
A dozen five terrace King level ghosts looked at Ye Li's sharp sword and were all frightened.

"Man, the sword in your hand..."

They only feel that the sword in Ye Li's hand is really terrible.

Not only these ghost generals, but also Fengdie was shocked. She swore that she had never seen such a terrible sword since she was born.

"This sword is called Taigu Longyuan sword." Ye Li faintly looked at a dozen five terrace King level ghost generals in front of him. "It's also the sword that makes you scared out of your wits."


More than a dozen five terrace King level ghosts all stepped back several steps and looked at Ye Li in horror.

"Human beings, don't you think you can do something to us with this sword?"

A five terrace King level ghost suddenly said to Ye Li.

"What do you say?" Ye Li looks at the ghost with a face of ignorance.

The king level ghost General of the five terraces got angry. "Brothers, the sword in his hand is really terrible, but we don't need to be afraid at all. After all, we are ghost generals."

Hearing this, more than a dozen King level ghost generals of the five terraces were all stunned and thought, yes, why should they be afraid?

"Human beings, we are not afraid of you!" A king level ghost of five terraces opened his mouth to Yeli lenglengleng.

With a smile, Ye Li put up the sword of Taigu Longyuan and said slowly, "no one made you afraid. It was you who wanted to be afraid just now. What does it have to do with me?"

More than a dozen five terrace King level ghosts will be extremely angry,

"human, I will eat up your soul!"

All of a sudden, a king level ghost General of five terraces rushed towards Ye Li.

Ye Li shook his head. He really didn't understand how the ghost would dare to attack him. He really didn't know what the taste of the ghost was like?


But I saw: Ye Li, holding the Taigu Longyuan sword, chopped it out. In a moment, he flew out to the king level ghost of the five terraces. The speed was like lightning.

The king level ghost of the fifth terrace, who was attacking Ye Li, could not help but shrink his pupils. At the moment, he had endless regret in his heart. If he could come back again, he would choose to flee for his life, and the speed would reach the fastest in history.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world!

"My life is dead!"

The king level ghost of the five terraces who rushed to Ye Li cried out, and then was hit by the supreme sword. He disappeared from the world forever.

This How is that possible?

The remaining ten five terrace King level ghosts were scared out of their wits as much as they could.

"Man, how can you be so strong?"

A ghost in the king level of five terraces looks at Ye Li in horror.

Ye Li's calm smile, he looked at the ghost will speak, slowly opened his mouth: "because I am the devil, Ye Li."

Sound falls, Ye Li holds up Taigu Longyuan sword, one word at a time: "xuantianba magic sword formula!"

With the SSS divine level skill xuantianba magic sword, more than a dozen five level King level ghosts melted them into nothingness.

Fengdie is shocked. She is really shocked.

She really can't understand why there are such terrible people in this world.

Ye Li's face did not fluctuate. He thought that the red ghost cave was still very deep, so he had to go on.

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