Godly Student

Chapter 5431: Desperate!

"This may be a way, try it first, anyway we have to get out of this place first.

I guess that's not the case everywhere in this space! Cheng Yu nodded and chose to follow the lower reaches of the river.

This time it was much smoother, no matter whether the surrounding environment had changed, but at least the river was still on his left.

As long as this is the case, then they don't have to worry about going in the wrong direction. From beginning to end, they are still going in a general direction.

However, in terms of time, they should have been flying for a few days and nights. At Cheng Yu's speed, such a long flight has taken the world back and forth countless times.

Even in the world of comprehension, he has already traveled millions of miles.

But there is really no day in this place, and their environment has not changed much, which makes Cheng Yu a little impatient.

Because he doesn't know when it will be the end of flying like this.

And more importantly, Cheng Yu didn't know how long he had been gone. He suddenly found that the surrounding environment was a little familiar, which made him really can't believe it.

"We may be really trapped in this place. If I guessed correctly, we are back where we were!" Cheng Yu walked to a flat land by the river, where there was actually a fire.

This fire is not a trace left by other humans. It was Cheng Yu himself who killed a deer here a few days ago and made a fire left by a barbecue.

Looking at the traces of the fire that he had buried, Cheng Yu really began to feel discouraged.

Because he really couldn't find a way out of this repeated dilemma in front of him.

"How is this possible? You have been walking down this river, why did you return to the same place after walking for a few days?" Zhenhun was also completely speechless.

This has completely become a dead end, no matter how you go, it seems that you can't get out of this land.

"If I could say it clearly, I might not be trapped here!" Cheng Yu sat helplessly by the fire, and a fire was raised again, and he took out the food and baked it.

"At this time, you still have the mind to eat? Shouldn't you find a way to get out of here?" Zhenhun was really anxious when he saw that Cheng Yu was roasting meat again.

Now that they can't even find their way, Cheng Yu still has an appetite to eat. He is really convinced.

"If I could find it, I would have found it long ago, and I can't find it anyway. Of course, I have to come down and eat something. At this moment, perhaps only food can soothe my hurt feelings!" Cheng Yu wanted to continue searching, but he It's really boring.

It's not that the physical strength can't keep up, but the mood can't keep up.

At the beginning, he was really confident. As long as he followed the river, he would always walk out of this land and see a different scenery.

But the fact is, he was just blindly confident, and after walking for so many days, he still flew very hard.

But what was the result? After walking for so long, he finally returned to the place he had walked before. What could make him more discouraged than this?

Since I can't go out anyway, I might as well stop and take a break and make something delicious to make my heart feel a little better.

"It's a pity that you can't come out, otherwise I really want to have a few drinks with you. It's really boring for me to drink alone!" Cheng Yu was eating barbecue meat and drinking fine wine, but he always felt that it was still bad. made a little sense.

Although he seems to be in a desperate state now, if someone drinks with him, it will not make him feel so uncomfortable.

Zhenhun can talk to him, but this kind of talk is not really talking, it is just an exchange of ideas.

So Cheng Yu really felt a little lonely and wanted to find someone to talk to.

"Isn't it very simple for you to find someone to get drunk? Have you forgotten that there are two people living in your mountain and river map?" Zhenhun said.

"Huh? Black and white old demon? Zhenhun, you really woke up the dreamer with one word, I almost forgot them!" Cheng Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly called out the black and white two demons and gave them to them. One bottle of wine for two.

"Master, why do you have time to call us out for a drink today? Could it be that the master's plan has been accomplished and the world has been won?" The black and white two demons took over the wine, and before they came to observe the surrounding situation, they smiled happily. stand up.

Although the two of them have always stayed in the mountains and rivers map, Cheng Yu has always provided them with resources for cultivation.

And there is no catastrophe in the mountains and rivers map, so the two of them were forcibly poured into the monks of the tribulation period by Cheng Yu with resources.

Cheng Yu originally planned to let them go to the outside world to see.

After all, the current Xuantian sect is no longer the Xuantian sect of the year, so even if you know that the black and white demons have appeared, you can't help them.

So they don't have to be afraid of Xuan Tianzong anymore.

But the two of them have become accustomed to living in the mountains and rivers map, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and the abundance of aura of the Mountains and Rivers map is far from what the outside world can match.

Therefore, the two of them would rather sacrifice their freedom than continue to practice in the mountains and rivers.

According to what they meant, they would only come out when Cheng Yu really needed their help, or when they needed to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

For this, Cheng Yu did not intend to force them.

In the past, he thought it didn't matter, but today, he felt that it was too right to keep the black and white demons in the mountains and rivers.

At least at this moment, someone can finally talk to him in a real sense, and can also accompany him to drink.

Cheng Yu was also very happy to see the two of them.

Although they first met because of hostility, after so many years, the relationship between their master and servant has already become an old friend.

"It's halfway through, but I'm stuck in this ghost place. Now I want to find you two to drink and relieve my boredom. Come, let's have a drink today!" Cheng Yu picked up two Throwing the barbecue to the two of them, they lifted the bottle and raised their heads to drink.

"Master, are you trapped? Who has the ability to trap you?" The second old man was about to drink, but was surprised by Cheng Yu's words.

In their eyes, Cheng Yu's plan didn't need their help at all.

Because they know how strong Cheng Yu is. Although they are already in the tribulation period, they are actually like ants in front of the young master, and they are not of much value.

This is also one of the reasons why they don't want to come out of the mountain and river map.

If Cheng Yu really needed them, they would have come out long ago. After all, Cheng Yu took care of them for so many years, and they also hoped to repay Cheng Yu.

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