Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 811: How to crack?

The second special ability of this giant poisonous cockroach is naturally poisonous. Look at the big **** on its back. It is all venom inside.

Don't underestimate these venoms. Take its current strength. Once these venoms are released. Even the distracting defensive hood can be corroded. Its power can be seen.

At last. The tongue of this big guy is very hard and flexible. Can be compared to the upper one. the most important is. Its tongue also has the role of a paralyzed person. If it is entangled in it. People's reactions and speeds will become slow and slow. The strength will also be greatly reduced. So be careful of its tongue. Don't get caught up in it.

But it is also because its tongue is so powerful. This is also an excellent material for refining magic. If you can get it. Make it an aggressive magic weapon. There is a great chance that the advanced becomes a spirit. Even the Horcrux. . Cheng Yu explained the power of this giant poisonous scorpion and explained it to everyone.

"It's so powerful." The crowd said with shock.

Ah~ah~ah. really. Cheng Yu’s words have just been finished. Then I heard the screams coming from the front again. It turns out that there are only a few strong powers in the late stage of distraction. It turned out that the giant poisonous scorpion was pierced by a big cockroach.

Suddenly I saw a lot of black liquid ejected from the cockroach. In an instant, several injured detached monks were eroded by the Yuanli defensive cover composed of the power of the Yuanshen. More importantly, these people apparently did not think that this giant poisonous scorpion had such strength. Even if you can't avoid it, you will be eroded together. Then issued a series of screams.

"Good tyrannical venom." See this scene. Everyone was shocked.

"Awesome big man. White brother. What kind of monster is this." Lu Yiyang was surprised.

"I don't know. It seems that this guy is not like a Warcraft." Bai Yichen shook his head and said.

"Is it a monster? It doesn't seem like it." Ke Yixuan and others frowned.

"The world is big. It's not something we can fully understand. In this dangerous land. There will definitely be a lot of things we don't understand. Otherwise, this dangerous land will not stump everyone for thousands of years. But what we need most now is Let's solve this monster first. Otherwise, we can't walk the road below," Bai Yichen said.

Even if he is Bai Yichen, he thinks that he has read the world of literature from a young age. I really can't recognize the giant things standing in front of him. But what he can be sure of is. This monster is definitely not a Warcraft. It is not a monster. He had to re-recognize the world he thought he knew very well.

Although very reluctant. But now they must also intervene. This big guy kills people unambiguously. Kill it like this again. The people in their team are dead. Then I can only go back to the outside.

"Teacher. I didn't expect this big cockroach to be like you said. It's so good. It's so many people who are distracted. It's got rid of this guy in an instant. Especially the venom on the back. It can be said that God's power defense is nothing. If you can collect some of these venoms, then it is not easy to deal with the distraction period." And at the farthest point. The heart of Luo Luo swallowed a few mouthfuls of water. Said with a look of surprise.

"Then you don't want to think about it. This venom is powerful. But once it flows out of it, the venom will slowly fail. It will eventually become a common poison. I want to store it for later use. That is not Maybe. But if you want to take poisonous mice, it is not good." Cheng Yu smiled and shook his head.

This venom kills people like grass. Xinluo thought it was good. If this thing can be stored by itself, it is indeed a good killing weapon. Especially when dealing with the distracting masters. I must be able to kill each other and be caught off guard.

"There is still such a thing. The world is really nothing. It’s just that you can’t take it for yourself. It’s a great pity.” Look at the monks who are still fighting against the giants. One fell down. Xinluo is totally unconcerned. Just a sigh of regret.

This is the law of survival in the world of cultivation. For them. Not so much sense of justice. Even if there is a sense of justice. You must have that strength. Otherwise it is stupid.

Moreover. This world of comprehension has people all the time because of interest, greed,

Experience, ambiguity, helplessness, etc. lost life. There are so many things they see about such things. Naturally, there is not so much sense of responsibility. Or I am the ambition of the world.

They will die when they die. If you die, you can exchange for them. Then why is it dead?

"Teacher. This strange animal is so mysterious and rare. In addition to those peerless powerhouses. There are very few people who know it. But you know how to get it from here." Xinhe saw the giant scorpion that killed the Quartet. Very confused to see Cheng Yu said.

