Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 812: Fire feathers!

"Teacher, since you understand this giant poisonous sorrow, you can have a way to cope, or else it is not a way to go on!" Xinhe looked at so many strong people to deal with a giant python is only a stalemate The role, and those who are repaired as a time to fold one from time to time, and then fight down, the consequences are worrying!

"The way! No, no, but we are now shooting, it is not good for us!" Cheng Yu looked at the battle in the distance, casually said.

"Teacher, why is this?" Xinhe and others said inexplicably.

"I explained it to you just now. This giant poisonous tongue is a treasure. If you can get it, when you create a few magic weapons, then there is hope to become a Horcrux! You look at it now. The power will know!" Cheng Yu said.

Although there was a giant poisonous cockroach here, he was surprised, but from the moment it appeared, Cheng Yu was more delighted. Its tongue is very tough and has a paralyzing effect, which is a good material.

"It turned out that this is the case. The younger brother has a real opinion. If you don't say it, we have forgotten that we are still a disciple of the refining hall. Isn't the refinement magic weapon our strength? If it is really like the younger brother, this thing is so good. It is really a good magic weapon!" Hearing Cheng Yu's thoughts, Xin Luo said with joy.

"Cut, you dare to say that the refiner is your own strength, not afraid of flashing your tongue, and you don't know who it was. Last year, refining a Chinese treasurer almost blew up the refining hall. I almost didn't kill you!" Xinhai was very disdainful and grinned, and revealed the old bottom of Xinluo.

"Isn't that too exciting? I haven't been stable for a while, then I said, you haven't made it out like this?" Xinluo's face was red, and it was unwilling to uncover the shortness of his heart.

"Cut, luck is good, one day, one day, I can also refine the spirits like the Qingxu Shibo!"

"Oh, you two, is it time to talk about this?" Xinhe did not breathe the conversation between the two people. "Teacher, since you want this poisonous tongue refining magic weapon, then we are even more It should be shot to kill it, or else all these people will be defeated, and the power of us will not be enough to deal with it. Will it be our own and unjust?

"I don't help, but people's nature is greedy. I am afraid that we will kill this thing. In the end, they are not willing to let us collect this spoils!" Cheng Yu said.

If these people are not stunned by the baby, they will not be so easily stunned. Now they are not just paying for their greed.

Moreover, Cheng Yu did not say anything, that is, he did not want to expose his cards in front of outsiders.

"But if these people are really dead, we will become very difficult in the future, and there will be no one who even explores the road!" said Xinhe.

"Yeah! Cheng Yu, if you have a way to help them! You see that they have died so many people, how pitiful!" Cheng Yu's several women listened to the screams in the distance, women's sympathy The heart was suddenly out of control, although they also knew that it was normal to die in this realm of cultivation, but these people died in front of them, and they could not help but burst into compassion.

"Since you all said this, then I can only shoot, or else I don't know what you are as impersonal! In fact, it is simple. This giant poisonous genus is water, wet, avoiding dryness, fear. Fire. As long as we use fire, it can easily hurt it!" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

"Fire? Yu Shidi, you should not say that you can deal with such a powerful beast with ordinary firewood?" Xin Luo said with a look of doubt.

"This kind of fire certainly deals with such a big guy. If you have practiced the fire attribute, you still have a great threat to this poisonous beast. You see that among those people, some people attack the fire. Obviously, it played a very big role in the battle." Cheng Yu pointed to some people still in the battle.

"You guys don't hurry to help kill the enemy, but still gesticulating there, what do you want to do? Do you think we are dead, can you still live?" Just as Cheng Yu pointed at them at them, they were fighting hard. Gu Yilin finally couldn’t help but embarked on Cheng Yu.


This guy has suffered a lot of injuries, and his heart is full of anger, but seeing Cheng Yu they are still talking about how to be angry. Originally, he thought that with their strength, it was already advantageous to enter this mirror.

But no one had thought that they had come across such a powerful enemy not far away, which is really unfavorable. To know that they have been in the fog for two or three months, and repeatedly think that this fog has no other danger than to make people confused.

"Hey, look at their arrogant look, or Yu Shidi said right, if these guys are greedy, they will be overwhelmed by the treasures, how can they cause such a big trouble. I want to say, still wait for this poisonous beast Kill them all, we will kill the big guy again, so no one will grab the best refining materials with us!” Xinhai saw that the ancient Yilin is like that, dare to be so arrogant, and the heart is not good. Said.

