that place entirely because of environmental changes! "Cheng Yu analyzed.

"There is some truth to what you say, but we still choose to go back and see if we can still find those corpses!" Zhenhun also believed Cheng Yu's words.

This place seems a little quirky!

So, Cheng Yu didn't want to waste any more time, and turned back to the location of the corpses of the wolves again.

It's just that Cheng Yu didn't go far before he felt that the environment in front of him became unfamiliar.

"I am more and more convinced that the environment here is constantly changing, and I must have never traveled to a place like this!" Cheng Yu said affirmatively.

"Then are we really stuck here?"

"Let's leave it alone, let's see if I can still find the corpses of those wolves!" Cheng Yu also knew that there was no better way at the moment, so he planned to walk for a while to see.

But when Cheng Yu walked a little further, UU read www. uukanshu.com Cheng Yu was completely stunned.

And at this moment, even if Cheng Yu didn't need to say it, Zhenhun felt that Cheng Yu was really lost, and Cheng Yu really didn't change his direction, he always walked in one direction.

Because there is a big river in front of them now.

"It seems that we really have no way to return to the original place. This place is indeed constantly changing the environment!" Zhenhun said.

"I just don't know if the environmental changes here are hallucinations or real!" Cheng Yu said.

"It should be real, otherwise how can we explain the corpses of the wolf pack we saw before? Those are real corpses!" Zhenhun said.

"This place is indeed a bit weird, and the environment here is so dim, if you are not sure of the direction, you can't go on." Cheng Yu said and took out the compass again.

Right now, only by following the compass can you be sure that you are indeed going in one direction.

Otherwise, the environment here has been changing like this, and no one can be sure if they have changed the direction inadvertently.

But when Cheng Yu took out the compass, he was speechless again.

The pointer of the compass kept circling, unable to stop to specify the direction.

"If there isn't a problem with this place, then someone is really manipulating everything behind the scenes and deliberately trying to confuse us!" Cheng Yu knew that even the compass was useless at this time, and his expression became more solemn.

"I may have a way now, you have been walking along this river, although the river is not straight, but at least we will not be confused by environmental changes." Zhenhun reminded.

To tell the truth, recently I have been using reading books to keep up with updates, switching sources, and reading aloud tones. It can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

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