Ye Li doesn't pay attention to these gene warrior's screams, he continues to go with the wind butterfly toward the high wind mountain.

Finally, he and Fengdie arrived at the foot of Gaofeng mountain.

Gao Fengshan!

The so-called high wind mountain, is high, and there are strong winds.

The wind was so strong that it seemed to tear everything apart.

The wind butterfly is still at the foot of the mountain, so I can't stand it.

"Sir, the wind is too strong here." Feng die looked at Ye Li awkwardly, "I'm a little embarrassed."

Ye Li thought, don't say it's you. Even if I go up the mountain, I can't stand it.

Then he opened the points mall to see if there was anything that could withstand the wind.

Not to mention, there are still.

Close the wind Dan!

Ye Li bought two closed wind pills without hesitation.

"Eat it." Ye Li handed a closed wind pill to the wind butterfly.

The wind butterfly looks at the closed wind Dan that leaves leave to pass over, white face appeared a touch of doubt color, "elder, what is this?"

"Just eat it." Ye Li said slowly.

The wind butterfly hears the speech to take the close wind Dan, and then ate.


Fengdie is stunned because she finds that she is not afraid of the strong wind from the high wind mountain.

"Master, you are so divine." The wind butterfly says to Ye Li.

I don't know when, the wind butterfly's respect for the leaves has been like a continuous river.

Like the wind butterfly, Ye Li has never heard how much he has heard since he crossed the parallel world. Naturally, he treats it with an ordinary heart.

Later, Ye Li and Fengdie began to climb the mountain.

After a while, they came to the middle of Gaofeng mountain and found a big hole.

"Master, do you think the treasure is in this big hole?" Butterfly leaves from the wind said.

Leaf from nodded, "very likely, let's go in and have a look."

They began to walk into the cave.

But soon after they arrived in the cave, a very cold voice came into their ears.

"I can't believe that there are still humans in the red ghost cave. It's really unexpected."

Immediately, a dozen ghosts will appear in front of Ye Li and Feng die.

Ye Li looks at these ghost generals and finds that they are all king level realm of five terraces.


Looking at this scene, the wind butterfly can't help but pull the corner of the leaf, she is certainly afraid.

Ye Li gives Feng die a reassuring look. Looking at this look, Feng die is relieved.

She understood that, like Ye Li's existence, no matter what happened, his face would not have the slightest fluctuation.

"Human beings, can you tell me how you came to this red ghost cave?" A king level ghost of five terraces would stare at Ye Li and Fengdie.

Leaf from a smile, he looked at the ghost light, "you guess I will tell you?"

Not only this ghost general, but also more than a dozen five terrace King level ghost generals were a little bit stunned. They didn't think that Ye Li had not a little fear when facing them, on the contrary, he was so indifferent.

"What if I must tell you, man?" The king level ghost General of five terraces said to Ye Li again.

Ye Li shook his head. He glanced at a dozen five level King level ghost generals in front of him and said slowly:

"do you know that the clouds of the nine days are drooping and the waters of the four seas are standing

As soon as the words were said, more than a dozen five terrace King level ghosts were all startled. Before they came back to their senses, a cold light appeared in the red ghost cave.


The sound of swords and Dragons appeared in their ears.

A five clawed blood dragon sits on the top of Ye Li's head, making the red ghost cave red.

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