"Teacher, even if you say that the fire attribute attack is really useful for this poisonous illusion, but it seems that it is not that simple to kill it. You see that these guys have been playing for so long, just hurt it. Even if we add us, we can't kill it!" Xinhe glanced at the sea and asked Cheng Yu again.

"Hey! I really don't want to expose myself to these people! I know that you are not good at fire attribute attacks, but don't forget it!" Cheng Yu smiled softly, his right hand waved, suddenly a big red bird Appeared in front of everyone.

"Ha ha! It turned out to be fire feathers. We really forgot this thing. Compared with fire, I think there is no one who is better than Huo Yu in addition to Yu Shidi!" Seeing the fire feathers appear, everyone is suddenly Excited.

You must know that of course, when the secular sorcerer repaired, everyone saw the power of the fire feather. And it turned out to be Cheng Yu's Danhuo, and it seems that Cheng Yu's killing range is wider. In the Qing Dynasty, there are absolutely incalculable achievements.

Hey! When the fire feather came out, he yelled at Cheng Yu. It seemed to be complaining that Cheng Yu had put it in the middle of the mountain river for too long.

"Hey! Fire feather, I know that you don't like to stay in the mountain river map, but now I am not suitable to take you with you at any time. When the time is ripe, you will follow the boss every day!" Cheng Yu smiled and patted There is a higher number of fire feathers than oneself, and there are some apologies in my heart.

Hey! The fire feather nodded, and it was agreed with Cheng Yu.

"Yu Shidi, although the fire feather is good at using fire, its Danhuo is indeed very powerful, but it is only the beginning of distraction, and this giant poisonous 蟾 you also say that it is much stronger than the late part of the distraction. You Didn't it hurt Huo Yu?" Xinhe said with some concern.

Hey! However, Cheng Yu hasn't spoken yet. Huo Yu has already shouted at the dissatisfaction of Xinhe. Obviously, he is dissatisfied with the disappointment of Xinhe.

"Oh, brother, sometimes the realm and strength are not absolute. Although the fire feather is only the realm of distraction in the early days, but its strength and which distraction in the middle of the distraction or even the distraction later dare to look down. Besides, this giant poison Although the illusion is powerful, it depends on who the object is. It is the so-called one thing to drop a thing, the poisonous illusion and the fear of fire, so the appearance of the fire feather, is born to restrain this thing!

Fire feathers, let them see your power, tell them that the realm is a fart! I want to be more and more! Cheng Yu is very patted by the fork of the fire.

Hey! After listening to the words of Cheng Yu's domineering, Huo Yu excitedly called a few sounds, turned into a red light and rushed toward the front!

The people present are busy fighting. Where will they notice that Cheng Yu is a few people, naturally he will not notice that Cheng Yu suddenly summoned a Warcraft out.

"Fire King King?" But the fire feathers rushed toward them, but it scared a lot of people, a strange monster is already very unbearable, and if there is another Warcraft, it will be. But what makes everyone look a little better is that this Warcraft only has the strength of the early stages of distraction.

Just when someone wanted to smash the fire feathers first, the two wings of the fire feathers suddenly turned a few injured people to the side, but the fire feathers did not hurt, even though they were fanned out. But there was no injury, but it was a shock to these people.

Hey! For the monks who are in the way of their own eyes ~www.ltnovel.com~Fire feather shouting expressed dissatisfaction, the fire feathers flying low

The two claws grabbed a guy who was holding a long sword and was ready to go up. The man was inexplicably fell a big head and was unknown.

"Everyone spreads out, this fire giant bird is here to help us!" Everyone saw this red-hot bird did not mean hurting people, but constantly made people out of the battle circle, and finally someone understood this big The bird's intentions began to spread out.

Obviously, the giant poisonous sorcerer hated the behavior of the fire feather. The food that could have been caught in the mouth was saved by the bird (of course, this is for the giant poisonous animal's own body shape). Not angry? Spit a long tongue and stretched over to the fire feather, want to roll it into your mouth!

Hey! But the fire feathers don't let it do? A big mouth, a phoenix-shaped flame ejected, and rushed toward the poison.

Hey! The fire feathers spurt out the phoenix, and the cockroaches can be hard to pick up, the tongue, the pain and the hurriedly recovered, and the phoenix blazes, the poisonous illusion immediately screams!

"What! This fire giant bird in the early days of the distraction actually hurt the monster so gently?" Seeing the fire feathers squirting a strange flame, they killed them for a long time before they hurt the other side. He was hurt, and everyone’s chin fell off the ground! God level transfer student


The body of the 821th chapter of the fire feathers!

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