In his heart. I have always felt that Cheng Yu is just a worldly lucky winner who has been passed down by peerless powerhouses. Despite having a cultivation talent. And the extraordinary wisdom and the luck of the nouveau riche. Others should be ignorant.

However, since I met Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu brought them too many miracles. It is understandable that he does not understand many rules about the world of cultivation. After all, Cheng Yu comes from the world. But in this experience of the real world. He should win the process of countless.

However, the opposite is true. This road comes. Everything Cheng Yu showed was told to him. He did not know Cheng Yuduo. Even far from Cheng Yuduo.

The best example is the secular sorcerer. How can an ordinary lucky child know about ghosts? To know. Ghost repair is not a creature of this world. Their existence is not known to many monks in the realm of cultivation. Even if I heard that Ghost Repair is just staying on the title. It is impossible to know about his characteristics.

But Cheng Yu is not the case. Not only is the habit and characteristics of the ghost repair clear. Even the encounter with this strange animal is just a few treasures. Learn about it thoroughly. It is really puzzling.

"Haha. I said that people who have not attended the nine-year compulsory education are illiterate. You still don't believe it. Although my talent is very good, you all have a good understanding. But you still don't know enough about me.

In the world. I am the national college entrance examination champion. You think this is just a false name. but. You never know. When you sleep and rest. I used time to expand my knowledge.

Tell you. There is such a saying in the world. Knowledge alters your fate. If you also want to be like me. Change your own destiny. I recommend you to go to Shandong Lanxiang Technical School. This is a college in China that can do everything. Only you are not willing to learn. No, they are not willing to pay. You can consult your younger brother, Teacher Yao. I was what she taught.

of course. My wife is naturally impossible to teach you. But you can tell her about the faculty and consultation calls of Lanxiang Technical School. It is said that I introduced it. Pack you out of school. Cheng Yu patted his chest. He said vowed.

"Lanxiang Technical School. What is this place. Teacher. Is this a secular college?" Xinhai listened very seriously. Very solemnly said.

"Yes. This is the high school that teaches people in secular education. It knows astronomy. Under the knowledge of geography. Knowing the origin of life. Knowing the universe for countless years. The talents cultivated are omnipotent." Cheng Yu saw the heart. The sea seems to really believe his words. The heart is happy. It’s even more exciting.

"Do you have a prophet in this secular college?" Xinhai was shocked.

Hey. Several women heard that Cheng Yuzhen had a slap in the face. I can't help but snicker. I completely forgot the darkness that was still not far away in front of them. The tragic situation continues. The feeling of fear was relaxed at once.

"No brains. Your brothers and sisters are laughing and can't stand straight. You really think what he said is true." Xinhe did not take a good slap in the heart of the brain. Ramp.

"Senior brother. What are you talking about? Is it in your heart. You brother is such a person who likes nonsense. Do not believe you ask a few of your younger siblings. In China. Who does not know that Lanxiang technical school is embarrassed to say I have read the book myself." Cheng Yu squinted. Pretending to be serious.

Xinhe looked at a few women of Cheng Yu~www.ltnovel.com~ Several women were blushing. They smiled and nodded.

"Oh. Just your words. I can believe that 50% is my limit. And that 50% is from the younger brothers and sisters." Xinhe snorted and snorted.

"Illegal. Do not explain." Cheng Yu is contemptuous of the **** against the heart of the river.

"Brother. That

Is the group crazy? "Ke Yixuan, a few people who saw Cheng Yu standing at the farthest point were still talking and laughing. They didn't go forward to help fight. They didn't escape the posture. They looked puzzled.

"Hey. Look at them like you still want to fish in troubled waters." Gu Yilin said something uncomfortable.

Originally they just wanted to hit the ideas of those women and they were kind enough to let them enter their wing. But now they are actually watching the show. There is also a laugh. This makes them feel ashamed of the stalemate with this giant. And how not to be angry.

"Teacher. It is not a way to see them go on like this. Since you understand this giant poisonous sorrow. Do you have any way to kill it." Xinhe watched everyone else have entered the battle. Only these few people are left here. I also feel that something is not appropriate. But if you just rushed up. It seems that it does not play any big role. I can only pin my hopes on Cheng Yu.

"Well, it's not. No. It just doesn't do much good for us." Cheng Yu squinted at the cockroach that had been scarred. Said.

"Why." Everyone is puzzled and looks at Cheng Yu.

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